Chapter 34: You Nittwitt!

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Chapter 34: You Nittwitt!

Should I tell Crystal about the hidden eyes and make her worry and become cautious or wait till we are a bit closer. Both Ashen and I return back to our serious states and somehow Crystal catches on that something's happen and she stays quiet for the most part. I start to see the top of the pack house peeking through the trees and the presences of the rest of the pack start to become known.

I decide now would be the best time to tell her: "Both Ashen and I sensed someone back there watching us and they didn't feel too friendly. I'm guessing Maddox and Seera did as well that's why they rushed us off so fast." Crystal glances at us both worriedly and curiously. This had all of us on edge.

The harsh light blinds me for a second as my eyes take time to readjust as we step outside of the dimly lit forest. We are met with the hopeful and curious faces from our pack and they watch us from afar. Crystal was standing in the middle of the group, so some of the pack might not be able to see her just yet.

I notice my brother, Sher and Blake standing near the outside of the group. Kyle relaxes, most likely realizing I am safe, However it doesn't last for long. As we move closer, his gaze switches over to Ashen who is beside me. His eyes narrow in on him and he starts a one sided staring contest. On the other hand, Ashen takes no notice of Kyle's protective behaviour and continues walking beside me. Can't wait until I have to introduce them to each other... Note the sarcasm...

Suddenly, the pack rushes forwards to greet us, hoping that we managed to find Crystal. Kyle, Sher and Blake follow along, dodging the crowd running towards the council members.  The excited group quickly bombard our group with thousands of questions. Kyle and and Sher quickly rush over to us, Kyle checking me for any injuries and Sher chatting to Ashen as if he was an old friend.

"Yo Ashhhhh, long time no see. Finally came out of hiding I see." By now Ashen has grown accustom to how friendly and direct Sher is, so he isn't too nervous around her. Although I could sense his anxiety due to all the new people around him. I heard a low growl coming from behind Sher and as I adjust my head I notice Blake death glaring Ashen. Hearing the growling, Ashen jumps into a defensive stance ready to attack the person growling at him.

"Oh shush Blake. Calm down will ya, this is Avery's mate, there's no need to get jealous." She exclaims, smacking the back of Blake's​ head to shut him up. "Unfortunately, he's already taken ..." A pang of jealously hits my heart when she's says those words.

Even though I know she is joking to mess with Blake but the idea of another girl wanting Ashen hurts my heart. Now more than ever I can feel the empty space where Celestial would always be. Normally she would be growling, however instead my heart was hurting instead. Blake quiets his growls, however he doesn't stop. Instead another certain someone next to me does the growling.

"THIS IS YOUR MATE?!" Kyle screeches right in my ear, deafening me. Ashen turns towards Kyle as if just noticing he was there, making Kyle even madder with Ashen's clear disinterest towards him. Although he is my twin, just because he was a few minutes before me, he acts like he is the older brother. 4 minutes and 38 seconds older to be exact. 

Kyle has been very protective of me ever since I was little and other kids had found out I didn't have a wolf. I would get bullied several times by other kids, however, Kyle would always be by my side after he found out. By the time we got to high school we were used to being next to each other every single minute.

However the school didn't put us in any similar classes so we would only be able to see each other at lunch or during breaks between lessons. After a few years being separated Kyle hung out more often with his friends and Me with Sherri. Even though I still get bullied at school, Chloe and Holly knew not to mess with me when Kyle was around, so Kyle would still hang out with me regularly at school.

"Yes he is, Kyle, now stop being so loud." Due to his loud growling and protest, we drew many of the pack members eyes over to our little group. "Kyle this is Ashen and Ashen this is Kyle, my twin brother," I quickly introduce them to each other.

Ashen observes Kyle, whilst Kyle stands still with his arms crossed over and trying to look intimidating. Although Kyle did look a bit funny trying to look tough in this situation, I knew not to chuckle at him. However, Ashen didn't hesitate to let out a small laugh.

"WANT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, YOU NITTWITT?!" Kyle shouts trying to distract us from his reddened cheeks as he had realised his scaring tactic wasn't working. This time Blake manages to let a small chuckle escape from his lips at his insult towards Ashen, making Kyle even more mad and embarrassed.

Suddenly, Kyle starts to stomp forwards to where Sher, Blake and Ashen were standing. GREAT.... He's going to start a fight with both Ashen and Blake. I step forwards to stop him, as I know he is not the strongest fighter and to fight between two other male wolves, whether it's serious or not, is a death wish.

Just as I'm about to grab him arm, I hear someone kick a large rock and in slow motion I look over to Kyle who seemed to be plummeting downwards. He had tripped... On a rock... I guess my clumsiness runs in the family.

Blake, Ashen and Sher all start cracking up laughing and I swear I saw Sher almost crying with laughter. I guess it was pretty funny but I think Kyle will get even madder so I try to hold my laughter in. I glance down at Kyle defeated form on the ground, and soon it starts to tremble with anger, that or it was embarrassment. I'm waiting for him to explode as he slowly lifts himself off the ground.

Once he is standing upright once again, I wait for him to either shift or run, however he doesn't. He stands there frozen with his nose in the air.

"What's that smell..."


Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in ages I didn't know what to put in this put to connect the last chapter with what I want to happen next, however I managed with some encouragement.

Hopefully you liked the chapter and I wonder if anyone can guess what is going to happen next, hopefully it is unexpected but I might have given a clue away and someone is smart to catch on.

Anyway hopefully I can find some time to do the next chapter.


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