Chapter 21: Reuniting

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Above is a picture of Ashen's wolf form.

Chapter 21: Reuniting

My mate was casually sleeping on a small pile of damp leaves. I manage to get him on my back and run back towards the clearing hoping he won't fall off. I feel another nagging sensation in my stomach which makes me speed up. I watch the trees as they blur past, maybe it was just nothing...

Avery's POV

It's been a whole day since I took my mate back to the cave and he still hasn't woken up. Crystal just says that it's because he was in the silver cage for so long and he needs to regain his energy. However Celestial was freaking out thinking that it's because we scared him too much. I haven't told anyone that I found my mate just yet, not even Mum, Sher or Kyle. Speaking of him, where has Kyle been lately. I haven't talked to him in ages and he's my brother. Don't tell me he's been captured too... Meh, he's a big boy he can handle it.

Suddenly Crystal's voice echoes through our mind link.

'Av, he woke up and he's freaking out asking where you are. I'm trying to keep him in the cave so he doesn't cross the border but he's trying to get to you.'

'Okay Crys (said like Chris), tell him I'll be over in a second.'

'Crys?' She asks puzzled.

'Yea, you're using my nickname, so I gave you a nickname.' I explain as she slightly chuckles.

'You make me sound like a guy.'

'Maybe that was intentional,' I cheekily comment.


'Anyways, I'll be over in a minute.'

'Hurry he's freaking out.' With that she ends the connection in the mind link. I quickly change from my pyjamas into some comfy clothes to go running in. I'd prefer not to run in wolf form within the pack boundaries as there could still be guards around looking for the rogues. However, I quickly grab a spare change of clothes just in case. I loosely tie my brown hair into high ponytail and take off running once I get outside.

Once I arrive at the caves entrance, I vaguely hear some paws hitting the ground, it sounded close. I concentrate my hearing to where it was coming from. I hear the echoing of the paws meaning that it was coming from inside the cave. I quickly open my eyes only to see a large black wolf diving for me. He is probably big enough to be an alpha. He quickly pins me down, however, instead of sinking in his teeth, his slobbery tongue finds its way to my cheek. Celestial begins getting energetic and starts to prance and pounce around in my head, so basically she goes psycho. I soon hear some shouting getting louder coming out of the cave.

"Wait! You can't leave the cave! We have to wait for Av-" Crystal comes running out after the wolf shouting. But once she notices that the wolf was attacking me with slobbery licks she calms down. "Nevermind. I see you already found her."

"Okay boy... Could you hop off me now?" I try to reason with the wolf, trying to calm him down. Thankfully, I feel the wolf's weight slowly decrease as he hops off me and sits on the ground in front of me, furiously wagging his tail. I turn towards Crystal, "What happened?"

She shrugs before answering. "I guess he smelt you coming closer and then his wolf took over and he ran out." I glance over towards the wolf. If his wolf is in charge that means that this is Skull.

'Yes, indeed Celestial's pair.' A males voice vibrates through my head. I can feel Celest start to try take control, so I allow her in. She quickly shifts and bounds over to Skull who was in control of my mates body.

'Celest, would you be able to reunite inside the cave. I'm scared a guard might see us.' I hear a short sigh and a quick alright, before I can feel myself move towards the cave with Skull quickly following behind as well as Crystal looking confused.

Once inside the cave Celestial and Skull run around inside for a bit before allowing me back in control. I go behind a rock and quickly change into the spare clothes I brought. I walk back out to notice that my mate hasn't shifted, nor had Skull given up the control earlier.

'I am allowing him to rest as the silver has done a lot of damage to his human side.' Skull explains through the mind link.

'Would you be able to tell me his name,' I ask curiously.

'I will allow him to tell you when he is ready,' he responds cheekily. He is just like Celest! I see why these two are mates they are both irritating and smart alecks.

'Hey! I heard that!' They both exclaim simultaneously. See! They are basically the same.

Ignoring them I turn towards Crystal, "How has everything been?"

"Pretty good, but I think the guards at one stage felt our presence around this area. However, I had enough time to hide our scents around the entrance to the cave, so they went to another area."

"I'll have to be more careful too when I come to visit, I guess."

We sit in silence for a while while we watch Skull play with the lake's water. I guess it's been a while since he has been let out.

"Hey Avery, can I ask you to do a favour for me?" Crystal asks hesitantly.

"Sure, anything."

"Would you be able to tell my parents I'm alright, they will be devastated if I've been gone for how long you've told me." She turns to me with tears in her eyes. Sensing her sadness, Skull comes over and places his head on my lap. I slowly stroke his soft fur as I let her finish. "I really miss them too."

"It would be my pleasure to madam," I say in a fake British accent, trying to cheer her up. Thankfully, it earns a small chuckle from her.

"Thanks Avery, you're a real friend." I give her a tight hug to reassure her that everything will be alright.

Suddenly a loud voice booms through my head, 'All pack members must be outside the pack house in 10 minutes. No-one is allowed to skip this meeting. Even if you are sick or injured. Everyone MUST attend! Everyone!' It was the alpha, and he didn't sound too happy...

Hey guys IM BACK!!!!
I know I know I was like away for two months or something. I am very sorry but I am currently in my last year of school and I had some of my exams. But positive side I can write more often now.

Anyway hope you enjoyed, it might start to get more exciting the next few chapters.

Please don't forget to vote and share if possible. I can't believe my book has like over 45 000 views. LIKE WHATTTT?!! Thankyou so much guys.

Love you guys so much

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