Chapter 31: Alpha Luna?

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"Once you calm down, I will explain everything." I head over towards Where Ashen is sitting with Crystal following curiously. I take a seat next to him and get comfortable. Both of them are looking at me worriedly and curiously as if preparing for bad news. Crystal takes a seat opposite me so I can both see them.

"You may want to take some deep breaths first Crystal, this is going to be a lot to take in."

"So basically your saying that I'm the new Luna now and Sam and his dad were kicked out?! And now the Council of Wolves are outside?!" Crystal screeches and stands up abruptly.

"Crystal calm down," I reassure her. "I know this is a lot to take in but we can do it together. I'll be there to help you."

"I know... it's just- you were right this is a lot to take in," she slows her pacing down and blows out a loud breath through her mouth. "How exactly am I suppose to lead a pack with no mate?! And can there even be an Luna without an Alpha?!"

"You know what? I've never thought about that. Cause a Luna is the Alpha's mate... So does that make you a Alpha or a Luna? Can there be an female Alpha? I've never heard of it before..." I ask stunned, all these ideas were playing mind games with me. "I guess under serious matters there can be. Like if the Alpha and Luna only had one child before the passed and it was a girl, she would have to take over the pack until her mate came by."

'But still I have no mate now... Would I still be able to run it by myself?' I vaguely hear Crystal think to herself. I guess with all this information overload she forgot to put the walls up to our mindlink.

"It'll be alright, Crystal. You have us, we can help you. Right Ashen?" I look toward him, waiting for him to respond as he had been quiet this whole time.

"I'll try to help with what I can but I'm not exactly in your pack nor have I been in a pack for a while, I'm not too certain on some of the pack rules." I could sense the uncertainty and sadness is laced in his voice. Does he feel sad that he can't help or for another reason? Before I can say anything, Crystal instead decides to comfort him.

"Well that'll change soon. I guess now that I'm Alpha / Luna, whatever I'm called, I get to decide who joins the pack." She declares with a full grin displayed in her triumphant face. I guess that's one perk of being Alpha. "And I accept you into our pack to become a full member of the Moon Paw pack. I guess all there is to do now is for you to agree to our rules and then your apart of our pack." If possible, her grin seems to be growing wider. The thought of Ashen joining the pack seemed to make my heart race faster. I would be able to see him everyday, I wouldn't have to sneak out of the borders to come see him. His eyes grow wider at the offer and a small smile appears onto his face.

"I would love to be apart of the pack. I agree to follow all the rules." As soon as he finishes his sentence, I feel a strange energy rush through me and it feels as though our bond is growing stronger by the second. I look up to see our pack tattoo slowly appearing on Ashen's forearm in the same place as mine. I look up further to meet his eyes which were staring straight at me. They seem to glow a bright amber colour, indicating his wolf was in control. Before I could understand what was happening, he dives towards me and I feel his arms wrap around my body.

With his sudden impact, I fall backwards onto the grass with a soft landing, grabbing onto him as an instinct. I hear Crystal chuckle slightly before my head starts to feel hazy from his closeness. I sense our bond growing closer and stronger than ever before, I guess that what's making Ashen's wolf take control. He snuggles his head into the nape of my nape and breaths in my scent. My whole body freezes up, and I have no clue what to do. I'm just happy Celestial isn't here for this. She would be barking and prancing and it would be even more chaos in my head.

"I guess it's true. The stronger the bonds is when mates join the same pack and become one with everyone," I vaguely hear Crystal talking to herself. I sense Ashen's presence drawing closer and his wolf's getting pushed back slightly. I feel his body stiffen before he lets go and sits up. With his body weight of me, I pull myself up off the ground and return to my sitting position. I realise that, although Ashen moved off of me, he didn't move away. He was still sitting beside me nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Sor- Sorry about that. Skull toke over there for a second." He looks over to me, and for the first time Ashen held my gaze without looking away. The only times he looked me directly in the eye was when Skull was taking over.

"Anyways..." Crystals voice breaks our little moment, chuckling, "We shouldn't keep the Council waiting for too long outside or they will get suspicious."

Ashen slowly rises up off the ground and before following after Crystal, he offers me a hand up.

"Thanks," I offer a small smile back as I take his hand and he lifts me off the ground.

"No problem," He smiles back, showing off his small dimples on his cheeks. I freeze for a moment, his smile seemed so bright and it was as though all he saw was me. I guess he is starting to slowly trust me.

I AM SOOOOO SORRY GUYS!!!!!!!!!! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES!! I had a massive writers block and I couldn't forgive out what to fill this chapter with.

But anyways. Ashen and Avery are so cute!!!
I don't know like Ashery or Aven
Comment some down and I might pick out one I like and mention it with your username.

Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I seriously love you all

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