Chapter 25: Gone

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"WHAT?! Which one is it?!" He grabs me by the shoulder and starts to shake me rapidly.

"uhhhh, well the last one?"

"THAT YOUR TRYING TO KILL ME?!" He screeches at me. By now Sher was trying to hold her laughter in at Kyle overreacting.

"No, no the one before it," I try to explain to him without actually telling him.


"Well... The guy I rescued was actually my mate..." I say quietly fiddling with my hands, expecting / knowing Kyle will freak out.


And guess what happens...

He faints... Well that's one thing in common with my mate.
Avery's POV

"So where is Crystal now?" Sher asks casually as we move Kyle's unconscious body towards the couch.


"You said you found your mate whilst rescuing Crystal. So where is she now? I didn't see her during the pack meeting." Man, Sher is very observant, no wonder she is smart.

'Unlike you,' Celestial comments cheekily through our connection.

'Shut up' I grumble back, playfully. I hear her slightly chuckle before going back into my mind.

"Helllloo, Avery you thereee?" I see Sher waving her hands in front of my face. I cock my head towards her scaring her half to death. "Goodness, give a girl some warning!" Slightly forgetting my surroundings, I look around to notice Kyle sprawled out on the ground about I foot from the couch. Realising I must have dropped him when I was talking to Celestial.

"Sorry" I chuckle, "Celest was just being... Celest. Anyways... What did you want?" I reach down to pick Kyle's legs up once again and Sher quickly follows afterwards picking up his arms.

Sher sighs loudly and says exhaustedly, "Well, for the third time... Where is Crystal now?" We drop Kyle onto the couch and go to sit on the bed. Sher relaxes across one side of her bed whilst I sit cross legged and lean against the headboard. I explain the whole situation to her, whilst she minorly freaks out. Heck, I shouldn't lie. Majorly. She majorly freaks out. She even kicked Blake out when he came to visit, because she was too immerse in my story.

"So basically the two are now hiding in Ma den," I finish of explaining.

"You den..." Sher gives me a look which clearly shows she is questioning our friendship.

"Hey! Don't judge my name for it, I am a wolf after all. I gotta have a den." Sher gives me another amused look. "Anyways it's like this cave entrance that's covered up and eventually it opens up to a clearing where there is this nice clear lake and rocks which you can jump off. And there is a small waterfall there that runs from the top of the rocks. The grass there is so soft and lovely..." I start to go off into my daydream of when I found the place, but Sher quickly clears her throat.

"Can you show me?" She asks excitedly whilst slightly bouncing on the bed. She has always loved exploring new places, even if they were outside the border which is considered pretty dangerous without any guards from the pack.

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