Chapter 67: Decision

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Chapter 67: Decision


"Avery, you're going to have to choose one of the options... " The Moon goddess states with empathy. 

So choose to keep my child or to be able to see Ashen again and be in each other's lives for many years to come. Suddenly, another bright light starts to appear to the side of us, blinding me once again. Out from the light appears a very familiar black wolf. Skull... 

Celestial glances over, noticing him appearing, causing her jaw to drop once again in shock. "Wait?! If you're here..."

"Celestial! Avery has to pick an option first... which one will it be?"


I grow silent as my thoughts begin to race a hundred miles a minute. What would Ashen do in this situation... No... I know what he would want me to do... But it's hard. It's hard to let go and say goodbye. I only just met him, and we were only just beginning our relationship.  But I know he would want me to raise our child. "I can't. I can't choose..." Tears stream down my face as my breathing picks up. I begin to feel short-breathed as if I am not breathing enough air, causing me to start gasping for air. I feel my heartbeat begin to race, and the feeling of anxiety wash over me. 

Celestial sees me panicking and nuzzles my torso, reminding me of the tiny presence there. I am able to calm down while thinking of the small child in my womb. I know what Ashen would choose; there's no way he would want to give up the life of a small child when he was willing to risk his life to protect me. I'm sorry Ashen...

"I know what he would want me to pick... and that would be to save the child. I'm sorry..." I mutter out while sending an apologetic glance to both Skull and Celestial. They both look at me, smiling sadly, agreeing with my decision. 

The Moon Goddess nods sympathetically, "I understand. I'll send both you and Celestial back to earth along with guaranteeing the safety of the child. I'll soon send the new prophesy for your eldest child to carry on." 

I give my thanks to the Moon Goddess and walk over to Skull, bending down to smuggle him in a hug. "I'm so sorry..." I say while crying into his fur. By giving up turning Ashen into the Moon God, I would be sacrificing Skull's life as Ashen would have died on earth and skull then would get sent to the afterlife. "Please let Ashen know how sorry I am and ask him for his forgiveness if you see him at all before he passes on." 

"It's alright, Avery, if fact I think you would be seeing him first over me..." He chuckles slightly before gold flecks begin to cover my vision. I must be heading back, but what did Skull mean by that. Was it that I would see Ashen's body before him?

I whisper a sad goodbye before I can no longer see, and I fall into a deep sleep. 


I hear faint murmuring around me before a loud recurring beep deafens me as I try to slowly open my eyes. I hear someone loudly announce that someone was waking up before hands begin to help me sit up. I am blinded by the lights, and my vision is in a blur, only noticing the dark shadows of figures moving all around me. I try to remember where I am and what happened last. Confused at where I am, I look around and notice I am sitting in a hospital bed. The lights are still too bright that I keep reopening my eyes, trying to get used to the brightness levels in the room. 

Once again, I try to remember what happened last to make me end up in a hospital when suddenly it hits me—everything that happened on the battlefield and everything that happened with the Moon Goddess. I burst out crying at the decision I made, covering my face with my hands. I feel someone hug me and comfort me by slowly tapping my back with their hand. "It'll be alright. You're safe now." I immediately recognise the voice and instantly hug my mother back. 

"He's gone... He's gone..." I cry into her shoulder. My mother pauses for a moment and then continues to pat my back, telling me that everything will be alright.

"But Mom-" Kyle begins, causing mom to interrupt him

"No, she's not in the right state to know just yet; just let her be." I hear my mom and brother murmur but pay no mind to it as my head is a mess and spinning in circles. I can't think straight right now, so I continue crying into my mother's arms with her rubbing and patting my back. Eventually, she calms me down and lulls me back to sleep. 

Days go by, where I cry myself to sleep each night, not interacting with anyone other than my mom and kyle, bringing me the hospital meals and staying with me until I fall asleep again. Before I realise it, it has already been around a month since I woke up. Although I don't feel completely normal, I am starting to feel the motherly hormones kick in from my pregnancy. I decided that I should probably get a check-up with the doctors since I have only taken the baby's safety from the Moon Goddess' word. 

Without telling my family, I book an appointment within the same hospital with a specialist to see how far along I am. I enter the room and undergo a short ultrasound and get my hormone levels checked before being asked to wait outside. My legs constantly shake, not knowing if I was nervous or impatient, as I wait to hear my results outside the check-up room. I hear the sliding door open, and the doctor steps out, causing my head to shoot straight up. 

"Congratulations, you are around 15 weeks pregnant, and they are growing perfectly fine," She announces with a big smile, causing my heart to stop beating for a second before I feel a wave of happiness and relief wash over me. My hands automatically hold my womb where the small child was growing and whisper a small thank you. I head back into the doctor's office to see pictures of the ultrasound, where I witness another surprise. Instead of only seeing one head, I see two. "I-I'm having twins?!" 

The doctor chuckles quietly, "yes, but unfortunately, we won't be able to find out the genders for at least another month. If you head down to the front desk after this, we will be able to schedule you in for another appointment then so we can find out the genders, or you can wait until you are closer to giving birth." I thank the doctor and listen to all her instructions and tips before heading down to the front desk to book my next appointment and to get all the documents signed.

After finishing everything, I walk back to my hospital room and find my mother sitting in there talking on the phone. "Well, how can a patient just get up and leave, and you have no clue where they went?!" I hear her screaming at the person on the other end of the line. I walk over to her and wave to catch her attention. "Oh My Gosh!!! Where did you go?! Did you have to scare me like that!" She screams before apologizing to the person on the phone and hanging up. She rushes over to me and hugs me, shaking slightly. 

"Mom... I have some news..." I begin to say to her, making sure she is sitting down before she hears the news. She looks up at me curiously waiting to hear what I have to say. "I'm pregnant..." Tears start streaming down my face as I smile happily at her. Her jaw just drops, completely shocked by what I was telling her. 

I can see her trying to think of what to say as she opens and closes her mouth a couple of times before she exclaims, "Honey, What?! With Ashen's child?" 

"Actual, with two of his kids..." Suddenly the biggest smile comes across her face before she jumps up and elopes me in a massive hug.  "You're a grandmother now," I say while laughing as she starts spinning me around in circles around the hospital room.

"Wait? How far along are you?" She stops and starts asking me a bunch of questions. I sit down with her for a while and explains everything to her from me not being able to eat when I was kidnapped to the talk with the Moon goddess... Everything. 

After hearing everything from my perspective, a sad smile crosses her face. "It's so nice to see you happy again, but I feel that I need to tell you this now..." Now the table switch as I'm the one now really confused at what she wants to say.

"But before you start to freak out, listen to what I have to say... Ashen's not dead..." 


Hey guys, so thanks for sticking with me so far, But I'm pretty sure that the next chapter will be the last one to this book. Might think about doing an epilogue but I'm not sure yet as I am swamped with work right now so we will see. 

Thanks guys


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