Chapter 19 : Just Trust Me

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Chapter 19: Just Trust Me

As we get closer, I start to feel a large amount of rogue presences in one concentrated area. Celest tells me to be cautious, especially since we have our mate on our back.

"We're almost at the end..."
Avery's POV

You know the phrase, 'A Bright Light at the end of a Tunnel,' well that's basically what Crystal and I are witnessing. However, it wasn't our escape rather than a trap. I guessed right by thinking that the previous rogues that were chasing us had now gathered everyone in their rogue pack, even the patrols, at the end of the tunnel to trap us. I knew it had been suspicious that they didn't put up much effort chasing us in the tunnel.

So right now, both Crystal and I are hiding in the shadows that the exit casts.

"Shouldn't of the rouges sensed our presence by now," I whisper worriedly to Crystal who looks surprising calm.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I used my witch ability to conceal our presence. Now we just gotta figure out how to get out of here without them seeing us," she states focusing on the exit without even casting a glance my way.

"WHA-" I say a bit too loudly.

"Shhh!" She hushes me. A slight shuffling is heard from outside.

"Since when did you have powers too." She looks my way shocked and confused too.

"Wait... You have powers..." Suddenly, the look of realisation passes over her face, "Never mind, you are the White wolf. But yea, I know a few witch spells that I can faintly remember my mother using before she... Nothing special though, only a few small ones that aren't really helpful. This is the only helpful one." I nod, showing her that I understand.

"I guess it's my turn to demonstrate what I can do then." She looks back at me curious and confused. "Just make sure you don't let go of my hand no matter what," I warn her. I grab her hand as she nods.

'Sorry Celest, but we're gonna have to freeze time for a few minutes.'

'It'll be fine. I'm gaining strength from our mate on your back. Just get him out safely or I might regret choosing you,' she says cheekily. With that I look over at Crystal,



I picture time coming to a stop and all the rogues and anything I'm not touching freezing. Trusting in Celest's and my ability I go to walk out the exit when a hand pulls me back.

"What are you doing?! The rouges are all out there!" Crystal whisper-yells at me. I chuckle knowing I froze the time around them.

"Just trust me." I try again to walk out, this time with Crystal cautiously stepping out. As the bright light blinds us, we are greeted by the sight of the figures relaxing back on logs and in the grass. Crystal lets out a slight yelp at the sight and to her surprise none of them moved.

"It's alright, I froze time." With that she looks over at me completely and utterly flabbergasted. Her mouth opens but no words come out, in which she closes it and tries again. She stands there speechless pretending to imitate what looks like to be a fish.

"We gotta hurry, I'm not too sure how long Celest's energy will last." Crystal perks up a bit, and still not managing to get words out, she just nods at me. We take off running towards the direction of the pack house with difficulty as I was carrying my mate on my back whilst holding on to Crystal's hand so she doesn't freeze too.

After a few minutes of running, I release time which makes me wonder how long the rogues will be waiting for before they figure out that we had already left. I shift back into my wolf form after discarding my clothes so they don't rip, as it was easier and faster to carry the two on my back. As we near the pack border, I can feel Crystal becoming anxious. Just as the familiar environment was coming into sight she speaks up.

"Wait!" I stop just before the border between our pack and no-mans land and tilt my hand up to look at her.

"I can't go back... Could you shift back so I can explain." I carefully lie down on the ground so she could hop off and safely take off my mate without me growling at her. I go behind a tree after receiving my clothes off of Crystal and shift back to my human form. I come back out to see Crystal sitting down on a fallen log, sadly gazing into the pack's boundary. I walk to her and plop myself down beside her. She looks over to me, biting her lip nervously.

"I can't go back. I'm not allowed too." At this I look at her like I saw a ghost.

"What?! Why?" She looks hesitant to answer but reluctantly she does.

"I was... Banished..."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"WHAT?! Why would the Alpha do that? But then again he is a bit mental... But what reason."

"So they could cover it up without having a mistake," she says.

"What do you mean? Cover what up?"

"Cover up the fact that... Chloe's not Sam's real mate," she reveals. With this I was speechless. Having an Alpha bond with someone who is not his mate to have them become Luna was blasphemous against the goddess' will and was considered illegal.

"But- Wait- Then who is his true mate?"




I think everyone saw that coming though. 😆😆

Hey guys once again, hopefully not too late to have lost your attention.

Anyway what do you guys reckon should be crystals remaining powers. I don't want them to be major ones but maybe unique enough to help in subtle ways. Idk.

If you guys comment/yell at me to update, it encourages me to update sooner. SO PLEASE DO IT!

Hope you liked the chapter. Pls like, comment and subscribe...
Wait this isn't YouTube...

Sorry I'm having a sugar high... I think...

Love ya. BAI

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