Chapter 63: New life

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"Mom wake up!" Willow yells shaking her awake. Abby sat up in a cold sweat. Her heart was racing and she shook slightly. "You were yelling again." She says sadly. The sun had just come out and sent rays into their room. "I'm ok." Abby says as michonne walks in worried. A small giggle caught her attention. "Momma!" Theo says walking into the room. He instantly jumps into abby's arms. He was now bigger and had a huge head of dark brown curls. A year and a half had passed. Alexandra had been build back and better than ever. Abby still continued to have nightmares. They were mostly about being trapped at the sanctuary. "Are you gonna come with us today?" Michonne asked her as abby yawns slightly. Her dad had been chosen to lead the new sanctuary. So, she was living with michonne and rick. "Yeah I just gotta get dressed." Abby says wiping her face. A layer of sweat had built up on her body. Michonne knew how hard being trapped in the sanctuary and carls dead was on her. It took her almost two months to be in the dark or fully sleep. She wasn't fully ok with sleeping alone either. Someone had to sleep next to her or she'd had a panic attack. Normally willow or michonne took on the role. Rick would stay up all night with her when she couldn't sleep. "Ok i'll let rick know. Don't forget to grab something to eat!" Michonne yells the last part as she walks out the door, closing it on her way out. "So, whatcha gonna wear today?" Willow ask as abby walked to the mirror. Her cut was now fully healed leaving a long scar.  She had grown to embrace it, just like all the others. "Not sure. We'll see." Abby says putting theo down on the floor. She looked through her closet deciding what to wear. Her eyes fell on basket full of carls old clothes. She didn't have the nerve to touch them. The note carl had given her laid still unopened. It hurt to much to think about him. Michonne and rick tried to convince her multiple times but, she wants to be ready. Willow noticed her staring at the basket. "Why don't you wear one of carls old shirts?" Willow says making abby tense up. "You used to always wear his stuff." She tells her as abby's eyes never left the basket. It's just a basket of clothes, she could do it. Abby's hands shook slightly as she bent down. Her hands fell on a dark green t shirt that had a pocket in the front. She slowly slipped it on embracing the softness. It was pretty hot outside so, she'd be comfortable today. Especially where she's going. Willow smiled before heading to the door. "I'll stay with theo today, I don't mind." Willow says followed by a smile. She was already dressed in overalls, a blue t shirt and some cow boy boots. "Thanks love." Abby says kissing willow and theos heads. "Of course mom!" Willow says before carrying theo out the room. Abby let out a small sigh before she got dressed. With the shirt she added some skinny jeans, her converse and all her gear. She pulled half her hair back so it wasn't in her face. The warm summer days made her freckles really come out. She grabbed her bag before heading downstairs. Michonne was at the table getting all her stuff ready. "Everyone is by the gate getting ready." Michonne says as abby grabbed two tomatos off the counter. "Ok!" Abby says about to leave. "Wait!" Michonne says catching her attention. "The sun is brutal today. Come here." She says motioning for abby to come back. Abby sighed slightly before walking over. Michonne grabbed a bottle that looked in ok condition. "Sunscreen?" Abby says confused. "This is the harshest summer so far! We're gonna be sitting in the sun for a few. You'll burn and then be complaining to me that your burned!" Michonne says in her motherly way. Abby just rolled her eyes before holding her arms out. She knew her too well. Michonne rubbed sunscreen on her arms then proceeded to get her face. "We're gonna be late come on!" Abby says as michonne rubs her face. "You'll thank me later!" She says kissing the top of her head. Abby rolls her eyes again before they finally leave.

Abby sat on the back of daryl's motorcycle as they drove to the city. The alexandria group met up with people from the kingdom, hilltop and oceanside. Her head rested on his back as they drove. "You smell like sunscreen." Daryl says over the engine, making her chuckle. "Blame michonne." She says back making him chuckle. Abby and daryl had spent most of their time hanging out at hilltop or Alexandria. She couldn't step foot in the sanctuary thankfully, daryl understood that. The museum didn't take long to find thankfully. All the vehicles came to a halt and everyone loaded off. "Classic procedure like always. Everyone has their list and knows where to go. Let's make this as quick and easy as possible." Rick says as everyone collected themselves. Daryl handed her all her stuff before grabbing his. "You ready?" He asked as she throws her bag on. "Yup! You?" She ask tightening her bag to her body. "Yup, let's go." Daryl says walking over to rick. Once everyone else was ready they all walked up to the doors. Michonne pounded her hand on the door. A small growl came from behind the door. Rick opened it up slowly so, the walker could walk through. Michonne quickly sliced its head off before looking inside. "We're good for now." She says as everyone relaxed slightly. "Sweep protocol when we get in." Michonne and rick headed in first. The rest followed behind making sure to stay on the look out. Abby looked around in slight awe. "Ever been to someplace like this before the world went to shit?" She asked daryl who to her left. "Nah, merle had." He says as rick walked over. "You never went to a museum?" Rick asked catching maggie's attention. "Nope, we didn't go outside of the county a lot before everything. Dad liked the small town, said the city was too busy." Abby says making maggie chuckle. "Sounds like him." Rick says rubbing abby's shoulder. She just smiled softly before rick walked away.  Abby walked around with her machete looking at everything. A small pamphlet sat on a desk catching her attention. She wiped the dust off before opening it up. A smirk appeared on her face. "Hey, will this come in handy?" She asked everyone holding up the pamphlet. It was a map of the museum. "Nice one babbs." Daryl says grabbing the paper from her. "I know, i'm smart." She says jokingly. Since daryl had the map he lead the way. They walked down a hallway coming to a round room. It had different hallways leading to different exhibits. "Y'all got your list. Circle back here when you're done. Be safe." Rick says as abby looks around. They all soon spilt up making daryl pull her along. The room they were in had large banners and columns. Only a few walkers laid on the ground. Abby stood next to maggie as michonne and Ezekiel took out the walkers. "This is gonna work." Maggie says as abby starts to walk to the stairs. "Of course it is! This was a great idea!" Abby says spinning around to look at her. "Abby stop!" Michonne whisper yells. Abby immediately stops and freezes. "Don't look down." Her throat sank into her stomach after michonne spoke. Abby closed her eyes for a moment before speaking. "It's glass?" She asked nervously keeping her eyes closed. "Just turn around and slowly walk." Maggie says stepping on the glass floor. Abby took deep breath and opened her eyes. Before turning around she looked down. Over three or four dozen walkers roamed below her. "Holy shit." Abby says turning around and walking. Maggie had made it across giving the ok for everyone else. "Heads up!" Cyndie yells making everyone run on the stairs. A walker had fallen down from upper floor onto the glass. Daryl quickly shot an arrow killing it before it made anymore noise. "Onward, we'll figure it out." Ezekiel says as they move forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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