Chapter 9: Pranks

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Chapter 9: Pranks

Whilst Sher and I sneak into the staff area, we struggle to carry all the coke cola, mentos, and string as we try not to make a sound. This is only one part of the prank, we decided we should pull the pranks on the teachers instead of the students. Sher and I are setting up two, probably amateur pranks whilst Harry sets up the three others.

We successfully sneak in, making sure no one sees us. I know what you're thinking right now. Probably; how can they sneak in a staff office when it should be crawling with teachers. Well, my answer for you is that they are all enjoying their lunch break. They all eat in a different area or go eat in their classrooms.

We place all our stuff in a pile next to the mini-fridge next to Mr. Selic's desk, our Chemistry Teacher. I go to grab the scissors when I realize.

"Shi-" I go to curse but am stopped by Sher's death glare. She hates when anyone swears, especially me or her parents. "-vers," I continue and return a guilty grin. "I forgot the scissors," I whisper-yell to My partner in crime.

"Surely there are some around, this is a teachers office for crying out loud," she reasons, keeping the same volume as I did. I start to scavenge around the teacher's desks looking for two pairs of scissors - one for me and one for Sher.

I finally find them, one on Mrs. Selic's desk (yes, his wife works here too) and another in Mr. Karnel's drawer (my math's teacher). I bring them back to where Sher was anxiously waiting. Sher always hated Mr. Selic, he always criticises her hair, saying it's not natural and that she would have to dye it back to the original color to be able to attend his classes. So this was the perfect revenge.

Sher stabs a mentos, creating a tiny hole which we then thread the string through and tie a knot so the candy doesn't fall. I open the coke, loving the sound of the gas escaping so that Sher can place the mentos inside. She places the string over where the lid screws on and I place the lid back on so the string is stuck in the lid. I then cut the remaining string that can be seen.

So basically, as soon as Mr. Selic opens the coke the mentos with drop and the coke will react and explode. Simple. We also quickly place three camera's around in places that to the teachers are basically hidden but from the cameras view you could basically see everything.

Soon after we placed the cameras we hear footsteps entering the teacher's room. I glance at Sher to see that she has the most horrified look on her face. Just as the footstep are around the corner I freeze time. I quickly pick up a terrified Sher and bolt out of the room, passing Miss Ballard (the gym teacher), into the hallway. Goodness, Sher is actually pretty light.

'You're a werewolf, you idiot. You have enhanced strength.' Celestial comments like I'm the dumbest wolf in the world. I roll my eyes at her mentally.

'That's cause you are the dumbest werewolf in the world,' she remarks back at my thoughts


I never thought I would use my powers for this. I quickly unfreeze before I use them too much. I place Sher down as she tries to figure out what happened.

"Wha- what happened?! Did you just use your power?!" She looks at me wide-eyed.

"Yea, but quiet down a bit will you. I don't want the whole world to know." Sher quickly nods in agreement and we move onto the next prank.

Have you guys of Pop pops? They are amazing. They've got tiny rocks with gunpowder on them or something like that, and they are all wrapped up in small layering. When you throw them on the ground they explode and make a really loud 'POP' hence the name Pop pops. Well, Sher and I decided to layer the top of the fan with these Pop pops. So once someone turn the fan on they will launch across the room and freak everyone out with the loud sounds.

Since Sher and I only did 2 pranks we finish up and wait for Harry to complete his masterpieces; hence his nickname prank master. Not long after we reach our assigned waiting place, Harry comes strolling around the corner looking smug as hell.

"Okay I've set up my traps, now we just gotta wait until tomorrow." He says before saying bye and leaving.

Hey, guys, it's me Willow :D

thanks for reading. I'll hopefully update soon.

Catch ya later

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