Chapter 35: Wierd Smell

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Chapter 35: Wierd Smell


He had tripped... On a rock... I guess my clumsiness runs in the family.

Blake, Ashen and Sher all start cracking up laughing and I swear I saw Sher almost crying with laughter. I guess it was pretty funny but I think Kyle will get even madder so I try to hold my laughter in. I glance down at Kyle defeated form on the ground, and soon it starts to tremble with anger, that or it was embarrassment. I'm waiting for him to explode as he slowly lifts himself off the ground.

Once he is standing upright once again, I wait for him to either shift or run, however he doesn't. He stands there frozen with his nose in the air.

"What's that smell..."


I quickly sniff the air, however all I could smell was Ashen's sweet cinnamon scent. Could it be his scent his smelling? But since I'm his mate it's only really amplified for me. Similar with Blake's and Sher's scent, I can only smell deodarant on Blake and her coconut shampoo on Sher if I focus. However, Mates can smell each other's natural scents rather than the artificial smells we use. Thinking about all this, I wonder what my natural scent is? I'll have to ask Ashen later.

I glance back over to the others to see Sher and Blake sniffing the air too.

"What smell? I can only smell each other's scents," I ask, noticing both Sher, Blake and Ashen nodding their heads in agreement.

"What do you mean 'What smell?' it's so strong, I don't know how I didn't​ notice it earlier." Kyle exclaims, frantically looking around every where for the source.

"What does it smell like?" Sher offers.

"Hmmmm... Its got kind of a citrus-y smell to it," he quickly clarifies as he continues to smell the air. Once again we all check for a citrus smell, but to no avail we couldn't smell it. If its something only Kyle could smell, that could only mean...

"Maybe it has got something to do with your mate since we can't smell it," I suggest before thinking. Kyle's head suddenly snaps towards me. However before he could say anything, a loud voice booms around the surrounding area.

"Everyone! Please stop crowding around and pushing each other," I look over towards where the council members were, to find the pack members trying to push through them to meet the new leader. Gandalf was taking charge and instructing everyone what to do. "Everyone will be able to see her in a bit, just please calm down and take a step back."

Slowly, but surely, they start to back off and give Crystal and the council members some space.  Suddenly, Kyle's head snaps towards the group.

"It's becoming stronger..." He mutters whilst continuing to stare at the group. However, before we could ask anymore about this random scent he was smelling, Gandalf yells out and call everyone to gather around for an announcement. We start to head over towards where the rest over the pack was gathering. I look towards Kyle, who is still not taking his eyes off of the group, and I realise his eyes were slightly glowing a light amber and on a closer look his pupils where diluting and retracting.

His wolf was trying to take over... Which could only mean one thing... His mate was near. Hope soared in my chest and I grow excited for Kyle and I couldn't help my brain from wondering about who she was and about their future. In conclusion I was already planning their wedding. The colour are going to be sky blue and cream and... Ooooh and it can be on the beach and everything. The bridesmaid dresses can be matching the sky bl-

"Attention everyone!" Seera calls out to everyone gathering around, cutting off my wandering thoughts and future planning. I hear a low growl coming to my left where Kyle was standing, before he quickly mutters a few words which even my ears couldn't pick up. I look back towards where the Council and Crystal were standing, to find Seera motioning Crystal to come forwards. "I would like to call forward and welcome the new Luna of the Moon Paw pac-" however before she could finish introducing Crystal, a very rude pack member decides to interrupt.

"Who is this slut that's taking over my position?!" A very screechy voice ressounds through everyone's sensitive ears, causing many of us to cringe. Everyone already knew who it was due to her annoying voice... Chloe Hemmings the stuck-up queen bee... She stomps over towards where the council members were gathered.

I don't think she quite knows whats going on as she was missing from the the earlier drama, and when I think about it Sam was also missing. I hear some shouts and protests coming from behind her as I realise someone is pushing through the crowd. Once they finally get to the front of the crowd, everyone suddenly goes silent, a few people letting out large gasps.

"I demand you tell us what is going on here!" Sam yells out to the council as he storms over to them with Chloe by his side. Anger is written all over his face and I just manage to catch a glimpse of his crossed out pack mark. This signified the he was banished from the pack and is now a rogue. However I noticed Chloe's was still intact, I guess they couldn't really banish her as it wasn't her decision to reject Crystal.

Everyone in the crowd tries to stay as quiet as they could to hear what the Council would say to Sam, but if I couldn't catch what they were saying then no-one else could. However, everything that happened next, spanned over the time of a few seconds. Once Sam locked eyes with Crystal all hell broke loose and in that time I managed to realise Kyle is missing...

Sam goes to lunge for Crystal. And all of a sudden a loud, power full roar breaks the silence of the crowd.


Hey guys sorry that it's been awhile I had a massive writers block. I didn't know how to connect to two scenes I wanted to happen. But I managed to finish it.

I wasn't quite sure if I already had Sam taken away before or not so if I did just ignore that.

Anyways thanks for reading, I can't believe I already have over 80k reads on it. I'm also working on another book at the moment so if you want me to post a small section of it in here please tell me.

Love you all

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