Chapter 54:The offer

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     "Plans?" Abby asked confused as she looked at the king. "I have many kids training, it's hard to train kids when most of the adults are training themselves." He says with a sigh. "I was hoping you could come to the kingdom and help train the children. Morgan says you're very good at hand to hand combat. Handle almost any weapon. It's quite impressive for a teenager." He says making abby look at morgan. "He probably hasn't told you how carl and I took him down that one time." Abby says smirking. "You stole my fruit roll ups!" Morgan says pointing at her. The king just smiled at the two. "You don't have to live here if you don't want too, you can come once or twice a week. You can bring theo and morgan says you have another kid, Willow?" The king says making her smile. "Yeah she's just as good as me, trained her myself." Abby says proudly. "Well, we'd be very grateful to have all three of you." The king says looking at jerry who was now holding a giggling theo. "I appreciate the offer and I would very much like to but, it's not up to me. I'd have to speak to rick about it." Abby says as the tiger roared again making her smile. "Of course, if you ever choose to stay you're welcome to stay with benjamin, henry and I." The king says making abby nod. "Off topic question." Abby says with a small chuckle. "Can I pet your tiger?!" She asked excitedly. "Of course! Shiva is quite a cuddlier." The king says as abby walks over to pet shiva. She immediately leaned into abbys touch and closed her eyes. "She seems to like you. You're quite lucky." The king says as abby continues to pet her. "The kingdom is beautiful by the way. Reminds me of my home." She says making the king smile. "Is alexandria like the kingdom?" He asked her. She liked how he stopped talking so proper, made everything feel more normal. "No, it's quite different." She says with a laugh. "I used to live on a farm. We grew food and raised cows, chickens, and horses." She says as daryl walks in. "I seem to holding you up. We shall speak again, warrior." He says in his funny voice. "Thank you your majesty!" She says with a bow before jerry handed her a now fast asleep theo. She smiled at him before heading to daryl who stood protectively. "We're staying the night." He says making her nod her head. "Come on." He says putting his hand on her back as they walked. Abby looked down at theo as they walked, he was so peaceful making her smile. "What'd he want?" Daryl asked breaking her thoughts. "He asked if I could train the kingdoms children, teach them how to fight." She says proudly with a smile. A small smile formed on daryls face. "Are you gonna do it?" He asked as they continued to walk. "I'm not sure, he said I could come twice a week or he said I could live in the kingdom." She says as carl walked to her side. "He offered you a job?" Carl says with a small chuckle. "Kind of, I don't know yet. I mean, i'd be training warriors. I don't know if i'm the right person." Abby says running her hand softly on theos cheek. "Abby, you're the best person to do it." Daryl says making her look at him with a smile. "You kick ass, you taught willow and she's just as good. You're the best person for it, be proud of it." He says making abbys smile become bigger. "Thanks daryl." She says as he pulls her in gently for a side hug. She chuckled as they continued to walk to their rooms for the night. Carl had taken theo from her hands allowing her too truly look around. It was a beautiful place to her, it raided so much lightness. They soon we're on their way back to alexandria.

          Abby was sad to be leaving but was gladly excepting King Ezekiel's request. Rick had convinced daryl to stay to hide from negan. It was the best place plus abby knew she'd see daryl when she visited. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Carl ask her as they get back to the cars. "I'm Hundred percent, The world is rebuilding. Why not help as much as I can?" Abby says climbing in the car. "I can also see daryl and make sure he's ok." She says as carls jumps in the car next to her. "Ok, only if you're sure about this." Carl says handing her Theo. She happily grabbed theo and held him in her arms. He was fast asleep, he didn't mind the chaos. The car ride was normal as they listened to negans radio. He was talking about how some guy named joey got killed. Abby assumed daryl most likely killed him. Her attention was caught as rick stopped the car. "Someone's trying to block the way, gotta be the saviors." Jesus says making abby look forward. Cars sat all in the way making abby slightly panic. Theo was with her and she didn't want anything to happen to him. "Look, I think that's their base over there." Carl says as abby held theo closer. "Yeah that's it, Must be trying to make it hard to get to them." Jesus say with a sigh. "We gotta keep going. We'll move them, and then we'll move them back. They don't need to know we were here." Rick says turning off the car. "Stay in the car abby." Michonne says making abby nod. As everyone moved the cars abby put on the wrap that holds theo. Just in case everything happens, he'd be connected to her. "ABBY! Start the car!" Rick yells making abby jump into the front seat. She quickly started the car and watched them from the mirrors. Her eyes widened as she saw everyone holding explosions. Rosita opened the trunk and abby turned around. "Woah! what!" Abby says holding theo. "I'll explain in the car!" Rosita says to abby as they load them in. "Drive!" She says as carl and tara jump in the car. Abby quickly whips the car around so they can move the cars back. "Guys! THE WALKERS!" Abbys yells as they run back. Abby quickly rolls up the windows as walkers attacked the car. They waited as rick and michonne got in the car before she sped off. "Omg!" Abby says breathing heavy. She drove with one hand as the other held theos head. They dropped the car off before walking the rest of the way. "Are you alright?" Carl asked her as she looked at theo. "Yeah i'm ok. You?" She ask looking up at him. He smiled and grabbed her face. "I'm ok if you're ok." He says before kissing her head. She smiled as they continued to walk. Once they got back to Alexandria abby immediately headed to their house. The sound of cars pulling up caught her attention. Aaron and Eric walked up with willow. "Mom!" She yells running up to abby. Her arms wrapped around her legs as abby watched negan and them closely. "Stay by my side." Abby says as they start walking to their house. Abby kept her hand on theo, she wasn't going to let those men get near her. They tore apart almost everything as willow and abby sat in their room. Once they finished abby and willow started to clean everything up. It made her so angry that they thought they could do whatever they wanted. "Abby!" Carl yelled from downstairs. "Up here!" She yells down as she slowly put her and carls clothes back. Carl entered the room and his eyes fell on abby kneeling on the floor. She was slowly folding clothes as willow handed her more. Carl kneeled down and placed a hand on her lower back. She knew something was up other than negans men destroying everything. "Gabriel took the rest of the food." He says softly. Abby just sighed and her head dropped. A single year fell from her eyes, she was trying so hard to hold everything in. Carl just wrapped his arms around her. She didn't move, her hand still rested on theo, and the shirt she was holding. All she wanted to do was kill something or someone. She quickly wiped her eyes before continuing to fold. Carl knew she was pissed. If willow and theo weren't there she'd probably destroy the house. "Let me take him. You go help the others." He says holding his hands out. She nodded her head before handing theo to carl.

