Chapter 18: Stay inside

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     TW: R@pe and sexual assault mentioned

       Abby sat in her cell as everyone talked about what they were gonna do. She didn't wanna hear about what was gonna happen. Daryl had returned but merle was with him. Abby really hated merle, especially after he mentioned what she had done.

     She sat wondering what would happen, No matter what it was gonna be bad. Her eyes fell on the stitches her dad just did on her side. Wasn't a lot so she was still able to move and do things. She sat folding all her clothes nicely so they could be shoved into her bag.

         Her eyes fell on a familiar sweatshirt. Blood stained the now faded black. She still wasn't big enough to fill it out but it was very comfortable. Her hand grazed across the fabric as memories filled her head. So many cold winter nights.

"Be back before sunset. We don't need much so a rabbit or two will be fine." Michonne says as her and andrea set up camp.

"Ok! I'll try my best." Abby says putting her cloak over her long sleeve t shirt.

     Michonne had helped her be more quiet so hunting was now her job.  She walked quietly through out the forest with her bow in hand ready to shoot anything that was considered food. Her eyes wondered as she walked. Hunting by herself was still relatively new but she had started to get the hang of it.

      Abby didn't mind being by herself, she had gotten used to it at a young age. Finally her eyes fell on a small rabbit making her smile. She held up her bow ready to fire only to be hit in the back of the head. Her eyes fluttered open as her head pounded in pain.

"Look who's awake. The little cutie."  A creepy man stood in front of her.

She soon realized she was tied to a pole in some type of basement. Her mouth was taped and her shirt was off.

"She'll be a good one." She immediately started to panic.

Abby wasn't ready to die, she had just excepted the fact she was never gonna see her family again. She was finally ok with herself.

"Oh yeah. She'll be great." The creepy guy says running his hands over her chest. Two more men walked in making abby start to cry.

"Oh no don't cry sweetheart. You're going love what's gonna happen." He says before kissing her cheek. She pulled her head back and head butted the guy straight in the nose.

"Little bitch!" He says grabbing his nose. He stood up and kicked abby as hard as he could in the stomach. Abby screamed in pain as tears flew down her face.

"I'm done waiting." The other guy says unbuckling his pants. Abbys tears didn't stop as he made his way over to her.

"Should we knock her out?" He ask grabbing a piece of pipe.

"Yeah, it'll be easier." The guy holding his nose says.

Before abby could scream she was knocked out again. Waking up was abbys worst decision of her life. She was getting raped and she was gonna die alone. Abby quickly realized she wasn't strapped down or anything. Her eyes fell on her machete that was hands distance from her.

    She quickly grabbed it and hit the first man. All she saw was red. Each man came to attack her one by one and she killed all of them. She cried her eyes out and she continued to slice up the man who was raping her. Blood shot all over her covering her in a thick red layer.

"Abby!" Michonne yells making her finally stop. She turned her head to see michonne and Andrea standing in the door way.

"The- They. They rap-" Abby couldn't finish her sentence before michonne wrapped her arms around abbys naked body. Abby broke down right then and there. Her innocence was stolen from her.

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