Chapter 63 : Free

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Chapter 63: Free


I feel conflicted to whether I should try to sleep and hopefully Crystal and Ashen can get in contact through the energy connection, or to use this time to try and escape...

I slowly get up, ignoring my screaming muscles and try to regain my balance. I stumble over the bars and try to glance around for anything that would help, but to no avail. I make my way over to my bed and decide the best thing was to try and reach the others to at least warn them or see if they can think of another way. I close my eyes, wishing to dream of Ashen at least. My mind slowly drifts off, as I lull myself to sleep...

The sound of chirping birds rouses me from my slumber. After trying to open my eyes, I am quickly blinded by the light. The smell of fresh rain invades my nose causing me to come to a realization. Where am I? This isn't the prison cell...

I slowly sit up and observe my surroundings, slowly taking in the bright colours. Vibrant green grass coated in water droplets, pink and white flowers scattered within the field, a border of tall pines trees outline the small field I am sitting in.

As much as I would love to lie back down and soak in all the smells and sights I've been missing since I've been locked up, I need to find out why I am here. My body no longer screams in pain when I go to stand up, it's as if none of this rogue stuff even happened.

Confused, I try to glance around to see if anyone is around or for the reason I am here. I feel a sudden longing within my chest when I glance towards the pine trees that border the field I'm in. My feet begin to move before I know it and they begin to lead me towards the forest. The feeling starts to become stronger which causes my body to start running faster towards the source. Ahead I see a small opening lit up by the sunshine.

I begin to slow down as I approach it and my begin to gain control over my body once again, however the longing I feel in my heart does not leave. As I exit the line of trees, into the opening, the sudden change in light causes me to close my eyes for a moment and move my hand to cover the sun. I open my eyes again once I can see without the sun burning my eyes, I notice something curled up in the middle of the opening, hiding in the grass.

My heart stops as I recognize the person. Her white coat glimmers in the light and her fur moving as if it was playing with the wind. Her eyes are closed as she soaks in the warmth of the sun, hiding her colourful eyes that replicate mine.... Celestial...

My legs become weak and I collapse on the ground. The sound of me falling onto the grass alerts Celestial and she jolts up and stands in a defensive position. Seeing her, tears begin the fall down my face and I cry out her name.

She freezes when she hears my voice and turns around to see me on ground crying my eyes out. Shock covers her face and she remains where she is as if she's contemplating if this was all real or not. I manage to get up and run over to her, embracing her in a hug.

"I miss you so much!" We both collapse onto the ground and she falls into my embrace.

"I missed you too..." She says softly and she looks up at me with tears escaping her eyes as well.

After sitting with each other crying for a couple minutes, we finally let all our emotions out. All the questions had already piled up instead, bringing us to why I am here.

"This is a dimensional space I set up to allow me to collect energy from the surroundings. It's linked to the moon goddess so it's more accurate to say that I'm soaking up her energy." Celestial explains after calming down.

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