Chapter 15: Breaking In

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Chapter 15: Breaking In

Just before I enter the cave, I hear a slight sound. I feel a nagging sense flying around in my stomach or was that my gut. I decide to focus all my hearing and senses into my surroundings. I listen to the breeze brushing against the leaves and the faraway sound of the lake. Just as I think that it was just my imagination I hear it again...

"He-... Help."

This voice! It has to be...
Avery's POV

I start to sprint towards the direction the frail voice came from. I feel the presence of Celestial wanting to shift in the back of my mind and for once I allow it. Mid-stride I shift into my pure white wolf and run at full speed, only managing to dodge the trees in time. Every once in a while I catch the small voice again and correct the direction I'm running in. I don't know where I'm running too but I know I have to.

'Let me take over, I can use my speed and enhanced senses to get you there faster,' She states in my mind.

'Get where?' I ask hoping to get an answer.

'To Crystal...' I hear just before I grant her the control to take over my body. When Celest takes over I feel my presence being pushed to the back of my mind, it was like we swapped souls but all I could do was see out of her eyes. Celest starts to get the hang of control my body and I watch as she picks up speed and all you can see is a blur of greens, Browns and occasionally a sky blue.  With Celest using her enhanced senses it was my job to check it is safe around us, I pick up several presences about half a mile away, and more scattered moving presences another half a mile out, surrounding the area. I replay what I'm sensing back to Celestial and she continues on, careful to stay away from the people surrounding the area so they don't sense us.

As we get closer I feel my anxiety rise, something major is happening. I hear someone cry out much louder this time, Celestial catches this sound and slows down and crouches in a nearby bush. I look up and notice a small torn down building. I can feel multiple presences moving in small groups around the territory, but what bothers me is that I can feel about ten underground!

'Most likely, they're being kept down there.' Celest says to me as she surveillances the area.

'They?! Who are they?'

'I know there is crystal but there is someone else being kept down there, and it seems there are some guards surrounding them,' she replies with caution lining her voice.  Just as I was about to talk back she shushes me and she points her nose towards a middle-aged man who was sniffing the air around the front of the house/shack., rogues... They must have been the ones who toke crystal. I start to feel Celestial's strength diminishing.

'Crap, I've used up too much energy in running I won't be able to hide your scent for much longer. I might have to give you back control soon so I can save up the energy if you want to use your power,' She says as her voice grows tired. That's it my power! I totally forgot about it.

'I'll let you rest so I can use my power when getting out so we don't get caught.'

I once again gain control over my body and I saw the man before suddenly stiffen up as soon as he caught my scent. When Celest was in control she limited my scent so we weren't caught, which used up all her energy. I didn't know she was doing that until she said it, which is why I was wondering why it was so easy not to get caught. I just thought we were a ninja. But anyways I quickly jump out of the bush still in my wolf form and tackle him to the ground before he could mind-link someone of my presence. Thankfully he hits his head pretty hard on the ground, knocking him out. I enter the house carefully following crystal scent which leads me to a set of stairs. These weren't ordinary stairs, they looked creepy and run down with its cracked cobblestone and its flame-lit torches following down the stairs.

I shift back to my human form and quietly walk down the stairs. After walking for a minute or two I start to hear some voices.

"How long are we gonna keep the prisoners for?"

"Not sure about the girl since no-ones coming to get her, but the boy we keep for a while since they will show up soon."

"Who shows?" There sounds to be about three people down there.

"You know... The W-"

"Get back to work!" Another voice appears out of no-where and shouts at the others. "And one of you go swap with Henry who is on the house guarding shift. And the others go and get the prisoners some food before they die."

"But boss the girl refuses to eat or drink anything and the boy just seems like a zombie and is mumbling strange words."

"Well then force them to! We can't let our plans go to waste."

I hear heavy footsteps walk away from the group of men, most likely their boss, and head in the other direction. Soon enough the men's footsteps start to head towards the staircase in which I was hiding.

'Celest! Can I use my power for a quick second? I need to get past these guys without them noticing me.'

'Ok fine, but really quickly. I don't have much energy.'

Just when their footsteps start to near and it sounds like they are just around the corner, I go to freeze time when I hear,

"dude what's that smell? It's really sweet." Crap they can smell my scent. I'm in so much trouble, I'll have to knock them out. But I can't take on three full grown male rogues.

"Dudeeeee, who's wearing the perfume? I know one of you are cause it's so strong." Wait, what?!

A chorus of 'not me's fly around and a small smack echoes through the staircase.

"Just keep your nose out for either an Alpha's or a warrior's scent. Then we'll know when their coming."

"If they're coming at all," I hear another mumble quietly which the rest of the group chose to ignore. They start to walk again which I guess is the right time to freeze time. I concentrate on time stopping and everyone except me freezing. I open my eyes and listen for any sounds of movement. Hearing nothing I move ahead. I slip past the three men and head further down. The more I go down the stairs the more smelly, dark and damp it gets. I unfreeze so Celestial can save up her energy.

Once I reach the bottom, I glance around to see around four jail cells but only two seems to be locked and shut. After standing in the flame-lit staircase for a while, it is too dark for my human eyes to adjust to just yet so I take my chances and use my wolf eyes as the danger was that they glow and it might use up Celest's energy. Once my eyes light up enhancing their bright blue and green color, I hear a slight whimper. I direct my gaze to where the sound had come from and what I see angers me, my anger wasn't really directed at what I saw but more to what the rogues had done.

They uncurl and look me directly in the eyes and whimper slightly again.

"Avery?" They croak out.

There was Crystal beat, bloody, and tear-stained...

There you go, guys! A few of you commented in the last chapter to update... So I updated heaps earlier than I usually do. Hopefully, you'll stick around to next chapter cause it's all gonna go down, not the actual legend part though.

So hope you enjoyed and please comment or message me some ideas I could include in the story. I got a little bit of the next chapter's plot off of Mask3d

Love ya all

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