Chapter 20: Something's Missing...

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Chapter 20: Something's Missing.

"I was... Banished..."

"WHAT?! Why would the Alpha do that? But then again he is a bit mental... But what reason."

"So they could cover it up without having a mistake," she says.

"What do you mean? Cover what up?"

"Cover up the fact that... Chloe's not Sam's real mate," she reveals. With this I was speechless. Having an Alpha bond with someone who is not his mate to have them become Luna was blasphemous against the goddess' will and was considered illegal.

"But- Wait- Then who is his true mate?"

Avery's POV

Suddenly it all seems clear now. The rogue didn't mistake Crystal for Chloe as the Luna, but they correctly knew who was Sam's true mate. How they knew... Don't ask me. However they probably didn't expect that Sam wouldn't send a search party for her.

"Soooo wait... Let me get this clear... You're the true Luna of our pack..." I suggest hopefully.

"Yes... That's true. But I can no longer go into the territory."

"Yessss!" I shout, jumping around for joy, until I process what she said and the hurt look on her face. "Wait, no. Not about you not being allowed into the territory, but about Chloe not being the true Luna. She can barely count to ten, let alone run a pack." I've crystal realises what I meant, she slightly chuckles.

"However, what are we gonna do," I ponder outloud.

"Not we, me. You can go back to the pack, I can just stay out here. I'll be fine," Crystal says slowly with a sad look on her face. Celestial starts to whine in my head. I figure that it's because of what Crystal had said so I tune her out.

"No! You are my guardian, we are in this together," I state, not allowing Crystal to reject the idea. "Follow me, I might have a place you can stay."

I show her to my hidden 'hideout' where I had initially heard her cry out.

"You can stay here. It's past the border and for some reason, it's hard to track a wolf's scent around it," I comment proudly, motioning my arm around the small clearing. "I'll bring some food and blankets later on. And we'll also be able to talk through our new mind link if you need anything."

"Thankyou so much Avery," she genuinely says. "But I'll cope fine by myself I am part wild wolf after all. I can just shift during the night to keep warm and hunt during the day if I get hungry. I be fine," she reassures. Celestial once again whines in my head. Something must be up with her, maybe I used up too much energy.

"You sure?" I eye her cautiously.


"Anyway in the meantime I'll try to sort something out to get you to be able to come back to the pack," I say as I start to make my way back to the entree of the cave.

"Thanks again Avery, I mean it," she says once again, "but I feel like we are missing something..."

She's right, it does feel like something is missing. It feels like I should be carrying something... Suddenly Celestial barks out in my head: "MATE!" Realisation pops into my face. HOW COULD I FORGET!! I left my mate back where Crystal and I were talking. CRAP!!!

I dash back out of the cave, swiftly changing in my wolf. I faintly hear Crystal shouting my name through the mind link.

'Sorry, I just remembered what I forgot, I'll be back in one second,' I guickly say to her reassuring that everything was alright. However in my head it was a mental battle.

'How could you forget about him?!' Celestial barks.

'I don't know, I'm sorry. So so sorry. Let's just hope he hasn't woken up yet and decided to explore.' I say sincerely to Celestial. She sighs slightly.

'I can never stay mad at you... But since I've met him now, I know his scent. So if he has wondered, I'll be able to track him down.' She states, lifting a huge weight off my shoulders with me thinking I had already lost him.

Since I was in my wolf form it took a shorter time to get there. I stay in my wolf form as I arrive to the place where we had placed him down. Crystal had sat him on a log she was sitting on, however he was no longer there. My mind goes into a frenzy.

What if the rogues followed us and took him again.

What if the guards from the pack found him and took him into the cells.

What if he didn't want to be the mate of the whit-

'Avery!' Celestial shouts to gain my attention. 'It's alright, he has just fallen off the log.'

With this I glance back over towards the log to see something hiding behind the log. I walk over towards the log and peer behind it. My mate was casually sleeping on a small pile of damp leaves. I manage to get him on my back and run back towards the clearing hoping he won't fall off. I feel another nagging sensation in my stomach which makes me speed up. I watch the trees as they blur past, maybe it was just nothing...

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