Chapter 43:Staying or going

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Abby woke up the next morning in carl's room. She had a nightmare and couldn't sleep last night. She had gone into carl's room to read not wanting to disturb anyone downstairs. Abby groaned before getting out of bed. She then headed into the bathroom shower.

Once she was done abby grabbed some clothes from her basket. She put on some baggy jeans, a belt, a brown sweater with cream colored socks. Her hair sat in her half up half down hair style with a braid in the back. She also put on her converse before heading downstairs. Carl sat downstairs talking to rick.

"Rick!" Abby say jogging over to him and wrapping her arms around her. He kissed her head before they pulled away.

"You ok?" He asked her as she looked up at him.

"Yeah, are you?" She asked as she looked at his face. It was had bandaids all over it.

"Yeah." He says before walking away. Carl just looked at abby with a smile.

"I guess we're gonna be here all alone tonight." Carl says grabbing her arm and pulling her into a hug. She chuckle slightly into his chest. They haven't been able to do much stuff lately.

"Maybe." She says kissing his cheek. He just smiled as they pulled apart.

"Wanna go take judith on a walk with me?" He asked pointing to judith who sat on the floor playing with blocks.

"Sure! Is willow with carol?" Abby asked walking over to judith and picking her up.

"I think Rostia. She said she wanted to go hang out with Eugene." Carl says making abby chuckle. Willow really likes hanging out with eugene.

"Alright! Let's go then!" Abby says walking to the door. Carl quickly walks up behind her following her out the door. Abby placed judith in her stroller and started to walk as carl walked on her right.

"What do you thinks gonna happen?" Carl asked her as she looked around.

"With your dad?" Abby asked looking at him.

"Yeah, do you think deanna will make us leave?" Carl asked abby making her sigh and look down.

"I hope not, I don't wanna make willow go back out there." Abby says as carl grabs her hand.

"If we do, i'll protect you both." He says making abby smile.

"I can protect myself but I know." She says with a small chuckle as carl just smiles at her.

"I know you can." He says lifting up their hands and kissing her hand gently.

"I wish daryl was here." Abby says as a cold breeze blew by them. It was getting colder earlier since they moved from Georgia to Virginia.

"He'll be back soon." Carl says with a smile hoping to reassure her. They walked for a while until they headed back to the house for dinner. Carol had made pasta and cooked some of the deer meat for them to eat.

"Here I wanna help." Abby says walking over to carol.

"Here, you cook the meat." She says handing abby the tongs. Abby smiled and started helping as carl sat with judith at the island.

"I'm back!" Willow yells out of breath running back into the house. She had on her boots, jeans and a blue sweater.

"Out of breath?" Abby asked with a chuckle as willow sat next to carl.

"Yeah, eugene and I made a bet that I couldn't run all the way back to the house. I won." She says proudly making abby smile.

"Well eugene isn't the fastest either." Abby says as willow let out a small laugh.

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