Chapter 33: The healing

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    Rick and them got back right as the sun came up. They got as much as they could. Bandages, stuff to clean it, pain killers and some healing and burn cream. When they got back abby was still crying laying down on michonnes legs. Carl played with her hair trying to calm her down. Willow sat with sasha crying.

"Alright, Let's take her in the back room." Rick says as he picks her up. She cried out in pain as rick held her.

"It's ok," He says as she wrapped her arms around him.

He placed her down on the couch as michonne sat down with her. Carl stood up and sat outside the door waiting. Rick turned around as michonne and maggie took abbys bra off. Maggie handed her a blanket to cover up her front as they got all the cleaning stuff out.

"Are you ready?" Rick says as maggie and michonne held abby down.

"Yeah just do it." Abby says in pain.

Rick nodded and started to dump the liquid on her back. Abby let out an ear piercing scream as the liquid burned her skin. Tears filled her eyes and flooded down her face. Carl's eye widened and immediately jumped up swinging the door open.

"You're hurting her!" He yelled running over to her. Tyrese grabbed him and held him back.

"We have to clean it!" Rick yells dumping more stuff on the cuts and burning. Abby let out another scream this time into the couch to muffle it.

"STOP!" Carl yells starting to get mad.

"Get him out of here!" Rick yells pointing at carl who was trying to escape from Tyreses arms. Tyrese carried carl outside the room and closed the door.

"Stop!" Tyrese yells blocking carl from the door.

Carl finally stopped and raced outside. Tyrese sighed as abbys screams continued. He turned and watched as willow cried into Sashas arms. After ten minutes of screaming it was finally over.

Rosita came in and stitched all of abbys cuts before maggie put on healing cream and stuff on the burns before wrapping her whole back in bandages. Michonne and maggie helped her get dressed before laying her on the couch. Michonne then gave her some water and pain killers.

Gareth and them had her bag so all her stuff was there. Willow came in and sat on the ground next to her watching her very carefully. She laid on her stomach not wanting to feel the pain of her back.

"Where's carl?" Abby asked as rick came back in the room.

"I'll go get him." He says with a smile. Rick walked outside and saw carl sitting on the stairs crying.

"She's asking for you." He says making carl look up at him.

He quickly got up and ran inside. Once he got there he saw her laying there with her hand on willows crying face. He's eyes filled with tears as he saw her beautiful beaten up face. She looked up, saw carl and tears filled her eyes.

"Carl." She says trying to sit up.

"No don't mov-" Abby pulling him into a hug cut him off.

He just melted into her touch and wrapped his arms softly around her. She pulled away and looked up at him. He was a lot more mature looking and was taller. He placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her in connecting their lips. Abby wrapped her arms around carl and a tear fell her eyes. They pulled away and abby smiled through the tears.

"I missed you." Abby says as carl wipes her tears away.

"I miss you too." Carl says making abby smile even more. All that pain was worth being able to see carl again.

"Gross." Willow says making a face.

"Whatever weirdo." Abby says putting her hand on willows face and pushing her gently. Willow let out a small laugh before hugging carl.

"She talked about you a lot." Willow says into carl's chest.

"Oh really?" Carl says smirking making abby blush. Abby smacked his arm slightly making him chuckle.

"You should be resting." Carl says to her placing his hand on her cheek. Abby melted into his touch and smiled.

"Fine, wake me up if anything happens." Abby says going to lay down slowly.

Willow jumped up on the couch and grabbed a pillow so abby could sleep. Carl smiled and grabbed her hand as she laid down. He stayed until he knew she was fast asleep. He looked up to see willow also asleep holding abbys hand. He smiled before getting up and headed back in the big room.

     A couple hours later maggie and glenn came in to say goodbye to abby. They were heading to DC with Abraham, Eugene and Rosita in the church bus.

"You'll see us soon." Maggie says hugging abby.

"I know, just stay safe." Abby says as they pull away. Glenn then pulled her into a strong but gentle hug.

"I'm glad you're ok." Glenn says to her as they hug. They pulled away and glenn kissed her head.

"See you soon." Glenn says before they walk out the room.

Abby sighed as she wasn't ready for her sister to leave her, she had just gotten her back. She was bored of sitting in this room, the painkillers kicked in so she wasn't feeling much pain. Abby slowly sat up and swung her feet over the side of the couch.

She sighed before standing up, walking wasn't to hard as long as she didn't turn her back a lot. She opened the door and walked out. Carl was sitting playing with judith and willow. Carl's eyes immediately fell on her and ran over.

"You're supposed to be resting." He says grabbing her hand.

"I can't sit on that couch anymore, i'm bored." She says moving her messy hair out of her face. Carl looked at her hair to see it wasn't really in a ponytail anymore.

"Let me get michonne." He says before walking off to get michonne. She stood outside with everyone else watching maggie and them drive away.

"Michonne." He says catching her attention.

"Can you fix abbys hair?" Carl asked her as abby walked to the door. Michonne smiled and headed back to the church.

"How are you feeling?" Michonne asked putting her hand on abbys cheek.

"I'm sore but i'll live." She says with a smile.

Michonne smiles back and heads to abbys bag. Abby walked slowly and sat down on the ground in front of judith. Michonne stood behind her and started fixing her hair. She picked all the leafs and stuff out of it before brushing through her now super long hair.

Abby played with judith as michonne did two french braids in her hair. Her hair sat at the bottom of her back. Once michonne was done carl helped her up and took her back to the couch.

"Do you want me to lay with you?" Carl asked as she sat down.

"If you want." Abby says with a smile. Carl smiled and laid down. Abby then slowly climbed on top of him and laid down. He wrapped his arms around her softly as she got comfortable.

"Abby." Carl says as she closed her eyes.

"Yes?" She says cuddling into his chest.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Carl asked making her sit up and smile.

"Of course!" She says before connecting their lips. They kissed for a little before pulling away.

"You're so beautiful." He says as she lays back down cuddling into his chest.

"Stop." She says blushing. Carl just let out a small chuckle. She soon fell asleep again as carl held her close.

"I promise i'll protect you no matter what." Carl says softly before also falling asleep.

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