Chapter 52: The grieving

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Abby sat in carl's room on the ground laying next to theo. He sat in a blue onesies that covered his hands and feet. Carl stood up angrily throwing darts at the wall. Abbys eyes never left theo, as he slept peacefully. Rick was in here talking to carl. Rick and aaron were heading out to get supplies. "You should come with us." Rick says as carl continues to throw darts. "Someone's gotta be here for judith and them." Carl says as abby looks up at him. "There's people who want to help. We'll only be gone a few days at the most. We need supplies, they're gonna be coming back soon." Rick says as carl continues. "If this how it's gonna be now?" Carl asked pissed off. "Yes it is, you know that." Rick says firmly. "See you in a few days." Carl says going to grab the dart. Rick just sighs. "We should get going." He says bending down and giving theo a kiss on the head before walking out the room. "He'll come around." Aaron says as they walk out the room. Abby didn't say anything as carl kept throwing the darts. "I'm gonna go feed theo." Abby says standing up. "Ok, i'll come with." Carl says as abby grabs theo. She was still sore but she could walk and carry theo. He was only around 6-7 pounds which was pretty light. As they walked downstairs carl rested a hand on abbys back just in case. He was very distant lately but he didn't let abby do anything alone. He just didn't speak much. Abby sat down on the couch as carl got a bottle. Michonne had come downstairs and was getting stuff to leave. "Why didn't you go with my dad?" Carl asked her as he walked back to abby. "I have to figure some things out." She says walking into the kitchen. "What is there to figure out?" Carl asked following her back into the kitchen. "How we can do this, if we can." She says grabbing waters. "We can't. No not like this." Carl says as abby looks up at the two. "Your dad thinks differently." Michonne tells him as abby sigh. Carl hated negan and the saviors, so did she but they couldn't do much. "And he's wrong and you know it." He says firmly. "Even if I think he is, I don't know." Michonne says walking over to the door. "Change your bandage later and be nice to olivia." She tells him before leaving the house. Carl just sighs and rolls his eyes. He walked over to abby and sat down. He's eyes never left theo as he ate. Theo stared at carl with his aqua eyes. Abby loved his eyes, they were a perfect mix of carl's and hers. Abbys attention was caught by enid about to climb up the wall. "Carl." She said nudging him to catch his attention. He looked up and saw her. "I'll go talk to her." He says standing up. Abby nodded as he walks out. Enid and maggie were close since enid hung out with abby sometimes. She knew enid wanted to see maggie, they talked about it when abby was in the infirmary. She watched as carl talked to enid only for enid to climb over and carl headed back inside. "She's going to hilltop. She said she's gonna tell maggie that theo was born for you and see how maggie's doing." Abby nodded and stood up. "I wanna go visit lena." She says handing carl theo. "Can you watch him while I shower?" She asked looking at theo who was smiling. "Of course." Carl says with a smile. Abby smiled back before heading upstairs. She showered and changed into baggy jeans, a white t shirt and a teal zip up jacket.

      She also put her hair into a messy bun before grabbing theos carrier and heading downstairs. Carl was holding theo and getting his gear. "Im gonna make sure enid gets to hilltop. Im gonna take a car." Carl says as abby walks over and grabs theo from him. "Alright." Abby says with a smile. "Tell maggie i'll come visit her as soon as I can." She tells him as she straps theo onto her with his carrier. Michonne had showed her how to carry theo with a long piece of fabric so she could do other things. "I will, be careful, i'll tell olivia to come over." Carl says kissing abby as he puts on his gear. "Ok, stay safe." Abby says as they pull away. Carl smiled before heading out the house. "Willow! I'll be right back! Olivia should be coming over!" Abby yells up to willow. She was in judiths room, they've been sharing a room. "Ok!" Willow yells back down to her. She then walked out the house and to the graves. Lena was the only little grave. When abby got there she sat down in front of it. A pink bow was wrapped around the cross that has lena carved into it. Gabriel walked up behind abby with flowers in his hand. "I just walked by and thought it needed some flowers." He says kneeling down and placing the small flowers in front of the cross. A small tear fell from abbys eyes. "Thank you." She says wiping her eyes. Gabriel didn't say anything as he walked off. Abby just stayed for a few minutes before heading back to the house. Olivia was hanging out with judith and willow when she got there. Willow was wearing her overalls, a black shirt, and her boots. She also had her hair in a side braid. "Hey mom! Theo!" Willow says giving theo a kiss. "Hey baby." Abby says as olivia looks up to her. "Oh hey! I got judith dressed and made them some breakfast." Olivia says as she sits on the ground with judith. "Thank you!" Abby says looking down at theo. He had fallen asleep in the carrier. "Do you wanna have a day off? I can watch them while you have some alone time. You seem like you wanna be alone." Olivia says walking over to her. Olivia had been there a lot for abby, she wasn't planning on helping abby give birth but it happened. Denise was the one who was planning along with tara and rostia. None of them were there to help her. Abby stared at theo before sighing. "Do you mind? It seems like a hand full." Abby says as olivia chuckles at her. "I used to have a really big family plus, Willow can help me." Olivia says with a smile. Abby smiled and took theo out of the carrier and handed him to olivia. He stayed fast asleep. "Thank you." She says as her eyes never left theo, she hasnt left his side the past couple of days. "Of course, go take a bath or something." Olivia says with a chuckle before walking into the living room. Abby smiled before heading upstairs to rick and michonnes bathroom. They had a better tub than carl did and she knew they wouldn't care. She grabbed her underwear, bra, and her book. Abby lit all the candies and closed the blinds before stripping down and getting in. She missed takings bath, her old bathtub at the farm was the best. Abby stayed and read her book for a couple hours until her bath was cold. She quickly cleaned her body before putting on her bra and underwear. All her clothes were in the drier. Abby dried her hair before continuing to read her book as she walked downstairs. "Well well, what a sight to see!" Abby jumped slightly as she heard negans voice. She turned to see him sitting at the dining room table with carl, willow, and olivia who was holding judith. Abbys blood began to boil as she saw negan holding theo. "What? Not excited to see me?" Negan says with a chuckle. Abby turned to willow who was looking at abby, anger was written all over her face. Abby knocked on the wall making willow get up and walk upstairs with no emotion. "Oooooo, secret knocks. How scary." Negan says followed by a laugh. Carl watched abby closely who was looking at negan. Abby then turned to the drier and reached in grabbing a pair of leggings and one of carl's t shirt. She slide everything on before looking back at negan. "Shows over pervert." Abby says walking over to the table. "Damn, it was just starting to get interesting!" Negan says looking at carl. "You got something nice to look at, even after pushing a baby out her." He says as abby leans up against the counter. "Give me my baby. Now." Abby says firmly. "And if I say no?" Negan says making abby smirk. She whistles quickly only for a arrow to fly by negans head and into the wall. His head turned to the arrow and then looked up to see willow holding the bow. "The baby or the nexts one in your head." Abby says as negan chuckles. "What a group of mini serial killer! You got the whole family!" He says before standing up. He walks over and abby quickly grabs theo from him. "Speak to me like that again and see what happens." Negan whispers in her ear before pulling away. She death stares him before motioning willow to put the bow away. "Now sit down, I made spaghetti!" Negan says excitedly before heading back to the table. Abby just stared at theo. Negan had changed him Into a Yellow onesie. "Princess, I know you hate me and everything but, hurting a baby isn't something i'd partake in." He says as abby looks up at him. "Sit down." Abby doesn't say anything as her and willow come back to the table. Willow sat next to carl as abby sat next to negan. It was quiet as they waited to eat. Abby didn't wanna say anything as she looked around the room. Her eyes fell on carl's eye that wasn't bandaged up. "I'm not waiting for your dad anymore. I don't know where the hell he is but Lucille is hungry." He says placed the bat in the empty chair next to him. Abby watched carefully as he tucked a napkin in his shirt. "Carl, can you pass the rolls?" He asked him. Carl didn't move a muscle. "Please?" Negan says before carl finally grabbed them.

