Chapter 56: Again? Again

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It didn't take abby long to get back to alexandria and she was very surprised by her timing. Negan and his men we're waiting at their door step. All she wanted to do was shoot an arrow in the side of his head. She wasn't too close making sure not to be seen by people in the cars. Abby could also see rick speaking to eugene but, she wasn't sure what they were talking about. Her attention was caught by rick ducking. She immediately covered her ears ready for the explosion only for nothing to happen. "What." Abby whispers to herself quietly, looking back at rick. The trash people had turned on the Alexandrians. Abby's blood started to boiling as she heard a stick snap behind her. She quickly spun around to see one of them holding a gun on her about five feet away. Before they could pull the trigger abby threw her knife, hitting them directly in the eye. She quickly ran over, grabbing her knife and their assault rifle. Her eyes then turned back toward her people. Negan and his men exited their trucks as abby continued watching. One of their trucks were opened revealing abby and rostias bombs. Negan had started talking, she tried to read his lips but he was too far. Abby watched at Dwight and simon hopped onto one of the trucks. They started unwrapping something that looks familiar to a coffin. Negan had them sit it up straight as he stood next to it. He began talking, making abby get closer. She wanted to hear him, she wanted to see him. She wanted to kill him. "So, you don't like eugene anymore. You guys gotta like sasha." Negan says with a smile. Her blood boiled as she quickly reaches into her bag. She grabbed two of her fireworks bombs and waited. If her first bombs didn't work, she sure as hell was gonna make sure these do. "I do too." He says before knocking on the coffin. She grabbed her lighter and waited for the perfect moment. "I got her right here packaged for your convenience, alive and well! Now, I brought her so I wouldn't have to kill all of you and not killing you could get complicated." A familiar hat caught her attention making her look up at the wall. Carl had stood up but, had a gun pointed at him. She normally would be happy to see him, not in this case. "See, I know there's a lot of firepower left in there rick. So i'm gonna make this simple. I want all the guns you managed to scrape up. Yep, I know about those, too." Negan says smirking. "I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. I want a person of your own choosing for lucille. Daryl, I gotta get me my daryl back. And the pool table, all the pool cues and chalk , and I want it now!" He says screaming the last part. Abby rolled her eyes and got her bow out from under her cloak. She wanted to be able to get to it quick if she needed a quiet kill. "Or sasha dies, and then all of you." Negan says giving rick a dirty look. "Well, I think i'll keep abby though, i'd like a new wife." He says smirking. Abby mentality threw up at the thought of being his wife. "Come on rick, just because I brought her in a casket doesn't mean she has to leave in it." He looks up at rick who's facial expression stayed the same. "You know what rick? You suck ass, rick. You really do. I don't wanna have to kill her but, that's exactly what you're gonna make me do." Negan says clearly getting more pissed off at rick. "Let me see her." Rick says making negan smirk. "Oh alright. Just give me one second. I might have to get her up to speed. You can't hear shit inside this thing." He says smirking before knocking on the coffin. "Sash, you're not gonna believe this crap." As he open up the coffin sasha lunged out growling. Abby's eyes widened as she saw sasha as a walker. She had already been dead. Quickly abby lit two of her bombs and threw them in the middle of negans men. "What the." A man said looking down at the bombs. Not even two seconds later the bombs went off sending gun fire into the air. Abby was quick on her feet and ran for the west part of Alexandra. She quickly climbed over the wall not wanting to get in the cross fire .

           Abby killed all of the trash people she ran into. She turned a corner only to smack right into someone. She quickly held her gun up to be met with daryl. "You scared the fuck outta me." She says almost out of breath. "What the hell are you doing here?" Daryl says smacking her over the head. "Ow!" She says rubbing her head under her hood. "I'm saving our people, asshole." Daryl rolls his eyes as they hid behind a house. "God you're so stubborn! Then get somewhere high." Was all he said before running off. Abby already knew daryl wasn't gonna fight with her now, that was an after the fight problem. She quickly ran to ron's old house and started climbing. Ron had showed her and carl how he got on their roof one night. Abby was glad she remembered. Once she was up there she could see everything. She kneeled down so she could be hidden but, still make her shot. The gunfire had calmed slightly and abby had gotten her bow out. She looked around until she found exactly what she was looking for. Carl. He was on his knees with rick surrounded by negans men. Abby was definitely too far to hear but, she could definitely hit negan. She watched negan and carl carefully. Abby grabbed an arrow and lined it up with negans head. Her attention was caught by a women screaming. She quickly turned to see a women falling from the building michonne was in. Tears filled her eyes as she realized. Michonne was dead. The saddest quickly turned to angry as she focused back on negan. Tears blurred her vision making her blink a bunch. She wanted to make this shot, this was the shot of her life. Negan continued talking making her pissed. She needed him standing up straight, clean shot. Negan quickly turned to carl flicking his hat off. Abby knew exactly what was about to happen. "NOOOO!" She screamed only to be shot in the leg sending her arrow flying. Abby quickly lost balance and started rolling off the roof. She hit the ground with a very hard thud as her bow fell beside her. Abby knew she missed something as gunfire filled the air again. "Fuck." Abby says trying to stand up. "Not so fast." A women says walking over to her with a gun. She was clearly one of negans people. "Well this just isn't far. I don't have a gun." Abby says clearly lying. The women just laughed at her. Abby started laughing too throwing the women off. This only allowed her to quickly grab her gun and shoot the women in the face. "Eat shit lady." Abby says before quickly standing up. She couldn't move crazy fast but, it was fast enough. Abby quickly headed over to the gate. She was hoping to shoot any of negans men who were trying to escape. Her leg throbbed but it didn't matter. All that mattered to her was protecting her people. Abby had managed to kill about four of negans men as she ran. "Stop where you are." A familiar voice says making her stop in her tracks. The clicking of the gun caught her attention. "You're done for." Simon says before shooting her in the side. "Get them!" He yells to his men. Abby couldn't help but scream. An Assault rifle bullet to the leg and a hand gun bullet to the side. She knew this was probably gonna be the end. Her body gave out sending her body to the ground. She was loosing to much blood. The men quickly grabbed her and sat her up. Simon quickly ripped her face gear off. He smirked as abby's vision slowly turned into black spots. "Take her, quick! Negan will want her alive!" Abby couldn't fight. The last thing she remembered was someone throwing her over their shoulder before, everything went black.

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