Chapter 57: Heat

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Chapter 57: Heat


"Now when can I expect a child?" She jokes around, showing us another side. My cheeks quickly warm up as I look away embarrassed by her comment, noticing Ashen also blushing and scratching his neck flustered.

"They have to mate first in order for that to happen," Celestial joins in, in embarrassing both of us even further.

"I can't believe you guys haven't mated yet! I mean how long has it been since you two met!" Skull also decides to join in. "They haven't even marked each other. I'm ashamed!"

"Shut up..." Both Ashen and I grumble, causing all three of them to burst out laughing. The Moon goddess grins at me as if she knows something that I don't. After joking around for a while longer, we leave the dream-like realm and arrive back at the cave sound asleep.

The light streaming into the cave wakes me up. I listen to the chirping of birds from outside with my enhanced hearing. I glance around to see Ashen still comfortably sleeping on the grass beside me. Happiness swells within me as I gladly accept the calm and peaceful situation. I decide to go back to sleep and hopefully, I'll wake up next when Ashen is awake.

Suddenly, a burning sensation begins to spread across my body. Realising what is happening, I curse at myself. How could I forget that I would be going into heat soon? A female werewolf goes into heat up to four times a year, however, when one is without a mate, they don't feel the pain. When they do discover their mate, the next time she has her heat, it is as though she is on fire which lasts up to a week. Only mating can stop the pain or a mates touch can dull the pain but can't stop it.

There are three steps to completing the mating process. The first starts when the two mates meet each other and start to develop the bond together, this connects them emotionally to each other. The second is when they mark each other by biting a certain spot on each others neck. They inject their own blood into the other, therefore connecting them through blood. Finally, the last is when they mate with one another, which connects them physically. These three steps once completed sealing the bond between the two mates forever, causing the mark to never fade with true mates.

I let out a scream of pain, waking up Ashen in the process. I hear Celestial shouting at me, however, I can't understand her. I try to crawl into a ball and clutch my body to try and stop the searing pain. Ashen, realizing what's happening, grabs me and holds me in his arms. The burning sensation dies down slightly however, it still hurts.

I try to focus on Ashen's face to take my mind off of the pain, but I can't help but let out a whimper. Ashen's eyes fill with panic and agony as he watches me writhe in pain. The heat from my skin must be burning him, but he doesn't let go. He holds me closer trying to think of something he can do. I notice my heat affecting him, he's trying to hold himself back from something.

When we go through heat, a scent is expelled through the air, causing our mates to start to lose control over their instincts. Their inner wolves also lose control and take over, losing all sense and turning to their animalistic instincts. This allows the mating process to occur quicker. Thinking back to the Moon Goddess's knowing smile, makes me realize she knew what would be happening when we arrive back.

Ashen starts to lose control over his hold on Skull and mostly likely Skull had also lost control. He let's go of me and tries to regain control over his wolf. As soon as his fingers leave my body, the searing pain begins again and I let out another scream. Closing my eyes in pain, I lose the sense of my surroundings and can only focus on the burning sensation spreading through my body.

The pain dies down to a throbbing, as Ashen picks me up again. I open my eyes to see him heavily breathing and his eyes swapping between amber and brown, signifying that he hasn't yet gained full control over his instincts. He looks at me with torn eyes, confused as to what to do next. My eyes become heavy and slowly waver as I struggle to keep them open. Before my eyes fully closed, they land on the nape of Ashen's nape, exactly were a mates mark would be placed. I feel Celestial's presence begin to surface, so I try to push her back into submission, however, she refuses as if something greater is controlling her. My teeth elongate into sharp fangs as Celestial takes control. Probably noticing my glowing eyes (Celestial in control) Ashen realizes what is going on, and he extends his neck further, giving me permission to mark him.

Celestial lunges forwards and sinks her teeth into Ashen's neck, but not deep enough to kill him or cause him any excruciating pain. He groans slightly, closing his eyes to distract himself from the sting he would be feeling. Once Celestial retracts her fangs, they shrink down to their normal size and she begins to lick the mark to help clean it. Golden light swirls around underneath the skin and Ashen's ability quickly heals the wound. He opens his eyes showing a glowing amber color illuminating from them, telling me Skull is in control. I send him a loving smile to let him know that it was alright and extend my neck to him. Nervousness races through my body, Adrenaline following shortly after.

I squeeze my eyes shut, too scared to watch what would happen next. I feel a sharp sting as his teeth sink into my skin drawing blood. Waves of pleasure and ecstasy spread from the bite down through my blood until it covers my whole body. He removes his fangs and licks the wound, cleaning away the blood. Similarly to his, golden swirls travel underneath the skin and move around the mark.

Suddenly, our scents immediately change, combining together to create a new one. His hand reaches for mine and they interlock as he kisses me tenderly. Sparks of static dance across my lips in excitement and continue throughout my whole body. He uses his other hand to gently hold my face causing shivers to cascade down my skin. Getting lost in time, we separate a few minutes later.

"I'm ready... To complete the rest of the mating process..." I admit nervously... I had no clue what I am doing but I trust in our bond.

"Are you sure," He looks at me, his eyes full of love and passion.

"Yes... I don't think its possible to love you any more than I already do." He looks at me and it was as if every ounce of breath was stolen from my lungs and escaping into the early morning air. A mysterious feeling swells within my heart. This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body, warming it with multiple emotions at once. It's overwhelming, yet somehow manages to make me feel so complete. It feels as though my heart is rejoicing and celebrating around in my chest; and a hole, I was never aware of, has been filled. I feel so free as if I'm on top of the world, yet my heart is tightening and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs. So this is what Love is.


Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry to leave it here and do this to you guys, but I'd prefer not to write about what happens next 😂😂 you guys can use your imagination.

I can't wait to start writing the next chapter. I finally think I'm free of my writers block 🙌🙌🙌

Hopefully I'll have more chapters come out more frequently now. So look forward to it.

Love you all for reading ♥️♥️
Catch you later


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