Chapter 32: Together again

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    A couple days went by and abby was still chained to the trees. Her body was weak and she could barely lift her head up. Will spent hours torturing her everyday. Her back was burned, sliced up and bruised along with her whole body. Her lip was busted open and she had a cut along her eyebrow.

She would cry everyday until she couldn't cry anymore. They all would laugh at her and say awful things about killing and eating her group. All abby wanted to do was die, she prayed to god he'd let her die. At least she would die saving her family, the people she loves. She would some times fall asleep and today was one of those days.

Abby woke up to see the group cooking something over a fire. She couldn't tell from here what it was. Abby turned her head and her eyes widened at what she saw. Bob was tied to a tree with his leg cut off. He was freaking out as Gareth the leader talked to him, that's when abby looked closely at the fire.

Her heart started racing once she saw bobs leg cooking over the fire. She closed her eyes and looked down not wanting to see anymore. This is all your fault, she says in her head. She could be with the group right now if she would have stayed with daryl. She'd be with carl, someone she misses so much. She'd be with michonne, maggie, glenn, daryl, beth, willow. She was tried and wanted to go home.

"I been bitten you stupid pricks!" Abbys attention was caught by bob yell at them.

She watched as they all started spitting out bob and throwing up. They all panicked making abby smirk, those asshole got what they deserve. Bob started laughing super hand making one of the guys knock him out. Will turned and saw abby smirking.

"You stupid bitch!" He says running over and punching her in the face knocking her out. When abby woke up she was being untied from the trees.

"Wake up bitch, time to get up." Will says as she falls to the ground in pain. Will has clearly burned her some more.

"Get up!" He yells pulling her off the ground. She stands up with wobbly knees as will ties her up again.

"Let's go." He says pulling her along.

Abby walked for what felt like forever until they got to a church. They pulled abby along as they walked up to the door and busted in. It was dark and you couldn't see much.

"Well I guess you know we're here and we know you're here." Gareth says as they all walk in. Abbys heart raced as it was silent, she knew something bad was gonna happen.

"And we're armed, so there's really no point in hiding anymore." He says motioning for everyone else to go closer in. Will pulled abby along through the dark church.

"We've been watching you, we know who's here, There bob unless you already put him out his misery already." Gareth says as he starts to name people. Abby started to panic not wanting to see everyone die.

"And eugene, Rosita, martins good friends tyrese and willow, carl, Judith." Abbys heart raced faster by the minute, her legs and arms shook as she walked.

"Rick and the rest walked out with a lot of your guns. Listen we don't know where you all are but this isn't a big place so let's just stop this now before things get more painful than they need to be."Gareth says before point up at the doors.

Abby looked up at the two doors hoping no one came out. The others ran up to the doors and tried to open them, locked.

"Look, you're behind one of these two doors and we have more than enough firepower to take down both. Can't imagine that's what you all want." He says as will pulls back abbys shot gun.

"How about the priest? Father if you help wrap this up we'll let you walk away from this. Just open the door and you can go. You can take the baby with you. What'd you say?" Gareth asked as everyone stood at the doors except will and abby. Her eyes moved back and forth from each door.

    Judith crying caught everyone in the rooms attention to the door on the left. "I don't know maybe we'll keep the kid. I'm starting to like this girl." Gareth says making abbys eyes widened.

"It's your last chance right now to tell us you're coming out." Gareth says making will look at him.

"Are we done?" Will asked impatiently.

"We'll hit the hinges." Gareth says only for the people by the door to be shot and killed.Abbys eyes widened as she looked at the bodies.

"Put your guns on the floor." Rick says making abby start to relax hoping rick can get her out of this.

"Rick we'll fire right in that office so lower your gun-" Rick cut him off by shooting his fingers off.

"Put your guns on the floor and kneel." Rick says as abby doesn't look at him. Gareth cried out in pain and grabs his fingers.

"Do what he says." Gareth says making the rest kneel. Will pulls abby to the ground making her kneel.

"Martin there's no choice here." Gareth tells him as rick and them go around.

"Yeah there is." Martin says proudly.

"Wanna bet?" Abraham says pointing his gun at him. Martin then shakes his head and kneels on the ground.

"No point in begging right?" Gareth asked rick.

"No." Rick says looking down at him. Abby was the only one without a gun pointed at her.

"Still you could have killed us when you came in there had to be a reason for that." Gareth says trying to get out of death.

"We didn't wanna waste the bullets." Rick says to him.

"We used to help people, we saved people. Things changed and they came in and." Gareth started laughing.

"After that, I know that you've been out there I can see it. You don't know what it's like to be hungry. You don't have to do this. We can walk away and we will never cross paths again I promise you." Gareth says as rick looks at him.

"But you'll cross someone's path. You'd do this do anyone, right? Besides, I already made you a promise." Rick says before pulling out a machete and killing gareth.

Everyone started killing gareth a group leaving abby alone. Abby still stood shaking as she watched rick and them kill them brutally. Once they stopped rick came over to abby.

"Are you alright?" He asked not noticing it was abby. Abby just started crying as rick untied her. Once she was untied rick took a good look at her and his eyes widened.

"Abby?" He asked as she looked up at him eyes filled with tears.

She immediately pulled ricks body to her for a hug. He wrapped his arms around her as she broke down in his arms. She was so tried and was in so much pain. Rick looked down at her back and his blood boiled.

She was branded, cut up and severely bruised up. Michonne ran over and kneeled down at the girl. Abby turned her head and looked up at michonne. Michonnes eyes widened and started to fill with tears as she saw it was abby.

"It hurts." Abby says as rick let's go of her so michonne can hold her.

"I know, We're gonna fix." Rick says grabbing her face before running away.

"It's abby, We gotta go on a run now." Rick says to glenn who was standing next to maggie. Maggie's eyes widened and ran over to her little sister. She stroked her hair as she cried in pain.

"Tyrese you coming?" Rick asked as tyrese watched abby cry.

"Hell yeah." He says as they quickly grab their stuff.

"It's ok, you're safe." Michonne says rocking her back and forth to calm her down.

Carl comes out of the room and sees abby. His eyes widened as he saw her all beat up. He handed Sasha judith before running over to her.

"Did they do this?" Carl asked maggie as he started to get mad. She nodded as she continued to watch abby cry in pain. Everyone felt awful as All they could do was wait for rick and them to get back. They knew it was gonna be a long wait.

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