Chapter 50: Family Meeting

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Chapter 50: Family Meeting


AVERY! WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR MATE?!' My mother yells, through the family mind-link.

'Sorry Ave, it kinda came up in conversation...' Kyle joins in, apologizing.

'COME HOME RIGHT NOW, AND BRING YOUR MATE! WE ARE HAVING A FAMILY DINNER!' Mum shouts once again, causing my ears to ring from her loudness. Skull looks at me curiously, probably realising that someone is communicating with me.

"Sorry Skull, would you be able to let Ashen back in control... My mother wants to meet him..."

"Now just warning you, she can be a bit much to handle sometimes. But she'll love you." We had arrived at the front of my house and are currently waiting in front of the door. His leg is bouncing up and down and he is unconsciously biting his lip. I give Ashen's hand a light squeeze for encouragement as I could tell he was nervous. In return he send me a anxious smile before rasing his hand to knock on the door.

The suspense of waiting seems to drag out, as we hear footsteps heading towards the door. The handle begins to turn and thinking my mother would be the one to open it, I prepare myself for an dramatic outburst. However, Kyle stands there sheepishly, sending me a apologetic look. He invites us both into the dining room, and to my surprise Crystal's currently helping set up the dinner table.

"What? How did you get here?!" I exclaim as soon as I see her, slightly scaring her.

"Well this is my house, after all..." Mum decided to have the family dinner at Kyle and Crystal's new house as it was way nicer than ours.

"No I didn't mean it like that... I meant, didn't you leave after us, how are you here before us?" I ask puzzled, as Crystal was in the hospital room with us, how did she arrive before us...

"Well, whilst you two were freaking out in front of the house, my guess is you didn't see me walk in, in front of you." She laughs as we both stand there confused as hell.

"Wait a second..." Kyle interrupts, "Firstly, how do you guys know each other? And secondly, I was told that you had broken your arm... Did the doctor make a mistake?" He asks gazing between Crystal and I and then directing his gaze to Ashen.

"Well funny thing... You know how I'm the white wolf right? Wel-" I begin, however, Kyle's eyes start to bulge out of his head and he places a hand over my mouth to stop me from talking.

"Shhhhhh! I have told Crystal about you being the White wolf yet!" He quietly whispers to me. I rip his hand off of my mouth and let out a loud laugh.

"Bro... You're so slow. Crystal already knows I'm the white wolf, I'm not that stupid to blurb it out." After realising what's going on, Crystal joins in, laughing with me. I quickly explain to him how we met and how Crystal is actually the 'guider' talked about in the legend. The whole time he looks pretty skeptical about the story.

"You're joking with me right?!" He asks raising his voice slightly, before we tell him, that it's the truth. He looks towards Ashen, as if looking for confirmation that's it's the truth. In which Ashen responds with a slow nod causing Kyle to flip out. "When were you going to tell me you got kidnapped, and that you showed rogues your wolf form, and that both of you are connected to the legend?!"

Before he can continue any further, I sense another presence coming closer. I look towards the kitchen door and soon after mum walks through with a steaming plate full of shepherds pie. She looks up, slightly surprised that we are all here, as she was probably absorbed into her cooking she didn't realise how loud we were being.

I see her nose slightly move, indicating she's sniffing the air. Then suddenly, she freezes. She slowly looks around the room, until her eyes arrive on Ashen. I look over towards Ashen as well, and notice that he too is frozen in place, but not in the nervous way... Then everything moved in slow motion again.

The plate mum was holding suddenly plummets to the floor, as mum let's out a loud growl before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Ashen. Then she drops into an attacking position and starts to run at Ashen. I quickly grab her arm before she can get to him and I pull her back releasing some of my white wolf strength to hold her back.

Through the mate bond, I sense fear and heartbreak. I look towards Ashen, and he sends me an apologetic and hurt look before he runs out if the place. Not only do I sense the pain through the bond, but I also saw the tears in his eyes before he ran off.

'I'm sorry Avery...' I hear him say through the mind-link, before he blocks me out. I try to talk to him back, but he places a wall around his mind keeping me out. I no longer feel any feelings coming through the mate bond, as he completely blocks off the link. I tune back into the situation, as mum screams for Kyle to chase after Ashen. In which Kyle obeys and runs out the door after him. I feel a sharp pain in my cheek as I realise mum had slapped me.

"What are you doing?! Let go! You just let a dangerous rogue let loose in the pack!" She screams at me as I cradle the sting on my cheek. At this point everything hit me at once, tears begin to well up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them from rolling down my face. I feel arms circle around me, and I turn around to see Crystal trying to comfort me. But it didn't have the same calming affect as a mates.

"He's my mate mum! He's no longer a rogue anymore!" I scream back at her, before turning around to leave. However, I didn't get very far, as she pulls my arm back keeping me from chasing after Kyle and Ashen.

"Your mate?!" She sneers before continuing, "That boy is a rogue whose wanted by the Council of Wolves. I don't know how he tricked you, but he's wanted for the murder of his parents, who were the Alpha and Luna of the Crescent Moon pack!"

Hey guys!!! Sorry to leave it there, but there's going to be so much drama in the next few chapters, I had to stop here. The story is getting closer to the climax now, I'm so excited for it to be almost done, and then I can focus on my other book I'm writing.

Hope you enjoyed it! Love you all

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