Chapter 61: The past

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       A small ray of sunshine peaks through a gap between the curtains and wall. Abby slowly opened her eyes as the sun woke her up. The cell block wasn't to loud, she had gotten used to a loud of people. She slowly began getting out of bed. The cold air was gone and replaced with warm spring. A loud yawn came from her mouth as she stood up. "Knock knock." Daryl says outside the curtain. "Yes?" She asked looking at her rack. "Wanna go on a run? Glenn, maggie and zack are coming." He says as she grabs some clothes. It was a black tank, leggings and one of carls flannels. He was probably already on crop duty with rick. "Where too?" She replies back as she starts to change. "There's a small Walmart about thirty miles east, thought we'd check it out." He says leaning up against the wall outside her cell. "Sure, michonne didn't wanna come?" She ask pulling the curtain open once she was done. "Nah, she left this morning to look for the governor. She's heading towards macon." Abby just sighed before she started to fix her hair. She slicked it back into a braided ponytail. "Want me to grab your gear?" He asked watching her braid. "Sure, grab my goggles please. It's bright out." She says making him chuckle. He didn't say anything as he started to walk. Abby quickly fixed her necklaces before slipping on her high top converse. Carol or her father had probably made her something to eat. She walked quickly outside to meet with everyone else. "Babbs!" Her head whipped around to see her dad holding a plate of food. She smiled brightly before running over to him. "I knew it." She says making him giggle. "Now, i'm hoping you can find me some of those candies you know i like." Herschel
says making her nod with a smile. "That's my girl." He says kissing her head. As abby was scarfing down her food, daryl walked over. "Gears in the car. Here, Goggles." He says putting them on her head messed up. The greene father chuckled at the girl. "Hey!" She says with a mouthful of food. "Chew your food!" Daryl yells to her walking back to the car. "Please be careful, don't run off or anything crazy." Her dad says as she hands him the plate. "Of course daddy! Tell carol and carl I said bye!" She says kissing his check. He nods as she runs off fixing her goggles. Daryl was looking at the car as zach packed the car with crates for storage. Glenn and maggie were writing in a small notebook. "Anything you think we need abby?" Glenn ask her as she leans on the car. "Formula, toilet paper, OOO! We need some more film for the camera!" She says pointing at glenn. They used the camera the most. "True, how are we doing on pillows, blankets, that type of stuff?" He says looking up from the list. "Last time I checked we were doing fine." Maggie says making him nod. Daryl closes the front just as zach closes the back. "Ready?" Daryl says making glenn put his note pad in his pocket. "Yeah let's go." Glenn says opening the drivers side. Maggie quickly ran over beating daryl to the passenger side. "Damnit." He says making everyone laugh. "I guess you're in the back with me and abby." Zach says as daryl rolls his eyes. "As long as i'm not in the middle." Daryl says pushing abby in. "Great, of course it's me."

The drive wasn't as bad as abby thought. Mainly zach trying to get daryl to talk about before. Abby never understood why he wanted to know so bad. Daryl told her a bunch about his life a while back on a hunting trip that they took. It was starting to get warm around the time. It was a fun trip. Abby had strapped her bag onto her and held her machete in her hand. "What did you wanna do before all this abby?" Zach asked leaning up against the wall. Daryl was trying to unlock the door in the back of the store. Maggie giggled making zach look at her. "What? Is it something strange?" He asked making the two other men jump into the conversation. "Let me guess, veterinarian like your father." Glenn says making her shake her head. "Nope!" She says as maggie smiled at her. "One of those new york dancer ladies." Daryl says making maggie and her both laugh. "Nope!" She says as the men sigh. It went on until daryl got the door open. "Y'all are never gonna get it." She says as they walk inside. It was quite quiet. "Lame." Daryl says making her chuckle. "Grab a cart and spilt up. Meet back here when you're done. If you need anything channel 4." Glenn says grabbing his flashlight. "Sir yes sir!" Abby says jokingly followed by a chuckle. "Just go look for supplies." Maggie says pushing a cart to her. "Lame." She says copying daryl. Maggie had always been bossy. Abby grabs the cart and heads to the pharmacy part of the store. As she walked many supplies landed in her cart. Mainly medical supplies but, some other items as well. Soon she landed in the baby wellness section making her stop and scan. Abby knew judith would need medical attention at some point. She was just a baby. Abby grabbed multiple things before moving on. "How's it looking?" Daryl asked through the walkie. Abby stops and grabs her to reply. "I'm good over here, haven't ran into any walkers yet." She says slightly suspicious. "Guys, come over to the deli." Zach says making abby put her walkie down and start to rush over. Abby put her cart by someone else's carts before jogging over. Her eyes widened as she saw what was in front of her. "Now we know where all the walkers are." She says looking at the dozen or so walkers behind the deli counter. Someone had locked the doors, locking them behind the tall counters. "They can't crawl over, it's too tall." Glenn says as daryl walks over to the door. A small piece of paper was taped onto it. He grabbed it and walked back over. "I got bit and Didn't wanna risk anyone else's life. I hope whoever makes it here gets what they need." He reads out loud from the paper. "So someone came here to scavenge, got bit and trapped all the walkers inside there so, other people can get supplies?" Zach says as abby looks at the paper. "I believe so, helped us a bunch. I bet a lot of other people too." Glenn says as daryl hums back, agreeing with him. "We should get everything we need and go. Never know with that many walkers." Maggie says as they walk to the carts. "I agree." Abby says jumping on her cart making it roll. The five of them quickly got the rest of the supplies before heading back to the car. "So, back to the conversation abby." Zach says making her chuckle. "Why do you wanna know so bad?" She says as they load the car. Daryl was filling up the car with some gas. "Just for fun, it doesn't really matter now." He says making her roll her eyes. "Fine." She says dusting off her hands. "I wanted to be a botanist." Abby says as maggie starts laughing. "What the hell is that?" Daryl says as everyone else starts laughing. "She wanted to study botany, which is a fancy term for studying and collecting plants." Maggie says as abby smacks her arm. "I'm sorry that I like plants! It's come in handy many times!" Abby says defensively. "No, I can definitely see it. Dr. Greene, the plant scientist!" Glenn says making her smile. "Yeah, it matches you." Daryl says pulling her braid slightly. "It really does, didn't see you as the science person." Zach says as they pile into the car. "I'm a girl with many talents!" She says making daryl chuckle. "Sure you are." He says sarcastically. She punched his arm making everyone laugh. "Rude!"

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