Chapter 3: Cold Popcorn

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A picture of Avery in wolf form is above
Chapter 3: Cold Popcorn

So here goes hopping she won't freak out...

"WAIT, WHAT??!!" Sherri screeches loudly making the whole cafe look at her like she had grown horns and had foam coming out her mouth. Even the hot cashier guy was staring at us weirdly. Sherri does like to over exaggerate a bit, but this was over the top.


"Well, what am I suppose to order then?" I look at if this is how reacts to my order how is she going to survive what I'm about to tell her.

"Chai Latte and a Coffee Frappé," the dude calls out. We go up to collect our cups and go to sit in the closest window booth. Once we sit down, I notice writing on Sherri's cup.

"Hey Sher, what's that writing on your cup?" She looks at me puzzled, then peers down the examine the cup.

"There are just a bunch of numbers, what of it?" She's still hopelessly confused.

"Girllll, you got the cashier dudes number."

"What?" All that time at school and this is what it does to your brain.

"You know the cute guy behind the counter over there..." making sure to go slow for her also give a quick point over in his direction.

"Yeaaaah? What about him," she looks over at him with no hints of realization yet.

"Wellll... he wrote his phone number on your cup." I quickly brace myself.

"WHAT???!!!" She stands up quickly slamming her hands on the table, causing even more attention I do not want. She seems to be doing a lot of yelling and drawing attention today, that's for sure. She glances over at the guy who is smiling at her and gives her a small wave, she quickly sits down and immediately blushes.

His dark brown hair was styled up into a quiff and his light blue eyes stood out. To top it off he has dimples. Yes, dimples. But the thing that's weird is that I don't recognize him at all, and this is a pretty small town where everyone knows everyone, the perfect place for a pack to live.

"Do you know the guy Sher?" I ask her hoping to find an answer.

"No, but I heard someone moved here recently to live with that old lady on Claire street, might be him."

"Who knows..."

We sit there for a bit in silence, until Sher asks, "what did we come here for again?"

"I don't know, coffee?" I try to change the subject but fail.

"Oh, I remember... So what's your little secret?" She wriggles her eyebrows in a way that only she can do without making it seem creepy.

"Well um... You know the legends of the whites wolves?"

"Yea, who wouldn't it's one of the biggest stories of werewolves."

"Promise not to scream?" She nods frantically.

"Well, the leader of the white wolves is my spirit guardian, her name is Celestial," I say quietly hoping no one else can hear, her mouth drops straight to the floor.

"Wa... what... white... whi... wo...wolf..." she stutters, but quickly re-ensembles herself. "No, seriously, no jokes, out with the truth."

"I'm not kidding Sherri." I say seriously hoping she gets the hint. "do you want me to show you?" She again nods frantically.

"Well, once we're finished, we can go back to the pack's forest and I'll show you. And you can't tell anyone, okay?"


Sher's face was priceless once she saw me change into my wolf and since she had kinda fainted I took her back to my house.

As soon as I get back, I call up her mum and explain that Sher had fainted due the the intense heat, and ask if she wanted Sher to stay over at my house. Once she agrees, I rush into the kitchen to get some popcorn and then run to my room to see if Sher was awake yet.

Thankfully she is, but she's texting on her phone. "Who you texting? Does it happen to be the guy from the coffee shop?" I smirk at her already knowing the answer.

"Urrrr... would you kill me if I said yes?" She asks jokingly

"Maybe..." Her face quickly contorts into fake fear then quickly answers.

"Then, no," she smiles cheekily.

"Whatever, please tell me you at least know his name."

"umm... I'll ask him that now!' This girl is so clueless, I won't be surprised if she actually did bleach her hair and that the bleach she used seeped into her brain. A few moments later and she sighs and giggles. Giggles!

"That name totally suits him, it so cuteeee," she squeals. I look over at her curiously wondering what happened to the whole "I won't like any guys for a while, they're so immature at this age," speech she told me a month ago. "He's named Blake, it's sooo dreamy." Oh Gosh.

I look at her gobsmacked, "That's it, I've gotta get you out of this weird and creepy mood." I drag her downstairs and sit her down on the couch. I race into the kitchen to get the cold popcorn I forgot about earlier, its still popcorn even if its cold. Then I grab a movie that we both would love and rush back to the living room to find Sher still texting on her phone.

"No Phones allowed during the movie, please turn them off or else they will be confiscated," I say like those workers at the movie cinemas. Sher looks at me and pouts.

"Are you serious, Ave," she asks whilst turning off her phone and setting it aside.

I nod at her before I place the movie on the disk holder. As I watch the CD being eaten alive I decide to play a little guessing game with Sherri.

"So what movie is it?"

"Fast and Furious." she answers pretty quickly.

"What! How did you know?"

"I can see the cover, idiot," she says as she points at the title case sitting beside me. I quickly hide it behind my back.

"Guess the number then."








"Wrong again."


"Getting closer."


Another shake of the head.

"Not 7?"


"OMG!!! It's number 8!!!! Haven't seen that yet."

"Ding ding, you got it correct. You win some... Cold popcorn."

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