Chapter 34: I hope youre ok

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     Abby woke up to carl gone. It was pretty bright outside so she had a feeling she slept for a while. She wasn't in as much pain today which was good. She slowly got out of bed only for michonne to walk in.

"You, me, willow, carl, judith and Gabriel are gonna stay here while the others go get carol and beth." Michonne says as abby yawned.

"Ok, is daryl here?" Abby asked excitedly. Michonne nodded as abby starts to take her shirt off.

"Do I need to change my bandage?" She asked turning around. Michonne walked over and looked at her bandage, it was bloody but dark which meant the bleeding had stopped.

"Yeah, here let me." Michonne says as she starts to unwrap it.

Once it was off she stopped and looked at her back. The burns were gonna leave scars along with the deeper cuts. Michonne cleaned everything which didn't hurt as bad as last time which abby was thankful for. Then she put all the creams on before wrapping her up again.

"All done." Michonne says helping abby put her shirt back on.

"How does it look?" Abby asked turning back around.

"Bad but better." Michonne says with a small smile.

Abby nodded before heading out into the big room. Everyone was clearly outside about to leave. Daryl was standing by the car when abby stepped outside. His eyes immediately caught hers and ran over pulling her into a hug.

"Ow." Abby says making daryl quickly let go and look at her. His blood boiled when he say her all beat up. Abby could tell he was upset.

"I'm ok, i promise." Abby says as his eyes filled with tears. She pulled him back into a hug and his time he was more gentle.

"We'll be back." Rick says as they pull apart.

"Be safe." Abby says looking at all of them.

"We will." Daryl says before heading to the car. Abby watched as they pulled away leaving the rest of them at the church.

"Come on." Michonne says holding judith.

Abby walked back inside and carl started boarding up the doors. Abby played cards with willow as they waited for rick and them to get back. Gabriel was resting in the room with the couch so she stayed out here. Carl and michonne were playing with judith only for someone to scream outside.

"Let me in please!" She immediately stood up and ran to the door. She tried to pull the wood off only for it not to work.

"How'd he get out there?!" She yells as michonne comes over with a axe.

"I don't know, move." She yells to her as she starts hacking at the door.

"Willow grab the bags." Abby yells to her as she heads to grab her bag.

She slowly swings it over her shoulders as willow puts on her bag. Abby knew they'd have to fight. She pulled out her hand gun and knife. Once the doors were open gabriel came running in along with walkers.

"In the back room." Gabriel yells as they run to the back room. They run in and carl and gabriel move the couch in front of the door.

"That's how I got out, Crawl under to the back." Gabriel says making abby look down at the floor. There was a hole leading under the church.

"Willow you first." Abby says motioning for willow to go. She nods and climbs down and starts going. Abby then climbs down next.

"This way!" Willow says leading the way under the church. Carl then crawled under with judith.

"You guys wait for me, ok?" Michonne yells from the room. Carl nods before starting to crawl. Once willow was out she helped abby get out and then grabbed judith from carl so he could get out.

"Give me her." Abby says holding her arms out. Willow hands abby judith and holds out her gun.

       They stand and wait for michonne and gabriel looking for walkers. Once they were out michonne and carl killed most of the walkers before tying the doors closed with a belt.

"Well shit." Abby says as judith messed with her braid.

Abby sat on the ground with willow in her lap. Carl was now holding judith so abby could sit. They didn't wanna leave because rick and them wouldn't be able to find them. Abby braided willows hair as they waited. Her attention was pulled on the walkers breaking down the door. Willow quickly got up helping abby up as well.

"Where do we go?" Carl asked as everyone started to panic.

Before the walkers could break free a fire truck pulled up slamming into the church doors locking the walkers in. Abby smiled as she saw it was Abraham and them. Maggie got out and immediately pulled abby into a hug.

"You ok?" She asked before they pulled away.

"Yeah." Abby says with a smile. Maggie smiled back before hugging michonne.

"You're back." Michonne says slightly confused.

" Eugene lied, he can't stop it. Washington isn't the end." Glenn says making everyone's smile fall.

"Where is everybody?" Glenn asked looking around.

"Beths alive, she's in a hospital in atlanta. Some people have her but the others went to get her back." Michonne says making maggie smile and start to cry.

"Do we know which one?" She asked as abby walked over excitedly knowing that she sisters were both alive.

"Grady memorial." Michonne says with a smile. Maggie pulled abby into a hug.

"Oh my god!" She says starting to cry. Abby just held her sister as they both cried.

"Let's blow this joint, go save your guys sister." Tara says making abby and maggie smile. They all piled up in the fire truck and headed to atlanta.

Once they got there everyone held up their guns looking around. Willow stayed behind abby as they walked. Abby looked at all the bodies and tent as they walked. She was trying not to think about the pain coming from her back. They soon got to the entrance and everyone started to come out. Abby stood excitedly next to maggie holding her hand.

She couldn't wait to see beth, she had so much to tell her. Her smile soon faded once she saw daryl carrying a body crying. Maggie immediately fell to the ground and cried. Abby just stood still as tears fell from her eyes. Beth was dead. Carl ran over and pulled her into a hug shielding her from the sight of her dead sister.

"Shes gone." Abby says before breaking down. She lost her father and now her sister.

They all looked for cars hoping to leave this place. Carl stood with abby holding her hand not planning on letting go. Her eyes were blood shot and she was in pain. Once they got a car they headed back to the church only to see it walker free. No one said anything as rick and daryl started a grave. Carol walked up to abby and pulled her into a hug.

"You scared me half to death." Carol says as abby wraps her arms around her.

"I'm sorry." Abby says as they pull away. Tears hung in both of their eyes.

Carol placed a hand on abbys cheek and looked at her. She was all beaten up but carol didn't care. She was safe and back with her family. Once they finished the grave they placed beth inside and buried her. Abby stood next to maggie holding her hand as they watched. Daryl placed a cross before walking away leaving abby and maggie at the grave.

"The last two greenes." Abby says as maggie looks at her.

"The last two greene's." She says back before pulling abby into a hug.

They stay for a little before climbing back in the cars. They were planning to head to noah's community up north. It was long but they believe that they could do it. Abby sat in the car next to willow and carl who was holding judith.

Abby rested her head on carl's shoulder as they drove. He kissed her head and intertwined their fingers. He knew abby was hurting, she lost her sister and almost died.  He just hoped that this new place was safe, for her.

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