Chapter 60: Dream or a Nightmare?

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Chapter 60: Dream or a Nightmare?


"YOU B*****!" His wolf takes over and he instantly appears in front of me, his hand strangling me. His cold hands wrap around my throat and tight, holding me in the air with my back supported on the wall. I gasp for air clawing at his hands and trying to kick him away again, however having no more energy left, it's unsuccessful. Just as black dots begin to cloud my vision, he let's go and exits the cage.

"Just see what happens next time you try something like that!" I watch him as he exits still trying to keep up my guard, but as he disappears, I lose consciousness, black swarming my vision once again.

~2 Months Later~

The days drag on, I can no longer tell how long I've been down here for. Occasionally I can feel someone trying to break down the barrier the Moon silver places in my mind. Unsure if it's Celestial or Ashen, I find some comfort that I am not forgotten just yet. The chains no longer hold me in place unless Scar Face decides to pay another visit. I curl into a ball on the ragged bed, wishing to feel the warmth of someone else for once. Over the time I've been here I save my energy for when I need to defend myself against him.

Every time he comes to see if I'm drained enough for the bond to be broken by his mark, I get chained to the wall so I can't attack him. Being caged up, brought out my wolf instincts to the point that I haven't spoken since the day I woke up here. If he tries to approach me, an automatic warning growl escapes from my mouth. If he still decides to get closes, it causes me to start snapping my teeth him, letting him know i will attack if he gets any closer.

At this point, it's just my instincts and anger giving me enough energy to keep him from touching me. The balance between a werewolf's human and wolf side is equally balanced, however when provoked, the wolf side slowly increases, allowing them to take over. If they exceed the point where a wolf has full control over them, they can basically lose their human side, leaving them as a normal wolf.

Being without any contact from Celestial and Ashen has provoked my wolf side enough to be constantly in control. Even though the connection between Celestial and I is severed right now, she is still inside my consciousness somewhere allowing me not to be completely defenseless. however, I think I can only cope with one to two more encounters with Scar Face before my wolf side might fully take over. A rattling of keys catch my attention, however, I don't bother looking to see who it is, as I know its just the daily guard bringing in the food. A metal tray is thrown on the floor causing the clattering to echo around the cells.

I don't bother to get up to get the food, knowing I'll only throw it up if I eat it. Recently, I haven't been able to eat anything at all as I only puke it back up if i eat it, even the smell of food can sometimes set me off.

"See sir, she is refusing to eat anything," the guard murmurs, trying not to get my attention. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I quickly sniff the air. A low growl begins to emit from my chest as I realize who is watching me from outside the cell. I Immediately get up and stand with my back against the wall, not letting him see any weakness. I glare at him with blood-thirsty eyes and my teeth and nails start to slowly extend. I feel my human side begin to slowly diminish again, dangerous reaching the limit.

"How has her strength not diminished yet?! It's been two months already!"He screams in frustration. Two Months?! My growling suddenly stops, and for the first time in a while, I have full control for once. That can't be right... He's lying... "Anyway... Get her to eat at any costs!" He sends me a hungry look before storming out in anger, leaving the guard alone in front of my cell. He gives me a fearful look, frozen in place. I walk towards the front of the cell to where the tray of food lies, before sending it flying towards the guard with a kick. The horrid food splatters all over him causing him to run off after Scar Face.

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