Chapter 47: Belly

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(Note: Abby does take a lot of enid's parts but that is because it makes a little more sense for her to do it. Another thing is these next couple of chapter will be shorter and not so exciting. I'm sorry)

Two months have gone by and abby was now showing a lot. "Wake up!" Willow says jumping on abbys bed. "Go away!" Abby says as she was up almost all night. "Was the baby bugging you again?" Willow asked poking abbys stomach. "Willow leave abby alone." Glenn says walking into abbys room. "Prenatal vitamins." Glenn tells abby making her sit up. He handed her the pills along with a glass of water. She quickly took them and handed glenn the glass back. "You didn't answer my question." Willow asked sitting next to abby. Abby rolled her eyes before answering. "Yes the baby was bugging me, now you are." Abby says standing up. "Willow go get dressed, you have school soon." Glenn says as willow jumps off the bed. "Fine!" She says walking back to her room. "Need some help showering? I can go get maggie." Glenn says motioning to downstairs. "No I got it." Abby says with a smile. "Alright, just keep the door cracked, just in case." Glenn says with a smile before walking out. Abby sighs and stares down at her stomach. "Stop moving, you're being annoying." Abby says poking her stomach. She sighed again before getting some clothes and headed to the bathroom. She quickly showered and put on some clothes. She picked out some leggings, a black t shirt and a loose jean button up. Abby went to bend over only for her belly to get in the way. "Agh, glenn!" She yells down to him. "What?" He yells up as he heads upstairs. "I can't put my shoes on." She yells back as he comes walking into her room. He chuckled as she sat on the bed. "Which shoes?" He asked walking over to her shoes. "Those cow boy boots daryl got me." She says pointing to them. He grabs them before walking over. He puts on her socks before sliding on her shoes. "Making glenn do everything for you huh? Kind of rude." Maggie jokes as she walks in. Abby just rolls her eyes as glenn chuckles. "That's gonna be you soon." He says kissing her cheek before heading downstairs. "Whatcha gonna do today?" Maggie ask her as abby stood up. "Probably gonna hang with carl, maybe babysit judith for a little." Abby says grabbing a lollipop of her dresser. She had been craving them like crazy. "Alright, be careful." Maggie say before walking out the room. Abby follows her out and downstairs. Willow was eating some pancakes maggie made. Abby sat down next to her and started eating. "I'm gonna be working on the farm today if you need me." Maggie says kissing everyone head. "Alright. Bye." Abby says continuing to eat. Maggie then headed out to start work. Abby checked the time only to see willows school started in ten minutes. "Oh crap, willow it's time for school or you're gonna be late." Abby says getting up. "Oh yeah!" Willow says as if she forgot about school. She grabbed her bag as abby headed to the door. "I'll see you later!" Abby yells glenn who was still eating. "Bye!" He yells back as they quickly leave the house.

