Chapter 61: Monster

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Hey guys... IM SO SORRY! I haven't updated in over 5 months. My life has recently gotten really crazy so I won't be able to update as much as I was before. I've recently moved out of home and went off to university and adult life sucks 😭

I'll be working and studying heaps so I can earn some money to afford uni.

I was also thinking of turning my other book Phoenix into a graphic novel instead which will take even more time. Let me know what you guys think. Anyway I'll let you get back to the story.

Chapter 61: Monster


"Hurry tell her! Her soul is slipping! Someone is trying to wake her up from the other side, if we hold her for any longer it'll cause her extreme pain as her soul is being separated from her body!" She rushes out quickly before focusing back on holding my soul still.

'It hurts, Ash... It hurts," I say almost as a whisper through the link. The others become panicked but remain silent to allow Ashen to explain the last of it. I close my eyes and hold my head to try to numb the pain. I try to focus on what Ashen's saying, however, the pounding of my blood gets louder causing me to only catch a few words.

Every... night... Energy... Exchange... Gone... Months... Celestial...

I feel the pain disappear suddenly and everything goes dead quiet. I feel something lulling me to sleep and my body gladly welcomes it. Darkness once again drags me into it's depths.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The dark... I've never really been afraid of it, until now that is... When no one's next to you and you have no clue where you are, it's enough to freak anyone out. You never know what could be hiding in the dark, a friend, a foe... You'll never know until it's too late. Every night when I go to sleep I hope to see Ashen again, however, some nights I come face to face with a monster instead. It's white fur stands on end, sharp as a needle and it's eyes glow a blood red.

This monster is inside me, waiting to taking control, waiting to destroy everything I love. I've never noticed it before. Some nights I can talk and smile once again with Ashen... Other nights... I watch him getting torn apart by this monster inside of me. Some nights it talks to me other nights it stands there growling at me before it attacks.

A loud clang forces my eyes open in shock. The sound of mumuring from the guards can be heard before suddenly the sound of a metal pipe running along my cells bars. I see Scarface making his way slowly towards me with an annoyed look on his face. I try to move but realise the guards have already chained me to the wall, while I was pass out. Hopefully they didn't notice anything different about my energy levels.

Although my body feels numb and exhausted, my soul feels like it's on fire. The few nights I get to meet with Ashen, he's been sending his energy over to me through Crystal's magic link to my soul. I've slowly been storing up energy so that I can use my powers again. However, I would've thought Celestial would've come back with the energy I've been saving, but there's still no sign of her. Instead this monster continues to take her spot.

'im no monster... im you...' It's dark, icy voice creeps throughout my head, sending chills down my spine.

I hear the cell door creak open as Scarface steps in. Ever since the monster made claim to my consciousness, I have yet to fear Scar more than the monster.

"You're finally awake..." His husky voice echoes around the empty cells around me. "You have a visitor today." He motions to another person stepping into my cell... Beta Navier... The bastard that brought me here. Anger swells up within me, stirring the monster even more.

But what stops me from lashing out is the magic energy swirling around him. I watch as magic particles start to fall off of him and drop to the floor. Soon enough it stops and there now stands my Ex-Alpha... I see what they've done. They asked a witch to disguise James as another wolf so he could infiltrate the pack to get me.

"Long time, no see Whore." He smirks at me as he makes his way to stand near Scarface. I cast my gaze to the floor, I've found that if I don't challenge Scarface's authority he normally gets bored and leaves soon after. I hear someone stalking over, his footsteps echoing through the row of cells. Suddenly a hand grabs my mangled hair and yanks it up so I am forced to look at them. "You ruined my life and you have nothing to say to me!" He growls in my face, his breath rotten almost making me gag.

"Well now it's my turn to make you life miserable, just like mine," he smirks and leans towards my ear, "I think its time to let dear Alpha know a little secret about your mark with your mate."

He turns around stalks back to stand beside Scarface which is whom I guess James is referring to as an Alpha. "Alpha I did some research and apparently while her bond is weak if the female feels any emotion stronger with you than she does with anyone else you should be able to mark her over her mates mark and her wolf is forced to accept you as her new mate and the bond will break with her other one." He sneers at me almost as if he's mocking me. But that's where he is wrong, I don't love Scarface more than Ashen, who would... "Even if that strong emotion is fear... And I'm willing to beat she fears you more than anyone else."

My stomach drops as I watch a large, sadistic smile spread across Scar's face. "That's very good to know. I thinks its about time I make you mine, little white wolf. I've had enough of waiting."

He makes his way towards me with a crazy gleam in his eyes. Every steps closer the more I try to back away but soon enough I'm pressed up against the wall with no where else to go. Scar closes in on me, holding me down against the wall.

I start to panic, kicking out and clawing at him, but with the little strength my body actually has it does nothing but annoy him. "Hold her down!" He yells out to the guards causing them rush in each grabbing my arms and legs and one holds my head still allowing my neck and mark to be exposed.

"It might hurt a bit, but soon after you'll be mine my little mate..." He says in a soft loving tone, which make me want to throw up and gag inside. This is it... I can't do anything else... I don't have enough energy to use any of my powers just yet, just enough to send a mind link message.

'Ashen... I'm sorry...'

Tears well up in my eyes and being to cascade down my face. Scar bears his fangs and leans over towards my neck. Sadness consumes me and I close my eyes waiting and expecting. As soon as my eyes shut, the monster appears. It just stares back at me, not growling, not moving, nothing... The sight of its blood red eyes send fear and panic like I've never felt before running through my veins.

A sharp pain on my neck causes my knees to buckle and collapse. A pair of arms hold me still and press me again the brick wall. Scar retracts his fangs from my neck and cleans the wound. A strange feeling sweeps over me which my body tries to reject over and over. His hand pulls my face up and smashes his lips against mine.



Hope you guys don't hate me too much for how I ended it 😅😅. So I'll try to update at least once a month and on occasions fortnightly until I can finish the book.

I won't be update Phoenix for a while though as I need to decide whether or not to turn it into a graphic novel or leave it as is.

Anyway thanks for reading
Love you all

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