Chapter 8: Harry

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Chapter 8: Harry

I think the Goddess had made a right decision matching up Blake and Sher. After they got over their 'little' incident, they had become the couple that never leaves each other's side. I have also come to speaking terms with Blake after I decided we would be spending more time with each now that he's my best friends mate.

School has been jusssssst great, hint the sarcasm there. After the fact that I dodged Holly's and Chloe's food launch causing the food to hit each other they had been out to get me. Harry had been intrigued by the fact that I was so fast and has been sitting next to me quite recently trying to get a conversation out of me. But you know me, I don't like to talk to people I don't really know. Anyway back to my boring, changing life.



"Oi wake up!" I hear someone whisper-shout at me. I raise my head up off the school desk and glare at the person who had waken me up from my peaceful sleep. I haven't had a nice dreamless sleep in a while. After I got my super speed I had been getting these weird life like dreams of strange occurrences.

I death glare the person who was still poking me to see the school prankster who has been recently intrigued with me, or in other words... Harry. He was smirking at me weirdly.

"How are you that fast?" He asks peculiarly.

"Ummm... I'm a werewolf, duh," I say quickly hoping he doesn't inquire more about the fact that I have a time-stopping ability.

"Yea, but you don't have a wol- wait... You smell different..." He quickly sniffs the air before continuing. "Kinda wolfy but kinda human... did you find your wolf?!"

'Tell him you haven't found your spirit yet.' Celestial suggests inside my mind.

"Ur... Not yet but hopefully soon," I tell him trying not to show I'm lying. He looks at me like he doesn't believe me. I'm trying to end the conversation cause it's was making me feel tense and awkward, but he didn't notice.

"Sure whatever you say," he comments shortly after, to my satisfaction ending the short talk. I glance at the clock hoping the bell might actually save me for once. I notice that it is only a few minutes away, before turning back to realize most of the class is staring at me. I quickly recognize that the teacher had asked me something whilst I was calculating the bell time.

"Huh? What..." I ask hoping not to get in trouble. Even though I hate school and I don't give a crap about what the teachers think about me, there is still a small part of me that takes over whenever I'm about to get in trouble and I go all nice and polite. A few classmates giggles at my obvious answer since I clearly didn't hear it.

"I was just wondering how many minutes until the bell goes since you are so interested in the clock rather than my lesson," the history teacher murmurs and a few more chuckles can be heard from around the room.

"Umm... I think about 2,"

"Actually 1 now," Harry comments shortly after correcting me just as the minute hand just changed.

"Ok well class, the rest is for homework and..." the teacher continues on whilst everyone starts packing up not even worrying about what the teacher is saying. I start to also pack my books and papers up into a pile. As soon as I finished the bell went, everyone immediately stood up and rushed out only leaving a few classmates behind to finish packing up their things.

I chuck my things in my shoulder bag and head out of the classroom towards my locker. I get out the door but not long after Harry calls out to me,

"Hey, wait up," he calls out. I turn around slowly to see him struggling to put his stuff in his bag whilst trying to catch up to me.

"What are you doing later in this afternoon?" Harry asks once he falls into step beside me, once I continue walking.

"Nothing to do with you that's for sure unless it's something fun," I explain to him hoping he won't ask me to do his homework.

"It'll be fun, that's for sure. I was wondering if you could help with a couple of pranks that we could use your speed for. I'll grab your answer later if you don't mind, I have someplace to be. Meet me tomorrow at lunch near the broken gate," Harry states before running off. His proposal did sound in fact amusing and entertaining but... my power is stopping time not super speed, I can't use it around him.

'Your half wrong there' Celestial decides to butt in.

'I wasn't butting in I was pitching in a comment,' she says acting hurt.

'Whatever, What were you saying before?'

'Oh, so now you wanna hear, please don't let me butt in.'

'Oh come on please tell me...' I beg, wondering what she was saying.

'As I was saying before someone butted in...' She says pretending to still be mad. 'You do actually have super speed it's just not a power.'

'What do you mean it's not a power?'

'Being a white wolf means your speed, agility, and senses are increased greatly from a natural werewolf.'

'Ohhhh... I get it now, thanks Celest.'

'No problem' she says as I feel her smile in the back of my mind. 

So I decide I could help this time, only for a while though and only on one condition though.

Sher gets to help too.

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