Chapter 32: Gandalf

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Chapter 32: Gandalf

Ashen slowly rises up off the ground and before following after Crystal, he offers me a hand up.

"Thanks," I offer a small smile back as I take his hand and he lifts me off the ground.

"No problem," He smiles back, showing off his small dimples on his cheeks. I freeze for a moment, his smile seemed so bright and it was as though all he saw was me. I guess he is starting to slowly trust me.

Ashen waits in the darkness of the cave's entrance as he watches Crystal and I move towards the council members. We were greeted by mostly friendly faces. And I bet you can guess how didn't have the friendly face. Johnston....

After a few short introductions, Crystal fills the Council in about a few things that happened in the cave. "Avery has filled me in about what has happened all I need to know is what is going to happen next." She states calmly, acting like a proper leader.

"We will explain everything on the way back," Seera, the woman who gave me the clothes explains. We all decide we should take our time in getting back before Crystal is bombarded by the pack. I could sense Ashen following us from a distance, however, he still a bit cautious and anxious. "Firstly would you be able to tell us what happened with the banishment and everything. You don't have to if it's too sensitive for you." Her voice was laced with kindness and understanding.

"No it's alright I've had some time to slowly gain understanding about what happen and I've slightly accepted it now." Crystal's tone sounds sad but thankful, however her voice changed to more of a professional one.

"I found out Sam was my mate several months ago when I turned 18, however, he seemed to ignore the bond so I thought I was just a mistake at first. But slowly I started to realise that I was actually the bond, so tried to stay as close as possible with his group. Eventually, I managed to confront him several days ago and he rejected me for another girl. At first I was really shocked but soon enough my wolf got really angry over the rejection and took over. She searched out the other girl and slapped her. That was when he banished me."

Seera nods her head in understanding. "That must have been tough. May I ask just one more question?" Crystal gives a quick nod to indicate to continue speaking. "What happened after all of this?" Crystal pauses in walking for a few seconds. She must be cautious about how to answer them without giving my secret away.

I quickly mind link her, 'I told them I found you unconscious by the border. You can tell them you were rescued by the white wolf just don't tell them it was me.'

'Alright thanks!'

"After I left the border I ran into a group of rogues. Somehow they knew I was the true Luna and the took me to their base and locked me up... I waited several days... for someone to find me, but..." Crystal was so close to tearing up you could hear it in her voice. I walk over to her and quickly engulf her, before she could burst. She covers her face with my shoulder and I could feel the tears that were escaping soak into my tank top.

"But- since I was banished no-one could sense me or even know who I was. So no one came for several days. The rogues took their anger out on me and another wolf that was there." I knew she was talking about Ashen and it broke my heart to know that the rogues had abused my mate and Crystal. I wish I could go back to their hide out and bash them up instead of running away. But then again I wasn't the best warrior.

"How did you manage to escape then?" Johnston states quiet rudely. Does he even have any sympathy?!

Crystal wipes the rest of her tears away and assures me that she's fine before continuing. "Eventually a wolf managed to find the base and stumbled into the cellars where they were keeping me and the other wolf. He rescued us and all I can remember after that was waking up when Avery found me."

She was pretty smart in telling them that the wolf was a boy instead of me. It would make it more believe as males spend more time training and would be able to take down some rogues. Not saying that a girl couldn't do it, but we tend not to train as much. There are some that do and are part of warrior packs, but there none are in our local area.

"About these two other wolves, the one that was captured with you what happened to it?" One of the other pack members join in with the questions.

"Well actually he had passed out along with me and we have been staying together in the cave back there." Guessing that Crystal had mind linked Ashen to come closer to the group now, as I could feel his presence getting closer. I see some of the Council members become alarmed as they begin to feel his presence. However, the older man's and Seera's stay the same.

"Is he the one that has been following us since the cave?" Seera asks calmly. Ashen steps out from behind some trees, this causes some of the the council members to jump into a fighting stance, including Johnston. I let out a low growl at their aggressive behaviour towards my mate. The older man who I found out was called Maddox, However he looks slightly like Gandalf to me so that was his nickname, casts me a curious look before realising why I growled. I knew he could tell we were mates, some council member can feel the bond between two wolves.

"Stand down guys, it's alright. He's safe." Gandalf commands the other members that were being aggressive. I could sense Ashen relief as he walks closer to were Crystal and I were standing. The council members start to calm down, all except for... Yep, you guessed it... Johnston.

"But he smells like a rogue?!" Most likely Ashen's old smell is still quiet strong, Even though he is apart of our pack now, it might take up to a day for his rogue smell to go away.

"Yes, however, these two are mates and he wouldn't start anything that would put his mate in danger." With Gandalf's statement the rest of the council members relax back to normal and we all continue on our way back to the pack.

"And the one that rescued you was he a rogue or part of a pack?" The council members seemed very intrigued by this mystery wolf and were asking many questions similar to this. 

"I wasn't too sure I blanked out quickly after I saw who rescued me," Crystal explains. Man, she was good at lying, it was almost believable to me and I was actually there.

"Do you at least remember what he looked like? I wish i could give him a reward for saving you two and basically saving the whole pack." This time it was Gandalf.

Crystal pauses once more before saying, "He's fur was white..." The looks on their faces were amazing.

Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in like a month, I just got a new job and I've been working everyday now. This is like my first break from it.

Hope you all liked it!!!
I'm going camping in two weeks for my birthday, so I'll try to update before then or hopefully find some internet down there to update.

Anyway Love you all

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