Chapter 5: Hidden Weapon

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     Abby woke up to maggie at the end of her bed. "I thought you got rid of that bow." Maggie says as abby sits up. Abby just rolls her eyes at maggie.

"You told daddy you got rid of it." Maggie says now looking at abby. Abby just slid her legs off the bed and stood up.

"What if daddy finds out you have that? What do you think he'll do?" She tells abby as she walks to her closet.

"I have it under control! He can't climb into my treehouse!" Abby says grabbing an outfit for the day.

"That's where it better stay. No more taking it out. If I see you one more time with it I swear to god abigail!" Maggie says as abby sighs.

"I understand! Goodness gracious Mag!" Abby says raising her voice. Maggie doesn't say anything she just gets up and walks out. Abby sighs and heads to the bathroom.

She showers and washes her hair then puts her outfit on for the day. She picked a blue t shirt, leggings, her converse and her necklace. She knew carl would be up and moving today which made her happy. He of course was probably working right now, simple stuff of course. She wrapped a black flannel around her waist covering the extra skin that showed.

She then grabbed a couple books and a CD before heading downstairs. Patricia was somewhere doing who knows what. Abby just grabbed some food and sat down at the table. She ate quietly but kinda fast as she wanted to get to her treehouse. Once she finished she headed outside and put her books in the treehouse basket. Once she got to the top she pulled the basket up.

From up here she could see everyone doing everything. Glenn was of course staring at the barn. Abby sighed before heading inside. She sat on the hammock listening to some music and reading a book. There was a nice breeze so the windows were open.

"Abby come down please." Patricia says up to her. "Coming!"Abby yells down as she starts to stop everything. She then slides down the fire pole to be meet with Patricia, and beth.

"Yes?" Abby ask with a smile.

"Hershel's letting us go practice shooting today. Are you up for it?" She ask softly.

Abby thoughts for a second. She did just have a episode the other day, was it really ok for her to do this?

"We'll all be there. If you get scared and wanna back out that's ok." Beth says to comfort her little sister. Abby just smiles.

"Yeah, i'll come." Abby says as beth and patricia smile. Beth grabs her hand as they walk to Shane and rick.

"We'd like to join you for gun training today." Beth says to the men.

"Hershel's been very clear. I can't involve y'all in anything we do without his ok." Rick says looking at us.

"He doesn't like it but he consented." Beth says as rick looks at shane. He then looks at abby.

"Otis was the only one who knew guns. Now he's gone. We gotta learn how to protect ourselves." Patricia says as shane looks down.

"Hershel saw the sense in that." Patricia finishes off.

"No offense but i'll ask hershel myself." Rick tells them. Abby and beth both nod their heads. Abby knew that today could go very well, or very bad.

I found myself sitting in the back of otis truck. We're on our way to practice shooting. Otis would take me almost every other weekend before this all happened. We would go hunting and get squirrels or deers. It wasn't until that first week of this. It was only the first week, when I was shot.

I know I have to get over this, I have too. I soon found myself with a pistol in my hand at the end of the shooting range. Twelve glass bottle in front of me. I stared at it as everyone else shot around me. The sound was no longer scary as it echoed throughout the farm.

"You gonna shoot?" Shane ask me. "Yeah, just need a minute." I tell him. He then comes beside me and I turn my head.

"You shouldn't be scared to handle a gun. Once you shoot you'll get the hand of it." He tells me. I let out a small laugh.

"Who said i've never shot a gun before?" I say with a small laugh.

"Then show me whatcha got." He says with a smile. I smile back and hold the gun.

I aim for the first one and shoot. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, all bottles were shot without missing one. I then took the empty clip out and handed him the gun.

"I'm a good shot." I say as his eyes were wide.

"Nice one abby." Rick says putting his hand on my shoulders.

"Thanks rick." I say with a smile. The smile was mainly for me, shooting that gun make everything fly away. Having all that control in the palm of your hand made everything fly away. Made me feel alive.

"Can I go again?" I ask shane with a smile.

"I'll ask hershel later if shane can take you to do some harder practice." Rick says with a wink before heading to carl. Shane then hands me his gun.

"It's got a bigger kick back, twice the rounds, better balance. Try that." He says before walking away.

I look at the gun in my hand before moving to more bottles and cans. I then start shootings. I only miss one but then I go back and shoot it again making it this time.

"Wow, I like this one." I say rubbing my thumb on the metal. Rick then comes back to check on me.

"How's it feel?" He ask as I go to aim again.

"Great, like this one more than the other one." I tell him as I look at him.

"Shane night need to find a new gun." I say making us both laugh.

"He might." Rick says messing up my hair. I just laugh as I hand the gun back to him. Soon we were heading back home and all I wanted to do was read my book. I got to my tree and started to climb.

"Hey abby!" I admittedly turn around to see where the voice came from. It was carl.

"Oh hi carl!" I say as I continue to climb up.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." He ask me as I get to the top.

"Of course!" I say looking down at him.

"I can't climb the tree." He says pointing to his stomach.

"Oh yeah! I forgot!" I say running into the treehouse. I open a hatch and pull the latter down. It flys down catching carl's attention.

"Hold up!" I yell to him. I start the music and turn it up a little louder before getting in the hammock. Carl soon gets up and pulls the latter up.

"Wow, this is impressive." He says as he closed the hatch.

"Yeah, yeah it is." I say with a small laugh. Carl sits in one of the beanbag chairs and looks around.

"How long have you had this?" Carl ask me as I put my book down.

"For as long as I can remember." I say making us both laugh. I smiled as I finally had a friend but I knew deep inside that it was all gonna end soon.

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