Abby dropped willow off with only two minutes to spare. She then headed to carl's house unwrapping her lollipop. Once she got there rick was about to leave with daryl. "You guys about to leave?" Abby asked taking the lollipop out of her mouth. "Yeah, you need anything?" Rick asked her as he was writing stuff down. "More lollipops, maybe some crazy cheese if you find any." She says as michonne rolled her eyes. "Crazy cheese really?" Michonne says as daryl put a hand on abbys stomach to feel the baby. "You love crazy cheese." Abby says to michonne with a small chuckle. "That is true." Michonne says as carl came walking down the stairs. "Theyre moving a lot in there." Daryl says pulling away. "Yeah they don't like to stop. I'm running on a couple hours of sleep." Abby says as carl walks over to her and pulls her into a hug kissing her head. "Welcome to parenthood." Rick says with a smile making abby laugh. "Lori used to complain about carl moving to much, it's a grimes thing." Rick says as they pull apart. "Let's hope it's a grimes boy thing." Carl says making abby roll her eyes. "Nah, my girl is having herself a mini michonne." Michonne says to carl. They all have been guessing the gender, carl is hoping for a boy as abby doesn't mind. "Team boy." Rick says with a wink as carl and him high five. "You guys are so childish." Abby says with a smile. "Team girl." Daryl says messing up abbys hair. She just rolled her eyes as rick and daryl headed out. "I'll be back later, you two watch judith." Michonne says heading to the door. "Alright, be safe." Abby tell her as she opens the door. "Will do." Michonne says before walking out and closing the door. "Whatcha wanna do today?" Carl asked abby as she walked to the couch. "Sleep, eat, repeat." Abby says plopping down on the couch. Carl just let out a small laugh as he sat down next to her. "How about walk?" Carl asked as she laid down. "How about a nap?" Abby says as carl's chuckles. Abby looked at carl's bandage and placed a hand on his face. "I'm alright, i'm still getting used to it." He says making abby smile. "Come on, let's go take a walk." Carl says making abby groan. "Come on, you can stay here tonight." He says making abbys eyes widened and smile. "Deal!" She say standing up. "I'll get judith." Carl says walking to the stairs. Abby didn't say anything as she got the stroller. "Walk!" Judith spits out in her baby voice. Abby just smiled as judith reached her arms out for abby. "Babby!" She says as abby takes her from carl. "I missed you." Abby says giving judith a kiss on the cheek. Judith just chuckled and hugged abby. She couldn't say much but she understood a lot. The rest of the day was simple, went on a walk, ate a bunch of food, picked up willow from school and played with willow and judith. When the night came abby had ran over to her house to change. She decided on sweatpants, one of carl's shirts and her fuzzy socks. Abby loved staying at carl's house since she was a lot more relax with carl. He also always calmed the baby down too which abby liked. "So which comic?" Carl asked as abby got comfortable in his bed. He held up two of their favorite comic in both of his hands. "Ummm, that one." Abby says pointing to the one in his left hand. "Good Choice." Carl says putting the other one back. He walked over and laid down so he was by abbys belly. He liked to sit there and talk to the baby, abby didn't mind since she never had to read. "Hey, you gotta be still for mommy or i'm not reading to you." Carl says putting his hand on abbys stomach. Abby just giggled as the baby didn't stop rolling around. "Be nice." He says rubbing her stomach. Only seconds later the baby had relaxed and stopped moving. "You have a way with them." Abby says as carl smiled and looked up at her. "Babies like me." He says with a chuckle. Abby just rolled her eyes and smiled. The hard wood floors creaking caught her attention. "Did you hear that?" She says looking at the door. "The floor?" Carl asked getting up from the bed. "Yeah, sounded like someone walking on the stairs." Abby says as carl grabs his gun. "I'll go check it out." He says as abby gets up. "I'll come." She says walking to her shoes. "No you stay." Carl says as abby grabs her knife out of her boot. "No im coming with you." Abby says walking up to him. He sighed knowing she wouldn't listen to him. "Stay behind me." He says opening the door quietly. They slowly walk out both holding their weapons. Abby looked around the hall way as they walked. Carl nudged her light motioning to the stairs. Someone they didn't know was sitting at the top. They walked over slight and carl held his gun up to the man. "What the hell are you doing in our house?" Carl says as he pointed his gun at the man. "I'm, um, sitting on the steps looking at this painting waiting for your mom and dad to get dressed. Hi, i'm Jesus." He says as abby walked up to stand next to carl. Footsteps caught abbys attention making her and carl turn around. "Carl, abby, um. Hey." Rick says as abbys eyes widened at the sight of michonne and rick half naked. "Were you gu-" Foot steps coming up the stairs caught her attention. Daryl, glenn and abraham all stood at the stairs pointing their guns. "It's okay." Michonne says motioning to them to put their guns done. "You said we should talk, so let's talk." Rick tells him. Abby looked at everyone very confused. "What is going on." She says to herself quietly.

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