Chapter 57: Stuck inside

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      Abby woke up with a killer headache and her stomach growled. "Shit." She whispered with a dry mouth. She quickly remembered everything making her sit up. "Fuck!" Her side was killing her. She scanned the room she was in. It looked like normal room. A twin bed, a small bookshelf, a couch, and a "kitchen". Her eyes fell on the two doors. One was next to her and the other was next to the bookshelf. She looked down at herself to see she was wearing leggings and a t shirt. Definitely not her clothes. Slowly she stood up and headed to the door next to her. Her leg was hurting giving her a slight limp. Her hands shook as she grabbed the door knob. It wasn't locked making her fling the door open. The door hit a wall slowly sending it back her way. It was a bathroom, with a shower and everything. Daryl told her about how they kept him in a cell, why is she in this room? She slowly walked over to the other door. "I bet it's gonna be locked." She whispered to herself. Her hand grabbed the door knob and twisted it. Locked. Abby sighed before becoming angry. She just wanted to see her kids. Her mother instincts started kicking making her panic. "HEY ASS FACE! LET ME OUT!" She screams dryly banging her fist on the door. "WHAT? TO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO SPEAK TO ME!" Abby wanted out, she didn't wanna be like eugene. "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! I EAT MEN LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!" She said now trying to break down the door. "Hey! Look who's awake! You better Calm down in there hot stuff, don't wanna rip your stitches out." Negan says behind the door. She could practically smell his smirk. "DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Her hands started to shake intensely. "YOU TOOK ME FROM MY KIDS!" Abby says as her eyes filled up. "MY BABY ISNT EVEN TWO MONTHS OLD!" She says banging on the door again. "YOURE A SICK MAN!" Her throat started hurting from all the screaming. She ran her fingers through her tangled hair as she shook. "Now princess, technically I did nothing. Now, I should have lucille take care of you for what you did to my leg." He says making her smirk slightly. "But hey! I like you so, it Looks like we got matching battle scars!" Negan clearly says way to excited. She rolled her eyes and sat on the floor. She leaned up against the couch so she didn't have to hold her weight. "I was aiming for your head." Abby says annoyed. "Well, aren't I glad that you miss! I mean, you're a lot more hot then rick the prick." He says clearly sounding proud. "Disgusting." She says rolling her eyes. "You know i'm like 16, right. You're a child predator." Abby says grossly. "That makes rick a better man then you. Even on his worst days." She knew that she hit a nerve because he said nothing. "Doesn't matter tho, you're just gonna kill me once i'm healed." Her eyes let out a few tears as she looked at her shaking hands. "Might as well get it over with." Her eyes never left her hands as negan unlocked the door and walked in. He kneeled down in front of her and grabbed her face. Negan examined her face, it was like he'd never seen her before. He then ran his fingers through her long brown hair. "I'm not killing you." He says looking into her eyes. "I assume you heard me at alexandra, I gotta have me a new wife!" He says excitedly. Abby's face quickly turned into a death stare. She slowly leaned in closer to him. "I'll never be your wife." She says as his grip on her face tightened. He clearly got angry and shoved her away. "I didn't ask." He says with a small chuckle. "Our first date is tonight!" Negan says walking to the door. "I'll send some of the other wives to help you get ready, I wanna make sure your looking HOT!" He says making her jump. He laughed slightly before closing the door and locking it. She waited a second before bursting out in tears. Abby was disgusted, hurt, and so many more feelings. As she sat the floor crying in pain, the pain she felt the most was negans hands in her hair. Abby slowly stood up and headed to the bathroom. She frantically looked around for a pair of scissors. Her eyes fell on a pair of kid ones but, she didn't care. She immediately started cutting her hair off. Abby didn't stop until it was an inch or two below her ears.    If he liked her long hair, then she was getting rid of it. Her hair had never been this short before. She stared into the mirror looking at herself. This wasn't the Abby she remembered. She would never been that girl again. Her after school horse rides, singing with beth, cooking with her father,  the excitement she felt went maggie would come home. She'd never do any of that ever again. Abby sat on the bathroom floor crying. It was like all the events from the past three years finally hit her. Beth and her father dying. Her best friend was thrown off a building. She lost one of her babies. Her being raped, everything was back and she couldn't breathe.

