Chapter 68: The End

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Chapter 68:


You're a grandmother now," I say while laughing as she starts spinning me around in circles around the hospital room.

"Wait? How far along are you?" She stops and starts asking me a bunch of questions. I sit down with her for a while and explains everything to her from me not being able to eat when I was kidnapped to the talk with the Moon goddess... Everything. 

After hearing everything from my perspective, a sad smile crosses her face. "It's so nice to see you happy again, but I feel that I need to tell you this now..." Now the table switch as I'm the one now really confused at what she wants to say.

"But before you start to freak out, listen to what I have to say... Ashen's not dead...


My heart skips a beat, and it feels like all the blood just drains from my face. A sudden chill passes over my body, bringing me back to my senses. "W-What do you mean?" I ask in a quiet voice, taking a shaky breath. I look at my mom's face to see if she is just playing a cruel joke on me, only to see her looking at me with pity. Seeing her eyes filled with sadness, I start to feel tears prick my eyes.

My mom tries to find the right words to explain but can't seem to start her sentence. "Darling... Although he technically isn't dead, he is on the verge of death, and the doctor said there's not much hope for him. He has been in a coma since, and at most only has a week or two left. We didn't want to tell you, to make you relive his death again..." She embraces me in a hug, and I burst into tears, thinking of the pain he went through because of me. Deep down, I feel some anger flickering due to the fact they kept this from me, but I don't have time right now to argue with her.

"Where is he? Can you take me to him?" I ask her, in between my tears. She nods and leads me out of my hospital room. As I'm consumed with my thoughts, she talks to a couple of nurses and leads me to a separate floor and stops me in front of another room.

I look to the side of the door and see Ashen's name placed on the wall under the room number. My legs begin to shake, and my heart races as I reach for the door handle. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before pushing the door open.

The room is dimly lit, and I see him lying on the bed, hooked up to various machines, monitors beeping softly. His face is pale, his chest barely rising and falling with each breath. My heart aches as I take in the sight of him, so vulnerable and fragile.

I run over to the side of the bed and take his hand in mine, tears streaming down my face. "Ashen... I'm so sorry... I never meant for any of this to happen. I wish I could take your place, but I can't. I can't lose you..." I whisper, my voice breaking.

I sit there for what feels like hours, talking to him, telling him about our babies, how they're growing strong and healthy. I tell him about the twins, how I can't wait to meet them, and how I'll make sure they know all about their father.

"Honey, it's time to go home... We can come back in the morning to visit again." Mum gently says, as she pulls me into a hug. "You need some much needed sleep."

"No, I can't go yet... I only just got to see him again..." I cry, tears streaming down my face. I clasp his hand squeezing it tightly not wanting to leave. I lean over the bed and place a soft kiss on his lips as tears stream down my face, slowly dropping around his collarbone.

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