Chapter 49: Scary times

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Abby was informed on what was discussed at hilltop. Their groups had agreed to trade if abbys group killed a group called the saviors. Abby and carl were forced to stay back just in case something bad happened. Abby had showed carl the picture and he cried as he figured out they were having twins. He was so excited he couldn't stop talking to the babies. They also agreed on their names. The boy was gonna be named theo ash grimes and the girl would be Lena ember grimes. Abby picked lenas name and theos middle while carl picked theos name and lenas middle. A couple days have gone by and the group has finally returned. Carol was gone along with rostia, daryl, and denise. Rick and morgan went looking for carol as glenn michonne went looking for daryl and them. Abby stayed with maggie, carl, and willow. "You want me to cut your hair?" Abby asked as maggie held the scissors in her hands. "Yes, short so don't worry about messing up." Maggie says as abby grabs the scissors from her hands. "Don't get mad at me if you don't like it." Abby says as maggie sits down. "Just cut, i'll tell you when to stop." Maggie says as abby starts to cut. Carl was upstairs giving judith a bath and willow was helping. Only a couple minutes later abby was done. "I like it but why?" Abby asked as maggie looks in the mirror. "I have to keep going and I don't want anything getting in my way." Maggie says only to start to freak out. "Damn did I cut it to short?" Abby says panicking. Maggie stood her head as she became pale. "No it's not that." Maggie says starting to breath heavy. "Maggie?" Abby says putting her hand on her back. "Ahh!" She screams bending over. "Maggie!" Abby says as maggie falls on the floor screaming and holding her stomach. Carl immediately came running down. "Go get someone!" Abby yells as willow held judith behind him. He didn't say anything he only ran out the house. "It's gonna be ok." Abby says as maggie continued to scream. People came to help and rick insisted we go to hilltop to get maggie help. Abby ran around crazy in the house as willow stood in the kitchen watching her. "I'm coming with!" Willow yells as abby puts on her gear over her clothes she changed into. She had on leggings, a white shirt and a big black jacket with her boots. Her hair was also in a half up half down with a loose bun. "No, you're staying with olivia! It's to long of a drive." Abby says as willow stood angrily. "I wanna go with!" Willow yells making abby look at her in shock. "No! This isn't a fun trip! Maggie could die! Her baby could die! You're staying here!" Abby yells back as olivia walks in. "Thank you again. Shes angry, so leave her be." Abby says As willow stomps her feet and runs upstairs do her room. "No problem, i'll be here when you get back." She says as he holds judith in her arms. Abby nods before running outside and to the RV. She sat in the back with maggie. She held maggie's head in her lap as they drove. "You're gonna be ok, harlan's gonna fix you." Abby says as the drove. Maggie cried in her lap as abby stroked her hair. "How do you know?" Maggie says wiping her nose as she crys. "Because we always turn out alright, we just have to have faith." Abby says grabbing maggie's hand. They soon came to a stop making abby look down the hall. "What happened?" Abby asked everyone as they looked out the window. "Stay here with maggie." Rick tells her as they all pile out. Carl sends her a small smile before walking out the rv. Abby just puts her hand on her gun as she waits for them to come back. A couple minutes later they all come back in before turning around. "We're gonna try a different way." Carl says as he walks down to her. "You guys alright?" He asked them. "Yeah, maggie's still the same." Abby says looking down at maggie. Carl nods before heading back up front. They drove for a while before stopping and turning around again. Abby looked out the window to see guys blocking the road again. "We're turning around again." Abby tells maggie as she watches the men get smaller and small before disappearing. This happened three more times before rick came back. The saviors had blocked every road to hilltop and maggie was getting worse and worse. "We're gonna go on foot, Eugene is gonna drive them away." Rick tells abby who's staring at maggie. "She doesn't have much time." Abby whispers as tears fall from her eyes. "I can't loose her." Abby says looking up at rick. "You won't. We got this." He says as abby nods. Aaron and abraham come back to help get maggie up and on the stretcher. Carl held abbys hand as they all got out of the RV. Abby had her gun in her hand ready if needed. Carl soon moved to the front as they started walking through the woods. Sasha stood with abby who stood by maggie's side as they walked. Abby didn't pay anything attention to anyone else only maggie.

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