     The eating was slow but once it was over abby immediately headed upstairs with theo. She gently placed him in the pack in play in her and carl's room before heading to the bathroom. Abby threw up everything in her stomach as her hands shook. "Mom?" Willow asked walking into the room. "In here." Abby says now crying as she sat in front of the toilet. Willow walked into the bathroom and sat down next to her. "I wanted to kill him." Willow says making abby chuckle slightly. "I wanted to kill him too." Abby says wiping her eyes. "He said bad things about you." Willow says making abby cry even more. "I know." She says before pulling her legs to her chest. "Does he scare you?" Willow asked her as abby put her head on her knees. Abby sighed before lifting her head up. "No," She says looking at willow. "He doesn't scare me and he shouldn't scare you." Abby says followed by a sniffle. "Because you're a badass. No one can kill you." Willow says making abby start laughing. "What?" Willow asked confused with a smile. "Don't say ass but, thank you." Abby says pulling willow into a hug still laughing. "Sorry, daryl says it a lot." Willow says making abbys smile fade. She'd do anything to see daryl. He was practically her adoptive dad and he hasn't even see theo. They sat there for a while until a gun shot echoed through the air. "What was that?" Willow asked nervously as they stand up. "I'm not sure, stay here! Protect theo." Abby says before grabbing her knife and running downstairs. She saw that everyone was standing outside. Negan was yelled at rostia who was laying on the ground. "Oh shit!" Abby yells before running outside. Right as she flung the door open olivia was shot in the face making her fall to the ground. "Woah! Hot stuff has joined us!" Negan says as abby stared at olivia. Her fist balled up tightly as she looked up. Rick and aaron were back and negans men held up guns to everyone. "Olivia!" Willow yells catching abby and carl's attention. "Willow!" Abby says pulling her back inside. "He killed her! HE KILLED HER!" Willow started to scream as tears fell from her eyes. "Willow! You need to calm down!" Abby says pulling willow back upstairs. "HE KILLED HER!" She yells trying to fight out of abbys grip. Once they were in abby and carl's room she closed the door and willow fought to get out. "Stop! It's over!" Abby yells grabbing willows hands. Willow continued to fight abby. "STOP!" Abby yells making willow stop. "I know you're upset we all loved olivia a lot but you can't go out there screaming and swinging. They'll kill you! Do you understand! I'm not loosing you!" Abby yells as tears fall from willows eyes. "People die and sometimes you can't do anything about it! You can't fight, you can't speak, all you can do is nothing." Abby says out of breath. "Do you understand?" She says as willow nodded her head. Abby sighed and let go of willows hands. "Please stay up here." Willow nods again before abby pulled her into a tight hug. "We're gonna be ok." Abby says before pulling away. Willow wipes her eyes before going over to theo. Abby sighed as the door opened revealing carl. "Come on. I'll wrap your eye." She says as carl grabbed her hand. He pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. "I'm sorry." He says softly into her neck. She just rubbed his back softly. "It's ok." She says as they stood there. All she wanted was for her family to be happy.

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