Chapter 64

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Roxy pov

After Leela had gone up to bed, I got a pen and signed the document. Jaden said that he'd get it processed when he went in on Monday and she'd legally be my daughter by the end of the week.

We were in the kitchen sorting through things before we went up to bed. Although I was ridiculously tired this morning, I had started to feel a lot better throughout the day.

I had turned to grab us both out a bottle of water from the fridge when things suddenly got really quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the smooth sound of Lovely was encompassing the room. When I turned around I saw Jaden leant against the side of the counter just watching me.

"Can I help you?" I laughed as he pushed off of the counter and walked over to me.

"I love you so damn much." He said as he pulled me I to a hug.

"I owe my god damn life to you." I said back as he quickly pulled away from the hug.

"Okay, this isn't how I wanted this to go, but fuck it. I physically cannot wait anymore, I might actually fucking burst. I don't have anything prepared so this is going to be a word vomit but I know in my heart that this is what I want. You have made both mine and Leela's life so much better when you walked into it. Even before we were actually civil, you made things so much better when you agreed to being her doctor. She loves you and adores you. I for one will forever be grateful for everything you have done, and I promise to love you until the Earth ends. So, with that being said, Roxy Hawthorne, will you do me the honours of being the happiest man alive, and marry me?" He asked me as he took a ring box out of his pocket and got down on one knee.

"You know, I've always hated my birthday. But today that has changed. Because in a full twenty four hours, you have managed to give me a daughter, and a fiancé. Of course I'll marry you." I beamed as he stood up and engulfed me in a hug.

"I love you so much." He said as he kissed me.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I mumbled against his lips as I broke the kiss momentarily.

He turned us and lifted me onto the counter, standing between my legs. He pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against mine as he smiled wide at me.

"Do you always have that ring in your pocket?" I asked as the thought came into my head.

"No, I quickly got it out of the drawer before you opened it to get a pen out." He admitted as he laughed.

"It's gorgeous." I smiled as I looked down at the ring he slid on my finger.

It was a simple, thin, black band with a white diamond in the centre. I've always said how I never wanted a silver or gold banded ring because I thought it was boring. I wanted things to be away from traditional. There was no particular reason for it, I have just never been one for sappy traditions.

"Come on, let's get you up to bed." He said as he lightly pulled me off the counter.

I hissed slightly as another pain went shooting up my spine. I hate braxton hicks. It's been like this for a month already.

"You okay?" He asked as he rubbed my upper back slightly.

"Sort of." I mumbled as I trailed behind him walking up the stairs.

"Do you want me to get out a heating pad?" He asked as I walked into our room.

"No, I'm pretty sure that does more damage than good." I laughed slightly as I changed out of my clothes into my pyjamas, which consisted of Jaden's shirt and boxers.

"You gotta stop stealing my underwear." He playfully groaned as I laughed.

"Okay, I'll believe that you can't afford a shirt, but I refuse to believe that you can't afford underwear. Buy some more you cheapskate." I joked as I laid down in the bed.

"I want that ring back, I didn't ask for these violations." He fake cried as he turned off the main light and came and laid down next to me.

"Nuh uh, this ring ain't ever coming off now." I laughed as I turned to rest my head on his chest.

"Fine." He fake groaned as he wrapped an arm around me.

We had been laying down for about an hour or so. I knew he wasn't asleep because he was replying to a few emails on his phone still. Because of that, I was laying on his chest trying not to cry because of how much pain I was in.

It normally gets really bad at night. One of the only comfortable positions for me to sleep in is like this where my head is higher than my hips. It helps with circulation of the blood around my back and distributes it more equally to minimise pain. But today it wasn't working.

I knew that as soon as that cramp in my back came in, everything was lost. I couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears started to fall. It wouldn't be long before he noticed considering my tears were going to fall onto his bare chest, but I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted to sleep.

"You okay baby?" He asked, acknowledging the new formed wetness on his skin.

"It hurts, really fucking bad." I whimpered as I tried to dig my head further into his chest.

I heard him place his phone down on the side, along with his glasses. He moved me so I was laying directly on top of him, my lower back in constant contact with his lower stomach.

He's only done that because touching skin gives me comfort. Even if we're hugging, I always make sure that my hands are touching some part of his skin rather than his clothes. It brought me some form of comfort, but didn't take away from the pain.

"I know it's hard, and I know it hurts. I'm sorry there isn't more I can do, but try and focus on my voice. Try and completely relax your muscles and allow yourself to fall under. Just drop your body and allow for yourself to calm as much as you can. Try not to fixate on the pain, instead just listen to my words." He said as he ran his hands up and down my arms.

And that's how I fell asleep. In Jaden's arms as he kept whispering things to me to help me forget the pain coursing through my body. And it worked for the most part. I had managed to fall asleep.

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