Chapter 60

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Jaden pov

We decided to just order a pizza for dinner and watch a movie. Much to both mine and Roxy's surprise, Leela asked to watch The Addams Family.

We were watching it and about twenty minutes to the end, Roxy leant her head on my shoulder, and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep. Leela was cuddled into my side, with my arm wrapped around her.

When the movie had turned off, it was reaching Leela's bedtime. I looked to my side and saw Roxy on my shoulder, asleep.

"Should I wake her up daddy? So she can go sleep upstairs." Leela asked as she looked at Roxy.

"No, no baby. Don't worry about that, I'll take her upstairs after I've gotten you to bed." I said as I stood up and turned the tv off.

"Woah, it got really dark." She laughed, pointing out the significant drop in the room lighting.

"Yeah it did. Come on missy, time for bed." I said as I walked over to her and picked her up.


I took her upstairs and got her ready for bed. She brushed her teeth while I poured her a water bottle for her to keep on her nightstand. She came out of the bathroom and tried to walk over to her toys she kept in the room to play.

"I did not bring you up here for you to play princess, I brought you up here to sleep." I laughed as she sighed and walked over to the bed.

"You're no fun." She sulked as she climbed into the bed.

"Suck it up buttercup." I said, mocking her from the other day.

"Daddy, can Ro Ro be my mommy yet?" She asked as I tucked her in.

"Do you want Ro Ro to be your mommy?" I asked her as sat down on the bed.

"Yeah." She said happily.

"So you know how Roxy isn't your really mommy, right?"

"What do you mean my real mommy?" She asked, confusion written all over her face.

"So the mommy that gave birth to you isn't Roxy." I explained.

"Oh yeah." She laughed.

"How would you like it if Ro Ro adopted you, so that she's your mommy, but not your biological one?" I asked her.

"What does bilological mean?" She questioned, making me chuckle at the mispronunciation.

"Biological just means that she isn't the mommy who made you. Would you like that?" I saw her eyes light up so that probably means yes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah ye-"

"Okay, but you have to keep it a secret for now. Wait until Ro Ro's birthday and then you can tell her okay?"

"When is her birthday?"

"Two months."

"That's a lot of secret keeping." She stated.

"I know, but you can do it. Can't you?" I asked as she nodded. "Alright baby, now it's bedtime for you. So go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." I said as I leaned forward and kissed her forehead before walking out of the room.

I quickly heard her say a little "night night daddy." To which I said "night night" back.

I walked back downstairs to see Roxy still asleep on the couch, cuddling up to one of the throw pillows. I laughed slightly and went to quickly feed the dogs, who were waiting patiently by their bowls.

After that, I shut the door of their pen, and turned off the kitchen light. Apart from the little lamp I had turned on in the living room before I took Leels up to bed, the whole bottom floor was pitch black.

I picked Roxy up and wrapped her legs around my waist, holding just underneath her thighs to support her, making sure to not squash it put pressure on her growing stomach. I turned the light off and walked up the stairs into our room.

I gently put her down on the bed, and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. I walked over and drew the curtains, and turned back to her body, only just realising she still had her clothes on.

I got her out a pair of shorts and a hoodie, because she's strange like that. I took her old shirt and sweatpants off, and replaced her shorts. I then took her bra off and pulled the hoodie over her body, leaving a kiss on her stomach. 

I quickly got changed myself and then laid down in the bed next to her. Almost immediately she turned right the way around and rested her head on my chest. Only problem with that is she was laying on her stomach, which she has been told numerous times by doctors not to do so.

I sighed and rolled her so her head was still resting on my chest, but she was laying on her side instead of her stomach. Once that was sorted and I was sure she was unlikely to move again, I fell asleep.

Roxy pov

I woke up early again. I woke up in the bed, so I'm pretty sure Jaden has carried me upstairs last night, because I don't remember finishing The Addams Family. I looked at the clock and noticed it was half five, which wasn't bad considering I normally wake up earlier.

I sighed and got up. I decided I was just going to have a shower to pass the time. I made sure I didn't wake Jaden and then walked into the bathroom. I quickly got undressed and waited for the water to heat up.

I stood under the water and washed my body. I quickly zoned out just staring at the wall with the water hitting my back. I must've been zoned out for ten minutes before I felt arms snake around me waist and I was pulled back against their chest.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked softly as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"Honestly? Nothing. Just zoned out." I shrugged as he chuckled.

"I can tell." He laughed as he kissed my shoulder a few times.

I pulled him so that he was under the water too, and watched as his hair completely flattened out under the water.

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