Chapter 12: Anything but Careful

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Chapter 12: Anything but Careful

"Her- her eyes... What?!... Sh-she found her wolf?!" Chloe screeches...
As they were leaving, I notice that a member of the group is missing leaving me wondering...

Where is Crystal?
Avery's POV

I couldn't help but feel that something bad was about to happen, I don't now how but Celestial is all messed up from the encounter yesterday with Chloe and her taking control of my body and I have this sick sense in my stomach as if we are all missing something.

I haven't seen Crystal at all since the Chloe incident. I get up out of bed even though I don't really want too, and decide to head towards the pack house. I am not particularly fond of the pack house since I was bullied a lot whenever I visited, so I tend not to go anywhere near it. Even though I hate visiting, something in my gut is telling me that something is off and I need to go to the pack house. I head downstairs once I get dressed in my high-waisted shorts and my favorite top that has a picture of a fox with glasses on, and I tuck it into the shorts. I then place on identical fake nerdy glasses to the fox.

Once I arrive downstairs I grab and bite into a green apple and turn towards the door to leave when I heard several footsteps coming down the stairs behind me. I turn around to find my brother and his two friends, Alex and Ryder following behind him coming down the stairs like elephants.

"Where are you going this early in the morning Ave? You hate mornings," Kyle looks at me quizzically and I stare blankly back at him.

"Kyle its 3 o'clock in the afternoon," I deadpan, then continue, "I think you guys have been holed up in the game room for too long." I look over towards his friends who were staring at me with a shocked face.

"What?" I ask them casually, hoping I didn't have something embarrassing on my face. They shake themselves out of the shock and try to act like they weren't caught staring at me. 

"Urr... It's just your eyes... I don't remember them being that color..." Ryder says. Crap! I forgot to put in my colored contacts.

"Ohh, yea I remember now.." Alex comments realizing something, "I heard a rumor at school that you had found your wolf during a full-on girl fight with Chloe."

"WHAT?! You got into a fight with Chloe?!" Kyle screeches scaring me half to death.

"Well it wasn't exactly like that but my wolf took control and started growling chaotically cause she had said something that angered her. We didn't actually get into a fight with our wolves." I try to say to reassure Kyle that I didn't show my white wolf form secretly without giving away my secret to his friends.

"So what does your wolf look like? Can we see it? Alex asks curiously. Crap... What do I do?

'Help,' I mind link Kyle through our connection.

"She looks just like my wolf just smaller and with those blue/green eyes, cause we're twins and stuff... Weren't you going somewhere Av?" Kyle tries to change the topic.

"Oh yea, I'm heading towards the pack house."

"Why? You never go there."

"Something just feels off... And I'm going to go see Sher." By now Kyles friends had gone to the kitchen to grab more snacks.

"How do you know something's off?" He asks

"Call it a white wolf's instincts," I whispered quietly, even though his friends were in the kitchen they are still werewolves with enhanced hearing.

"Just be careful and make sure no-one sees your wolf form," Kyle warns

"Yea yea... I'm always careful.. See you later..." At this comment Kyle roles his eyes at me because he knows I am anything but careful. With that, I decided to leave after grabbing a bag that I could put my clothes in when I shift. Celestial has been begging me to let her out for a while now.

I run to the forest near our property that leads straight to the pack house. Once I get a few meters into it I strip and place my clothes in the bag and shift into my wolf form. I pick up the bag in my mouth and start to run in the direction of the pack house.

After 15 minutes I see the top of the large building holding half our pack. I shift back and cloth my self again and head towards the pack house, there was still a few minutes left to get there but I shift just in case making sure no one sees my wolf. 'Yea I can be careful.' I remark Kyle's comment in my mind.

After walking for half a minute, I hear a twig snap somewhere to the side of me. I stop and stand in a defensive stance. I have the urge to ask 'who's there' but I know that's what stupid girls do before they get killed in a horror film. I soon catch glimpse of a grey wolf crouching under a bush and immediately recognize it as one of the pack's guards.
When he sees that I've noticed him he steps out of the bushes growling in the process. I realize that he probably doesn't know who I am so I flash him the pack tattoo on my arm to show that I was indeed in the same pack. We all have this tattoo somewhere on our right arm as proof of our loyalty, my pack the Moon Paw pack has the tattoo of a wolfs face within a paw print. He straightens up and goes behind a tree to shift. A man around the age of 40 comes out from behind the tree in his human form and stands in front of me.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks me warily.

"I was just coming over from the separate houses to the pack house to visit my friend," I explain to him.

"Did you know about the rouges appearance." I tilt my head at him showing my confusion.

"What rogues?"


That's it for today. Thanks, guys for reading my book. Honestly, it means a lot that you like it.

I added a picture of the pack tattoo she showed the guard, I'll admit that I actually do want this tattoo

Anyway Thanks again and hopefully catch you in the next chapter.


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