Chapter 86

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Roxy pov

For the majority of the time we had alone, Jaden and I literally just cuddled on the bed, too tired and achey to actually do anything else. I told him about Linda and ultimately left it up to him to decide what he wanted to do.

He was too lazy to go down to reception so he just did an online complaint form. He also left a review on the hotel website about her specifically. When he was done he dropped his phone on my stomach considering I was laying on top of him, my back flush to his chest, and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"You do realise we have to go soon right?" I said as he whined and groaned.

"It's literally one, we still have four hours before we have to leave." He pointed out.

"Yeah I know, but your mom and dad are still with the girls. They need to go home too." I countered.

"Okay, but the minute we go home, granted we will be with the girls again, we will also have to deal with fucking Holden again." He argued.

"Boo fucking hoo. If he really wants to start then he can get his ass a flight back to LA. I want to go to a place where people won't try to look at my husband without clothing." I said as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Five more minutes?" He asked in my ear.

"No because your time management is fucking shocking and we'd be here for the rest of the day if we did your version of five minutes." I laughed as he groaned.

"I'm not opposed to that." He said.

"Get up. We're going home." I said as I unwrapped his arms and walked towards the door.

"I guess I'll take the bag then." He said sarcastically as he picked it up.

"Well Casper isn't gonna fucking do it." I replied as he deadpanned me.

I laughed and held the door open so he could walk out. The bitch didn't say thank you and got a slap on the arm. We walked down to the reception and handed in our key. On the way towards the edge we passed by Linda, and I couldn't help but be petty.

"Just because he has clothes on now, doesn't mean you have the right to look at him Linda." I said with a sarcastic smile as we left.

"You're so petty." Jaden said as he shook his head at me playfully.

"And? What about it?" I shot back laughing.

We drove home in a peaceful silence. Well I say peaceful, he drove home with a smug smile on his face because he tricked me into hugging him while he picked the car keys off my keychain. He kept one hand on my thigh as he used the other to turn the wheel.

The drive home didn't take too long. Jaden tried to convince me to stay in the car for a little bit because he really didn't want to have to put up with Holden, but I told him I wouldn't stay with him so that his parents could go home. He groaned like a baby and got out of the car sulking.

When we opened the door, we were met with the sound of a baby crying. I was confused because Jordan is normally a quiet baby, so this wasn't normal for us. I walked further into the house and looked into the living room to see Holden trying to force feed her some green food.

"Get the fuck away from my baby. What are you doing?" I asked as I pushed him away from Jordan.

"She needs to get thinner. You should probably feed her healthier foods." He said as he stood up and dusted off his shirt.

"That's not your fucking decision to make. She doesn't need to be thinner, she isn't even a year old. Her body is still fucking developing." Jaden said as he walked over to me and Jordan.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked her as I checked over her body to make sure she wasn't hurt.

She didn't answer because she can't really talk, but she held onto me tight and continued to cry. Jaden stood behind me and kissed her head a few times to calm her down.

"Where's mom and dad?" He asked, not looking away from Jordan.

"Dad is outside with the dogs and mom is upstairs with Leela." Holden shrugged.

"Why the fuck were you with Jordan? You've shown no interest in either of my children since you got here." I snapped at him.

"You may think I'm a bad person, but I have kids of my own." He defended.

"And I feel fucking sorry for them. You're a danger to children." I spat as he got angry.

"You fucking take that back you bitch." He shouted as he lunged at me. Jaden intervened and pushed him onto the sofa so he didn't touch me.

"She's holding my fucking child Holden. Even if she wasn't, I know you did not just dare to push my wife. You know what? I've tried, I really fucking have. But I'm not going to force her to keep quiet about you anymore. The only fucking reason you are here is because mom refused to come if you weren't there. You got annoyed when she told you you're a danger to children but yet you went for her, knowing damn well she was holding my baby. Book a flight back to LA, if you need to, go stay with mom and dad, but you aren't staying here another night." Jaden shouted at him.

I had walked into the kitchen when he pushed him so that Jordan wouldn't see her dad like that, but we could definitely still hear him.

"Adda?" She said looking around for Jaden. She could hear him, but couldn't see him.

"Dadda will be here in a minute Chicken." I said as the shouting died down.

She started playing with my hand and the ring as my attention was brought to the doorframe. Jaden was stood there, watching us. His chest was rising and falling at a quick pace and his knuckles were a little red, but he was calm. He walked over to me and stood in front of Jordan.

"Is he gone?" I whispered to him.

"If he isn't he's gonna fucking regret it." He answered back.

"Adda." Jordan cheered when she saw Jaden.

"Hello baby." He smiled as he picked her up, her doing grabby hands at him.

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