Chapter 35: The walk

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     Weeks have gone by and noah's home had been destroyed. The group had lost tyrese and their cars. They were forced to walk through the new spring heat. Abby walked with carl and willow in the middle of the group. She'd wish they weren't walking on the hot road but she knew it was their only choice.

Her back was hurting but Rosita had just helped her change her bandage and take the stitches out. Hopefully she'd be fully healed soon so she could actually help. Everyone has babied her the past couple of weeks since she's hurt. She wasn't a huge fan of it, made her feel weak.

Willow held abbys hand as they walked rubbing her thumb on the back of abbys hand.  Abby knew she does that to bring herself comfort. Abby didn't mind since she never had to worry about where willow was. Carl held judith in his arms to her right.

"How much longer?" Willow asked abby pulling on her arm lightly.

"I'm not sure, soon hopefully." Abby says to her with a smile. Willow nodded and continued to look forward.

The group was relatively quiet, no one really talked much. Mainly since they had lost three people in such a short time. Walker build up behind them over time making abby look over her shoulder every know and then. Soon rick decided that they should get rid of them. They get to a bridge making the group stop.

"Alright, Y'all go over there." Rick says motioning to abby and them. Abby sighed and pulled willow along to the middle of the bridge. Carl followed as he was carrying judith.

"Everyone else push the walkers out, dont waste any bullets." Rick says as they get in positions.

Abby sat on the railing as she watched. She couldn't wait to be back helping the group. Soon the walkers got closer and they started. It worked for a little until Sasha started attacking them making everyone else start. Abby jumped up nervously hoping nothing bad happened.

They quickly took them out before anyone got hurt. Abby sighed and smiled at willow. Willow was watching the group very intensely. Abby had noticed her get a little more protective over the group over the past couple of weeks.

"Let's keep moving." Rick says as they walk over to where abby and them were.

Rick had taken judith from carl giving him a break. They walked for a while until they saw cars up ahead. Everyone then started walking a little faster hoping there was anything they needed. Abby and willow watched as carl dug through a car.

"Anything?" Abby asked peaking into the car a little. Carl sighed and got out of the car.

"No, nothing." He says making abby sigh as well.

"I'm hungry." Willow says making abby look down at her.

"We'll eat something soon." Abby says with a smile. Willow nodded as they walked through the cars hoping someone else found anything.

"Come rest." Rick tells everyone walking over to a shaded part on the side of the road.

Abby plopped down and leaned on her bag. Her eyes were so heavy, all she wanted to do was sleep. Thunder rumbling made abby even sleepier. Twigs snapped caught everyone's attention making abby pull out her knife and sit up. They all relaxed once they saw it was just daryl coming back.

     Abby sighed and laid back down. Willow traced her fingers on abbys back lightly as she was very much bored.

"So all we found was booze?" Tara asked as abby opened her eyes to watch abraham open the bottle.

"Yeah." Rostia says messing with a stick.

"It's not gonna help." Tara says as abraham starts drinking.

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