Chapter 60: A range of war

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      Negan sped walked through out the sanctuary. "You sorry sacks of shits! How hard can it be to take down a single girl! I want my new wife back!" Negan yells into the walkie. Gun shots echoed through the sanctuary as he waited for a response. "She's Armed! We can't fin-" The walkie cut off for a second only to turn back on to men screaming. "God damnit!" Negan says before starting to run. "Hi, negan." Abby's voice comes out of the walkie. He stopped and a smirk appeared on his face. "Well damn princess, You're really ruining this first date. Never heard my men scream like such pussies." He says continuing to walk with a smirk on his face. "I thought we weren't having enough fun. You're really boring." Negans blood started to boil. "If you show yourself, I promise I might not kill you." He says only for abby to chuckle behind him. Negan quickly turned around to see abby's body covered in blood. A devilish smirk sat on her face. "I'd love to see you try." She chuckles slightly as her hunting knife sat in her right hand. Negan quickly lunged at her making her duck, punching his leg. She hit the spot where she shot him. "Fuck!" He says grabbing his leg. Abby then kicks him sending him into the wall. He let out a small grunt. Negan then turned around quickly and swung lucile. She quickly dodged the bat and sliced negans arm. "You Bitch!" He yells as abby backs up holding her knife firmly. Negan then lunges at abby sending lucile flying through the air. He aimed it right at her head. She quickly slides across the floor, knocking negan onto the floor. Lucile hit the wall before he hit the ground. He turn over to he was on his back grabbing lucile only for abby to also grab the bat. This started an tug of war between her and negan. "Let her go!" He yells at the two fought. Abby had all her weight on negan hoping to hold him down. She quickly slammed her knee into his stomach making him send out a scream before letting go. Abby quickly threw the bat before holding her knife against his throat. The hallway went quiet as abby pressed the knife to his throat. The only sounds were their heavy breathing. "You destroyed, everything." She says aggressively. Negan could see the rage in her eyes. He knew she wasn't playing around. "You'll rot in hell." She says gripping her knife hard. Right as she was about to stab him a gun was placed against her head. "Not so fast crazy." Simons voice says as around ten men come around the corner, all pointing their guns at her. "Drop it, or you're dead." Simon says as she chuckles. She knew it was sadly over. "It's ok, i'm not the one who's gonna kill him." She dropped her knife by simons feet. "It's gonna be rick." A huge smile appeared on her face as two men pulled her off negan. He quickly stood up and someone handed him lucile. Negan gladly grabbed the bat and bent down to look her in the eyes. They both stared into each others eyes, no words shared. "Spray her down with the hose then lock her up on floor 6." He says standing up. Abby didn't fight as they pulled her away. Her eyes stayed on negan until she couldn't anymore. He couldn't kill her, he was just bluffing. The men dragged her all the way outside where they sprayed her with a hose. She didn't even try to fight, she knew she'd lose. Plus, she was quite exhausted. She fought and killed eight grown men. Some almost twice her size. Once all the blood was off her body, they dragged her all the way to floor 6. They got to a small room and they threw her inside. It was empty and had no lights. The door locked loudly behind her as she sat on her knees. All her makeup was smeared on her face, she was soaked head to toe and, was still in that stupid dress. Her eyes slowly filled with tears as her body started to shake from the cold. Daryl had told her about his experience at the sanctuary, this was exactly it. Well, except for the music. She had no music playing, just silence. Abby slowly curled up into a ball and tried to warm up. Her eyes were now pouring tears. All she wanted was to be back with her family. Her mind was filled with everyone. Carl always trusted her to take care of herself mainly because, she says it twenty four seven. He knew it meant a lot to her to take care of herself. Carl always had faith in her. Daryl on the other hand, could never. She could only imagine the stress daryl was in. He'd definitely be taking it out on rick and michonne. Daryl had taken over as her dad once they were reconnected. She definitely knew he took it very seriously. All she could think about was them. She wanted to be with them.

      "If you don't shut up child." Daryl says as the two walk through the woods. It was a cold December morning. The sun had just started to rise. A layer of frost sat on everything around them. The two arrowheads were out hunting. Abby was a tad bit shorter and had long, long hair. She was all geared up along with some winter essentials. "I'm just saying, patrick IS stealing carl and I's comics!" Daryl just rolled his eyes at the fourteen year old. "Whatever you say, princess."  Abby gasped jokingly, pretending to be offended. "How rude!" She says as daryl rolled his eyes again at her. "Just stay quiet."  He says as they continuing to walk. Abby simply just sighs as she follows. The two has just been named "The hunters" by many of the new people. The new council had been allowing new people to join the prison. It was mainly people they found on runs who wanted to be safe. Abby held her bow looking around as they walked. Daryl had managed to get a couple squirrels on their way. They weren't too fair from the prison. They definitely could walk back. "Look." Daryl says catching her attention. He was pointing at what looked like small cabin just fair off the train tracks. "That small thing?" She says putting her bow up. She then grabbed her rifle to look through the scope.  No walkers stood around it. It was just a small log cabin. "Seems harmless." She says handing him the rifle to look. He scanned the area before handing it back. "Yeah, let's go check it out." Daryl hands her back the rifle before taking the lead. Abby quickly put it back on her bag before chasing after daryl. "Let's go!" She says excitedly but in a whisper. They crossed over the tracks and up a small hill. The small cabin has now become fully in view. "I hope there's something good inside." Abby says grabbing her bow just in case. "Your definition of good is a lot different than mine." Daryl says making the girl chuckle. "Yeah you're correct." She says as the approach the cabin. It had a small front porch with a bench. "Ladies first." Abby says motioning for daryl to go. He let out a small grunt before flipping her off. She just laughed quietly as daryl knocked on the door. A couple pots and pans fell catching their attention. "On three." Daryl says grabbing the door. Abby nodded and held up her bow. "One, two, three!" Daryl says swinging the door open. They both shot the first thing they saw. They lowered their weapons realizing what they shot. Abby sighed as daryl chuckled. "It's your definition of good." She says looking at the two raccoons. They both had shot one. "Yum." Daryl says making her frown a little. She'd eat it but, she wasn't gonna be to happy. "Go look around." He says grabbing the two now dead animals. "Ok, will do." She says heading into the kitchen. It was a very small house. It looked like one bedroom, one bathroom. Abby dug through all the drawers only finding none edible things. "Nothing in the kitchen." She says before walking to the half opened door. Slowly opening the door some more revealed a bedroom. Abby quickly turned on her book bag flashlight daryl found her. "Anything?" Daryl asked from the living room. "Not yet." She says loudly back. Her eyes scan everything as she looks around. She opened all of the dresser drawers, looked under the bed, in the closet, and nothing. "Nothing, anything in the bathroom?" Abby says walking out with a small sigh. "Nope, someone beat us to it." Daryl says walking out the bathroom. "Well, at least we got raccoons." She says poking one. "Don't forget the squirrels." Daryl says pointing to them on his back. "Oh how could I ever forget about them." Abby says rolling her eyes as they head to the door. "Mhm, let's go. We still got time for a another sweep before we head back." He says as abby closes the cabin door. They've been out for a few hours before the sunrise. "Ok, let's move then!" She says followed by a yawn. Daryl grabbed her bag and tied the two raccoons to it. "Come on." He says pushing her a bit. "I call dibs on the next squirrel though!" She says pointing a finger at him. "Fine, come on." Daryl says as she smiles. "Yes!" She says excitedly. He just chuckled to himself as they continued.

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