Chapter 41: Nerves

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Chapter 41: Nerves


I feel Celestial's presence retreating back into my conscience and my own being brought forwards. I blink my eyes a couple of times to check I have control of my body. I feel in control, however, I still feel remnants of Celestials anger and love.

I let a small snarl as a warning to everyone, before Ashen snaps at me again. "Stop that Avery." He says before continuing to lead me outside. Once we are outside the door, I quickly poke my head back inside and let out one more low growl.

"I heard that."

As soon as we arrive at the training field, a crowd was already forming. Tension and anxiety radiates off not just the candidates but also off of the pack members as well. Everyone is nervously waiting for the matches to start, so they can relax, without having to worry about the leadership of the pack. Having only one position in a pack is dangerous, that's why most packs have a second, or even third, in-command: The Beta, and Gamma.

For instance, if the alpha had to go away, the pack is left unattended and another can attack. They are also there to help the Alpha make rational decisions that help the pack. That's why most people in our pack are stressing over the decision of who the Beta is going to be.

We make our way to the front where some of the candidates were waiting as well as Kyle and Crystal and some members of the Council. I sense peoples eyes following us, watching our every move and whispers starting up again, as we pass. I feel Celestial about to snap again when suddenly an all too familiar voice screams out loudly.

"Wooooo! Go Avery! Go Ash! YOU GOT THISSSSSS!!" Sher screams out, embarrassing both of us. I glance over to where her voice came from, and notice Blake looking rather embarrassed as well. "What can't I support my friend?!" She yells again at all the people staring at her, as well as challenging them all to a staring contest, before Blake goes to shut her up. Celestial's anger slowly simmers down and eventually she calms down. I'll have to thank Sher later.

We finally make it to the front with no more commotions to find only the starting two pairs. Ryder and his mate as well as Neal and his mate were both ready and waiting. Slowly and surely, the other pairs start to turn up and wait at the front of the crowd with us. I notice the competitive looks the other pairs where given us as well as the others, everyone was serious.

"The time is now 3:14 and the first match is required to take place in a minute. I would like to reaffirm the rules once more before we begin for those who weren't at the meeting." Kyle states bringing everyone's attention to him.

However, I manage to catch slight shuffling and pacing in the corner of my eye, realising it was Ryder's mate I watch her curiously to figure out what she was doing. Katie... I think her name was, was around my age, must have been a year or two older as she wasn't in my year at school, however, I have seen her around. She seems to be dripping with nervousness and worry. Next thing I know, I'm standing right next to her with my hand resting on her shoulder. She looks at me slightly shocked at first and then her nervousness takes over again.

"Can I help you?" She asks politely, still figgeting slightly as if she couldn't stay still.

"Oh! No sorry, I just couldn't help myself. All the shuffling and figgeting was getting me nervous as well, I just making sure I didn't faint from nerves" I chuckle slightly, hoping it didn't sound too harsh as I was just trying to ease her nerves. I was never good at comforting people.

"Oh No! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" She quickly says as she starts to apologize profusely. Told you I wasn't cut out for this. I quickly stop her from apologizing anymore.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it seriously, I was already nervous to begin with anyway. I was just trying to get you to crack a smile." I say smiling widely at her, explaining what I meant. She looks at me surprised and then offers me a grin.

"You know, your the first one, out of all the candidates to have talk to me since the announcement. I've greeted a few of them already, but they all ignored me. I'm glad there's at least someone nice within them. I hope either of us will win." She explains, offering another lovely smile before thanking me and heading back over towards Ryder. I just think my nerves just got me a new friend.

Although, Part of what she said was true. Out of all the candidates she was the first one that said anything to me. I was quite similar to her. I said hello to a few of the candidates as they walked past or nodded my head acknowledging their presence, but they all completely ignored both Ashen and I.

Soon after our conversation, Kyle finishes explaining everything again, however adding another rule at the end: "A few have asked me this so I've decided to add another rule. You are allowed to fight in either wolf or human form, it's all up to you."

"Now can I get Neal and Amber as well as Ryder and Katie into the fighting area." Kyle had marked out the area of the fight earlier and also marked out a safe distance from which the audience can watch from.

Both pairs step over the boundary and make their way to either ends. I notice Katie giving a small wave and a quick peace sign, along with a massive grin on her face. Seems as though her nerves have cooled down a bit.

Now if only I could get rid of mine too...


Hey guys!! I'm so excited to have hit 100k reads. I wish I could do something for you guys. I wish I could update more often at least, but its hard trying to find the time to sit down and write continuously or else I can't get in the 'creative zone'

Also sorry I'm dragging out the scene leading up to the fight. But I promise there will be a fight next chapter at least.

Anyways I love you all.

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