She didn't even realize that Dwight had come into her room. He rushed in and saw her rocking back and forth. "Hey, it's ok. You're ok." He says quickly wrapping his arms around her. Abby didn't care about all the shit he did. She thankfully knew he was working with her people. She just wanted out, she wanted to be with daryl. He'd know what to do. "You gotta get me outta here." She says crying into his chest. Abby still shook as he hugged her. "I know." He says rubbing her back trying to calm her down. "I let Rick know you're alive, it's been a couple days since I spoke to him bu-" Before he could finish gunshots filled the air. He quickly jumped up and started to head to the door. "A couple of days? How long was I out?" Abby ask panicky following him. "Almost a week, don't do anything crazy. Stay in here." Dwight says before leaving, closing and locking the door behind him. The gunfire stopped for a few minutes before continuing again. Abby was praying that it was rick. Coming in guns blazing with carl and daryl by his side. She quickly backed up as she heard foot steps coming her way. The door quickly opened revealing about four of negans men. "What the hell do y'all want?" Abby says backing up slightly. They say nothing as they grabbed her. She quickly started to fight back. "Get away from me!" Abby yells fighting the men who were touching her. One guy clearly didn't like her yelling and fighting. "You can at least tell me why you're here!" Her angry started to build. He quickly sent a punch square in her face sending her to the floor. Abby's mouth quickly filled with blood. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" He yelled over her. She quickly spit the blood at him as the other men tied her up and shoved a sack over her head. Abby saw no point in fighting at this point. She had no weapons against four men. Also was shot twice and couldn't even remember the last time she ate something. Her body was clearly not good. Her feet weren't tied so she walked normally. The men lead her through what she assumed is the sanctuary. "Can I now know where we're going?" She says as they continue walking. The men said nothing, they only pushed her to move faster. A loud sigh came from her mouth as they continued. They soon came to a stop, and opened a loud door. The man who punched abby pushed her out. She instantly felt the sun on her skin. The sack was removed revealing the outside of the sanctuary. Abby squinted as she looked around. "HAND HER OVER!" A familiar voice echoed through the air. Her head immediately turned to see many cars parked with metal plates on them. "Rick." She whispered as a small smile appeared on her face. "Now what the hell did you do to her?!" Negan yells at the men as abby turned to look around. Eugene was outside along with dwight and some other. "She was like that went we found her." The man who punched her says. Negan was clearly pissed and abby knew exactly why. Her long brown hair was all gone. Where she was punch was probably forming a bruise plus, her mouth was still very bloody. He turned and grabbed her face examining it again. His eyes flickered to her hair, then back to her face and mouth. "IM NOT GONNA ASK AGAIN!" Rick yells again catching negans attention. "You're gonna make me count." Rick says slightly chuckling. Abby had a feeling she missed some of this conversation. "Okay, okay. I'm counting." Rick says before counting down from ten. Negan just smiled as he held abby's tied hands. "Eight, seven." Rick didn't finish before sending bullets flying. Abby quickly ducked before negan pushed her back into the door. She fell straight on her butt, still ducking slightly. Dwight quickly pulled her to her feet and into the sanctuary. "Get her back to her room!" Simon yells at the men who brought her. The men didn't hesitate to grab her, pulling her along back to her room. Gunshots still filled the air as they quickly moved. As they walked an explosion caught her attention making abby jump. "Keep moving bitch!" One of the men say continuing to pull her along. She could tell they were very anxious to get her back to the room. Abby study the halls carefully as they pushed her along. She wanted to remember where to go if she got out. Once they were back the men threw her into the room. Closing and locking the door behind her. Abby was back in the small room,stuck inside.

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