Chapter 17: Broken soul

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A couple days went by and I spent most in my cell or on watch. I haven't talked to maggie yet or really anyone else other than michonne. Rick likes to keep an eye on me pretty much all the time. It's starting to get annoying.

"Ready to talk?" Rick ask as I put wooden palates on the walk way.

"If you wanna stay here you gotta tell me what happened." He says making me let out a small laugh.

"It's none of your business." I say throwing one down.

"Alright." He says as we continue to put up the wood palate. Ricks attention was caught by something in the field.

"Finish this." He says before walking away kind of in a rush.

"Ok." I say watching him as he continues to stare into the field as he walked. Strange. I quickly finished my task before heading back inside. I wonder if there's a library here.

"Carol." I ask walking back into the cell block.

"Yeah?" She ask holding baby judith.

"Is there a library here?" I ask her scratching my head. She walked over slowly.

"I'm not sure, we haven't looked in the whole prison." She says as I nod. I could probably clear a few rooms no problem.

"Can I go look?" I ask her looking at judith. God I miss lori.

"Not by yourself." She says as I sigh.

"I can go with." I turn around to see carl standing there with his hand on his gun.

"Alright." I say looking back at carol. She just looks at carl and I before saying anything.

"Fine, but if anything bad starts to happen just scream." She says as I smile.

"Alright! You ready?" I ask carl.

"Yeah. Let's go." He says proudly walking over to the door.

"We'll be quick." I say to carol before following after carl. We didn't talk much as we walked in the tombs.

"I'm pretty sure I saw library over here." Carl says as I look around with my flashlight.

"Ok, lead the way." I say as we turn a corner. Two walkers laid on the ground. I stabbed one and carl got the other.

"Kind of crazy we haven't been together since the farm." Carl says as we continue to walk.

"Yeah, it's really weird." I say kicking some stuff out the way.

"How was it like out there for you?" He ask pecking in a door. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't wanna tell him the truth.

"Probably the same as you. Killed walkers, looked for food, jumping to house to house." He nods as we came to a stop.

"It's right here." He says pushing the door open. I peaked my flashlight in and looked around.

"Looks clean. Let's go." I say walking into the room. I held my knife in my hand firmly as I looked around.

"Clear over here." Carl says on the other side of the room. I look around a little more before answering.

"Yeah, same." I say back relaxing.

"Let me look around then we can go." I say putting my knife away.

He nods and walks around. I hummed softly as I looked at all the books. I grabbed two fantasy books before going to look for carl. He was sitting up again a bookshelf looking at the ground.

"Are you ok?" I ask sitting down next to him. He hesitated before answering.

"She missed you." I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"I miss her too." I say laying my head on his shoulder. We sat there for a minute in silence. Even though it'd been month, it felt like nothing changed between us.

"How'd you get over your moms death?" He asked softly. I sighed before answering.

"My mom died during child birth too. Never got to meet her." He nods slowly.

"I've never missed someone so bad that i've never met. It's hard but, you keep going." I say putting my hand on his knee.

"I promise. Maggie is good to talk to about this type of stuff." He let out a small laugh.

"I'd rather talk to you." He says with a smile. I smiled back before answering.

"Yeah, same." We stayed in silence for a little before deciding to head back.

     "Abby can you go on watch?" Glenn ask me as we walk back in. He held a rifle out for me to grab. I grabbed it before answering.

"Yeah let me put these books away then i'll go." I say as carl heads over to where everyone was standing.

I guess they're going to talk about something. I quickly run to my cell and put my books down before heading outside. I smiled at carl as I walked by and he sent me one back. The warm breeze hit my face as I opened the door.

Birds chirped and walker groans filled the air. I sighed and made my way to the watch tower. Once I got to the top I sat down on the ground with my feet hanging over. The rifle sat to my right of me on the ground.

"Why am I always by myself?" I ask myself quietly as I look around.

Walkers stood on the fence staring in. God they're ugly things. I stood on watch looking through binoculars eating a granola bar I found in my pocket. My dad was talking to rick on the fence and michonne was at the gate on watch.

The calm ended very quickly as gun shots started. I looked over to see the governor and his people by the fence. I quickly stood up grabbing the rifle and ran inside the tower trying not to get shot. A bullet flew by my head making me immediately hit the ground.

"Fuck!" I say looking out the window. Michonne was hiding behind the bus and i'm assuming my dad is laying on the ground.

"No! No!" I yell standing up.

I grab the rifle and look through the scope to see what's is going on. I tried to shoot as many people as I could as bullets flew every which way. The shooting stopped for a second only for a truck to fly through the fence and into the field.

I quickly aimed for the driver and shot him dead in the head making the truck come to a stop. A couple seconds go by and the back door flung down revealing walkers.

"Oh shit!" I say standing up to head down. I go as quickly as I can to get down.  Gun shots started up again as I opened the door. I ducked my head as I ran to where carl and them were.

"MICHONNE!" I yell running into the field. As I was running a bullet gazed my side.

"ABBY!" I hear maggie yell running up to me. I fell to the ground and grabbed my side.

"Fuck! That asshole shot me!" I say as maggie grabs my arm pulling me up.

I saw the governor smirking from outside the fence. I shot him a death stare back. We quickly run back as glenn in a car come through. Carl and beth ran to my side to help.

"I'm ok, barley hurts." I say looking at my hand that was covered in blood.

"You're bleeding!" Carl says wrapping his arm around my side to help.

"It's ok!" I say as my dad runs up to me.

"You scared me to death." He says grabbing my head and kissing the top of it.

"I'm ok, I shot the driver." I say motioning to the truck.

"Good call." Glenn says putting his hand on my shoulder before heading to the fence where everyone else stood.

"Let's get you inside." Dad says looking into the field. I didn't realize how many walkers were in there. More pulled in as we stood. This was gonna be hard.

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