Chapter 25: The sick

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Abby woke up to gunshots and screaming. She immediately jumped up and ran to whatever was happening. Abby had grabbed her knife on the way out.

"Stay back!" Sasha yells at her running into cell D. Abbys heart raced as willow was in cell block d. She hesitated before running into the cell block after sasha.

"Abby!" She yells as abby ran through the cell block.

"Willow!" Abby yelled looking around.


Abbys eyes fell on willow pushing a walker off of her mom. Abbys eyes widened seeing the huge bite mark on willows moms neck. She sprinted over stabbing the walker in the head and grabbing willow.

" Omg Joy." Abby says looking at willows mom. Joy didn't say anything she only held her gun to her head.

"No!" Abby yelled turning willows head.

Her mom pulled the trigger killing herself right in front of them. Willow cried hard as abby watched her mom fall on the ground. Blood has splattered all over her and her clothes. Abby stood in stock until willow screamed,

"Abby!" Abby quickly turned around and stabbed a walker that was behind them.

"Abby get out now!" Rick says running over to them.

She doesn't say anything as she started to run to the exit. Willow cried in her arms as she ran back inside her cell block. She didn't stop until she got to her cell placing willow down. Willow immediately ran to abbys bed and cried. Tears now filled abbys eyes as she stood in the door way. She was in shock, her ears rung slightly from the gun shot.

"Abby! Abby!" Carl yells running into the cell block. He doesn't stop until he see her standing in the door way of her cell.

"Abby." He says grabbing her shoulder and turning her around. Her eyes were filled with tears and blood splatters were all over her face.

"She shot herself. Right in front of her kid." Abby says as her voice cracked.

She rubbed her face making the blood move around. Carl's eyes widened and looked at willow laying on the bed, he knew exactly what had happened.

"It's ok." He says pulling abby into a hug as she cried.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Carl says pulling away from the hug. He helped her sit down as he grabbed a rag she had in here. He wet it and slowly started to wipe away the blood that linger on her skin.

"Abby! Are you ok?!" Beth yells running into the cell. Her eyes fell on carl who was cleaning up abby who was staring at the wall in shock.

"Don't ask." Carl says as beths eyes fell on willow crying.

Beth nodded as she could easily tell what had happened. Once carl was done he grabbed abby some fresh clothes and helped her change. He picked a pair of leggings, a brown loose shirt, her favorite socks, and her converse.

"Need help with your hair?" Carl asked her as she slowly grabbed her brush.

"I got it." Abby says wiping her tears as she looked in the mirror.Her two necklace hung on her neck. She put her hair into a side braid and stood up showing she was ready.

"Hey, I brought her things." Glenn says holding a bag full of willows stuff. Abby smiled and grabbed the bag.

"Thank you." She says as glenn sent her a small smile. Willow had fallen fast sleep in abbys bed still in her pajamas.

"Need help?" Carl asked as abby placed the bag down.

"No, you can go. Thank you." She says kneeling down.

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