Chapter 44: Flying

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Chapter 44: Flying


"Now, no more talking. Please start on either side and when I say go, you're allowed to start." Both Ashen and I oblige to Kyle's orders and start to make our way towards our side, however, Winfrey had other plans.

"Just be ready to lose and get beaten," she responds nastily before walking away with Michael.

Ashen guides me towards the edge of the fighting space before I could snap at Winfrey. We had come up with a similar plan to Ryder and Katie's, one on one until I can defeat Winfrey. Then outnumber Michael and hopefully take him down.

"READY... SET..."

Before starting, I notice both Ashen and Kyle giving me a sharp look, telling me to behave myself. Ohhh, they know me so well... I glance over towards Michael and Winfrey and notice them arguing over something.

"GO!" I quickly rush forwards similar to Katie did, however I stay in my human form. It'll take me a few second to imagine Kyle's wolf again, so I'd prefer to rush in quickly to get rid of Winfrey first before changing into my wolf.

I borrow some of Celestial's power and start to gain speed. However, out of the side of my eyes, I catch fast movement pelting towards me quickly. Everything seems to  start moving in slow motion. It was Michael in his wolf form. His wolf was dark gray mixed with lighter Gray on the stomach, muzzle and paws. But what caught my attention, was that he was irregularly large for only a Beta. His wolf could even be larger than one of an Alpha's. Even though being in wolf form is faster, he still manages to catch up to me when I'm borrowing Celestial's powers.

Being mid-stride, I am unable to jump out of the way of his attack, however, I quickly mentally brace myself for the impact I know is coming. His head makes contact with my abdomen, and hard, before throwing me into the air horizontally, winding me in the process. The rush of the wind doesn't help as I try to gasp for air, whilst flying across the field. The force coming from the air pressure, won't allow me to intact any oxygen into my lungs. My only hope is to wait until I reach the ground before I can breathe again.

As I start to fall to the ground, I notice the boundary for the match getting closer and closer. At this stage I'll land right on it, but the impact from landing is going to make me tumble over it. No... It can't be over this quickly... I close my eyes before hitting the ground.

Only... I didn't touch the ground. Large arms wrap around me, catching me before I cross over the border. I hear the sound of someone's feet skidding over the loose gravel and rocks as the impact of catching me, pushes them backwards. I can hear loud gasps and shouts coming from the audience. Please don't have crossed the line... Please...

I open my eyes once again to find Ashen face very close to mine, however, his face was contorted in pain. The impact of catching me must have hurt like hell. I quickly jump out of his arms so he doesn't have to hold me, when I notice his shoulder looking a bit funny and displaced. He must have dislocated it when he caught me. Then I remember to breathe... I take several large gasps before coughing slightly.

"Did I stop in time?" He manages to say, before falling over grasping his shoulder. I glance at the ground, noticing the skid marks from where he initially caught me, several metres away. A dust cloud had formed around us from the dirt he must have kicked up.

"Yes... Yes you did." I say, looking at the line that was only a few centimetres away from our feet. My heart aches to comfort him more, but I'm too scared that I'll just give him more pain. I hear him sigh in relief, before trying to stand back up again, however, groaning in pain whenever his shoulder moved slightly. Worry flares within me, whenever I hear him groan. "No stop! Just sit back down. I'll call the medic to get you." I quickly mind-link Kyle, telling him to get our pack doctor over here immediately.

Once the dust cloud disperses, I notice Kyle running towards us, along with the pack doctor following behind him, his face full of worry, probably because he thought I got hurt. "No... I can continue. I can't leave you to battle him by yourself." Ashen says standing up confidently, as if trying to hide the pain from me. However, I can feel his pain through our mate bond, and everytime his shoulder moved slightly, I can sense his pain, it was as if a fire was burning up his arm.

Once Kyle and the doctor arrives, they both fire off a series of questions that just merge together, and both Ashen and I could quite catch any of them.

"Ashen's dislocated his shoulder in catching me. Can you take him off the field and attend to his shoulder please, I can deal with this fight alone." I explain to the medic, as I know both Ashen and Kyle will refuse to allow me to fight by myself. In the rules, if one person is injured or surrenders, then the other person is allowed to continue fighting if they wish.

"I won't let you face both of them by yourself!" Ashen says stubbornly, before the doctor quickly injects him with something.

"Well actually, in all that, Winfrey surrendered before walking off, saying she doesn't even want to fight," Kyle mutters in a low voice. Ashen passes out, probably due to the liquid the doctor injected in him.

"Well that makes it easier, even though I wanted to beat her ass."

"No that's not the point! I'm not letting you back in there to fight by yourself against Michael! He was the old Beta, he's way stronger than you." Kyle exclaims loudly, as the doctor takes Ashen off the field carefully, making sure not to bump or touch his shoulder.

"Well I haven't surrendered yet, so I'm still in the fight whether you like it or not. Now please resume the match before I start fighting you! I need to get my revenge..."

Hey guys. Hopefully you are liking these consistent updates. My shifts at work are now starting later in the day, so now I have time in the morning to write a bit more.

Sorry to drag the fight out again, but I wanted it to differ from Ryder's and Katie's one.


We will have to find out won't we...😉

Well, love you all!! ♥️♥️

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