Chapter 52: Backstory

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Chapter 52: Backstory


I lift my head to look into the wolf's eyes and it's as if they are drawing my into them, away from my dark mind.

I close my eyes and allow the wolf to take me away. Through my eyelids I can see a bright light, for the first time in a while. I open them to be welcomed with an astounding view of a crystal blue lake, surrounded by a bright green forest. The white wolf was standing by it, indicating to me to come over. As I make my way over to her, movement coming from the forest catches my attention.

A familiar large black wolf emerged from the forest and takes his place by the white wolf... I could never forget that wolf in a million years.



Something inside of me starts to stir as I watch the two wolves interact with each other. Before I could say anything, a bright light starts to illuminate a figure emerging from nowhere, standing between the wolves. My heart skips a beat, wishing it was the person I am hoping it is. But instead of the familiar face of my mate appearing... The light reveals an unknown cloaked woman dressed all in white.

As she slowly steps forward, I notice her dress following behind her. It swept over the ground like a brides would, however the top of the dress and the woman's face was hidden behind a furry, hooded cloak. She reaches for her hood and pulls it away from her face, resulting in her long blonde hair cascading down her body. It stops just before it reaches the ground and the only thought running through my mind is: 'Mannnn... That would take ages to wash and brush...'

Next, my eyes are drawn to her face, hoping to find her familiar in anyway, but I am struck by her beauty. Freckles sprinkle her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her face defined just enough to give it the perfect shape and her lips full and luscious. Although, what struck me straight away, is the colour of her eyes... They were bright electric blue, with green and gold flecks through them... They were exactly like mine... They were mine... It's like I'm looking in a mirror, but the only part that is reflecting back are my eyes.

"Avery..." Celestial's voice emits from the white wolf now, instead of the one from earlier in my mind. "I would like you to meet Destiny..." Destiny... DESTINY! Does she mean Goddess Destiny! I quickly lower my head from her gaze as I realise how powerful she is. I stood there in shock, thinking I'm just imagining this all, however my train of thought is cut off.

"We finally meet, Avery..." A warm, velvety voice echoes around the lake, before I realise it's coming from Destiny. It was the exact same voice as early in my mind. Instead of the whole wolf talking, it must have been her. "The reason I called you here, was that this wasn't apart of the legend. The separation between the destined pairs was not meant to happen." She explain, just making me more confused.

"I can see you're confused, so I'll allow someone else who is more involved explain." She says, giving Skull a pointed look. He lowers his ears slightly before stepping forwards.

"This is all my fault, I'm very sorry Avery..." He begins, talking in a very weak and sad voice. "I was because I didn't stay dormant within Ashen that all this happened. Let explain from the beginning, you can take a seat on the ground if you wish." Both Celestial and Destiny carefully take a seat on the ground, and I follow quickly after them. "It began when Ashen was younger. As I told you earlier, I found Ashen without a wolf, when I did, I was meant to lie dormant until Celestial found someone as well. However, I didn't..."

"Why?" I hear a voice say, before I realise that it's was me.

"As you know Ashen did kill his parents, however, it wasn't him... It was me. I took over Ashen, instead of lying dormant. So all this wasn't actually apart of the legend. But I would do it again in a heartbeat." Seeing the confused face I throw him, he continues.

"His parents treated him horribly. They treated him as though he was a test subject. They found out that he had the ability to heal himself when he was younger, so they ran tests on him. First it started off with scratches and cuts, then it lead to broken bones. Until it finally resorted to them injecting him with poison and silver, then seeing if he can still heal his blood rather than his body. However, with the injected silver, his powers began to diminish. So he had poison still running through his blood. He almost died... That when I took over and went on a rampage, killing his parents in the process. I knew he didn't care anymore, he no longer had any emotional attachment to them, due to the pain they have caused him. He then ran away after I let him back in control and that's when the rogues found him. They must have heard that there was a kid with special abilities. So they kidnapped him and took him with them. So that why your mother believes that he joined them rather then being taken. They moved around so often so your mother wouldn't find them and take the kid away. But since I took over when I did... The legend is now all messed up, but it followed closely to what was meant to happen."

Trying to take in all the information was messing with my head. Ashen dealt with all that as a kid... I felt tears rolling down my face and I couldn't stop them. It was breaking my heart and it made me want to connect through our bond even more. I would be hurting even more if I was him. This situation would've reminded him of his childhood once again.

"You were meant to meet when Ashen became Alpha of his parents pack... You were meant to fall in love straight away. You were meant to move in with each other. Everything a normal pair would do. But I stuffed it up." Even though he is a wolf, I could sense the pain behind his voice, the pain that would make someone cry. And since wolves can't cry, all Skull could do was sit there with his ears completely back and his head lowered. I search my mind for anything to say to comfort him. But my mind was blank.

"I would've done the same..." I hear Celestial say. "But wants important now is that Avery has to find Ashen. His mind is swallowing up with guilt and pain. He has resorted to a similar situation to you, but it's much more concerning. Both of us have tried talking to him, but he can't even hear us as he is so caught up in his mind that's it's taken him captive. Just like it almost did with you before Destiny brought you here. So we all ask if you can go see him, you know where he will be..."

That is the last thing I hear, before everything around fades and I am brought back to my room.


If you didn't realise earlier the picture attached is of Goddess Destiny.

Hey guys!!!! THANK YOU!!! I can't believe my book is going higher in the rankings and my notifications are blowing up. I'm very sorry if I don't respond to any of your comments I can't find them in the mass of notifications. But a few of you are sending me messages which is really lovely and I'm very happy to respond to them.

I'm so glad that everyone is loving my book and I really do love you all.

Hope I can get another chapter out soon.
~Willow xx

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