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Hey guys!!!!

I've been writing this new story for a while now, but I wanted to write a few chapters first and then come up with the whole plot before publishing it on wattpad. But I'm happy to announce my new book: 


Sadly, it's not another werewolf book, but I've based it on fantasy and magic. I am also going to include heaps more romance in this book So if you're interested please check it out.

Here's the blurb:


When the world seems to be at it's quietest, it becomes the warning before the disaster. It can either be the calm before a storm or the eye of the tornado, it cannot be prevented. During this time, the almighty being, chooses a child that is to lead the way, giving them the power of all elements to relinquish the destruction. The mark of the Phoenix will imprint this child's body as proof of their purpose and existence. This child will be referred to as the Phoenix.

In a world where magical powers exist, these powers are sought after by a rebel group. So an Academy is established in order to protect those with magical abilities, however, it doesn't last very long being just a magical academy. Higher-ups protest against the fact that it only allows those with abilities. So the targeted audience is changed from people who have magical abilities to those who have enough money to send their kids to an academy for protection. That includes famous people seeking a normal education, to Rich Parents sending their kids, to those with magical abilities. Those who cant afford this academy is delighted when they introduced the idea of a scholarship program. Since this school was developed to protect magic users, they will permit a scholarship to the most exceptional or rarest magic they can find each year as long there are openings available within the classes.

When a scholarship is sent to magic user Phoebe Lockhart, permitting her to attend this academy, she takes the opportunity (along with her two twin brothers) to attend. However, she has a secret to keep from the rest of the students. She won't have a problem keeping her mouth shut, but as long as she attends a magic academy, her secrets are at risk of being exposed by the magic of the other students. Especially when she has a run in with the schools most powerful user, Peyton Carter, the principles nephew, everything becomes ten times more dangerous. Will she be able to survive in this new academy?

Read to find out Phoebe's secret, destiny and the relationships she creates along her way...


I am loving writing this book so far. I can't wait for you all to read it. The first chapter is a bit cliched... however, in the next few chapters, it gets wayyyyy better! I've made the characters pretty similar to the ones in here, and the basic plot is also quite similar, as there is a legend and main fight and a secret she has to keep.

So If you re enjoying this one, I would highly suggest reading my new book 'Phoenix'

I would really love you all forever


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