         Abby slowly pulled off her carrier before standing up. "I'm gonna go hunt. See if I can catch anything." She says as willows face lit up. "Can I go with?" She ask eagerly. Abby chuckled at her with a smile. "Get our gear, I'm gonna go talk to rick." Abby says making willow jump excitedly. Carl smiled at the two of them. "Be safe." Carl says as he played with a wide away theo. "We will." Abby says with a smile as willow rushed out the bedroom. They both just chuckled before abby headed to rick. Before she could walk out the house rick walked in. "We're going to look for gabriel, I just wanted to let y'all know." He says as abby nods. "Ok, be safe." She says only for rick to pull her into a hug. "If you're going hunting, watch out for saviors." Rick says as they pull apart. "How did yo-" She was cut off by willow dropping some of their gear. "I saw willow." He says with a smile. Abby just rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Oops, my bad." Willow says before putting everything on the table. Rick pulls his hand on abby's shoulder before walking out the house. Willow immediately started putting on gear. "Nope, we're putting on all the gear. Gotta watch out for saviors." Abby says grabbing her goggles and bandana. "Oh, we're going to be stealthy. I see!" Willow says excitedly grabbing her mask. Abby found it on a run one day. It's just a black metal mask just big enough for willow. Abby strapped on her bag and threw on her cloak before sliding her goggles on. "Ready?" She asked grabbing her bow. "Ready!" Willow says as she puts her poncho on. "Alright let's go." Abby says as they start to walk out the house. They got to the gate and the guard on watch opened it up for them. "We'll be back after dark." Abby yells up to the guard. "Alright, be safe!" He yells back as abby pulled her bandana over the rest of her face. She sent him a thumbs up before her and willow started walking in the woods. Willow followed carefully behind abby as they walked. Abby was planning on going across the river to hopefully find anything. A couple rabbits would be something but not enough. If they were lucky abby could track a deer but they've been harder to find. She stared carefully at the ground as they walked. "What are you tracking?" Willow whispered moving to abby's right. "Hopefully something good, looks like it's big." Abby says kneeling down. Her eyes widened as she saw a paw mark. "What is it?" Willow asked looking at it. "Looks like a bear." Willow says making abby's heart fall to her ass. "Oh my god! Are we tracking a bear!?" Willow yells slightly. Abby immediately shushed her. "Are we tracking a bear?!" Willow says now in whispers yell. "Possibly, let's just hope it's not huge." Abby says standing back up. She's never hunted a bear before. Yes she saw bears around the farm growing up but she never killed one before. The tracking took a while and it was sun set when abby lost the tracks. Her and willow had managed to get a couple squirrels, two rabbits and willow managed to shoot some fish in the river. "What happened?" Willow asked as abby kicked around the leafs trying to find the tracks. "They fade around here. After that there's no tracks." Abby says as they slowly start walking. The sound of walkers caught their attention. Abby motioned for willow to get down behind a bush as she got her bow ready. She held it up and looked around. A loud roar made her and willow jump. "The bear!" Willow says before running in the direction of the roar. "Willow!" Abby yells running after her. Walkers heard them and started heading their way. Abby quickly killed a few as she headed in the direction willow ran. It was an open field and when she got there willow was hiding behind a rock. Her head was in her knees making abby look forward. A group of walkers were surrounding was abby knew was the bear. She sighed and held her hand out for willow. "Come on. Let's go home." Abby says as willow grabbed her hand. She pulled her up and willow held her hand. "I hate this world." Willow says as they make their way back. "I know baby. I know."

OMG! I'm SO SO SO SORRY! My life has been crazy! I finished high school so hopefully I can update more, probably only once a month or so! This book means a lot to me so don't worry i'm not abandoning this! It will take me some time to finish it but no worries! Abby Greene story isn't over yet! I have many plans for her! So i'm sorry this chapter isn't amazing but here it is!

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