Chapter 28: New Luna?!

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We make our way outside and jump into the car, Kyle in the drivers seat, which might I just add, I still don't entirely trust him driving me around yet. He jerks out onto the road that leads towards the pack house and revs the car loudly before taking off leading the house behind in the dust. Next up... Meeting the Council...

The view of the pack house becomes visible from behind the forest as well as the large crowd gathering around outside. Kyle quickly parks the car and we jump out to see what the commotion was all about.

"We demand to see the Alpha," someone from within the Council exclaims to the group,"Why aren't you all allowing us to see him." This couldn't be too good, they sound to cranky and upset to be here on good terms. I quickly spot where Sher, Blake and Harry are all together and drag Kyle over to them. I try to gain an idea about what's going on but they are all to immersed in what's happening to answer my questions.

"We are sorry but the Alpha isn't here right now as I have said. He should be making his way here now," The Beta (second in command) tries to calm the raging council members. It seems as though they have been arguing for a while now.

"I refuse to believe the Alpha had left his pack lands without telling anyone, you must be hiding him from us," a man, who looked to be the youngest out of the group of members, shouts out trying to force his way into the pack house. Suddenly, a bright light flashes in my eyes causing me to go blind for a few seconds before moving away from my face. I realise that it had reflected off of something shiny. But what was large enough to reflect that. The soldiers armour... wait?! SOLDIERS! There are several soldiers standing behind the council members. What could have the alpha done to deserve this. Then again, he is crazy. Maybe they finally realised he's a lunatic.

"I'll tell you again, he is at the neighbouring pack!" The beta reinforces the blockade of pack members to block the council member from storming into the house.

"Why would he need to be over at the neighbouring pack, when he could just call!"

"Because... t-to... " The beta pauses, trying to back up the reasons behind our Alpha's decision. "Fine... he is there to help with the search of the White Wolf." With the mention of the last words, shivers spread across my skin. All the council members look astonished and shocked and the information the beta had provided.

Normally the council is to set up a team of special trained tracker wolves to search out the White Wolf at a certain time. So Alpha's searching for white wolves is not really allowed as some fear that, an Alpha would take the White Wolf captive as a mate as many try to do to grow stronger with their power. Alphas are normally very power seeking, and the idea of a Wolf with special ability intrigues them to the point of them gaining the idea of forcing one to be their mate. One of the many reasons I am to stay hidden.

"Even more of a reason to see him now!" Many council members agree with the young mans words, however I notice that one had not said anything the whole time, who seemed to be the oldest. He was bent over holding a walking stick and white hair slicked over to hide certain bald spots. The wrinkles that shaped his face curved around his kind permanent smile that has not left his face since I noticed him. Whilst the others are still arguing I realise the slight twitching of his nose indicating he's sniffing the air. Although his eyes were squinting, they widen slightly before he slowing starts to look around the crowd. He hones in on the area where the cars where parked. I follow his gaze to see that he's staring at Kyle's and my car. His eyes slowly move back towards the crowd searching the different faces. He must have somehow smelt my scent from all the times I've been in the car. He's either looking for Kyle's scent as he can't identify mine in crowd or he can still get a hint of my scent through all the perfume and spray.

A loud engine suddenly fills the air before he can find me and I tear away my gaze to find he Alpha's car pulling into the reserved park for him. The door flings open to reveal the angry alpha, and for the first time, the soldiers move. They race over towards the car, their armour making the loudest racket as they dash over which didn't help with our sensitive hearing. With the sudden movement and loud noises, many people in the crowd scream and crouch to the ground holding their ears.

Two of the soldiers roughly grabs the alphas arms either side whilst the other hovers his hand over his gun in a guarded stance. With all the loud sounds, I couldn't make out the Alpha's protests until the soldiers drag him by the arms closer to the council.

"What's going on? Why are you arresting me?" The Alpha's face told it all; annoyed and about to kill someone. Most of our pack realise the alphas anger and move backwards, away from the middle of the commotion where he was.

"We hereby, banish you and your family from leadership of the Moon Paw pack to forever wander the land as rogues," with those words, suddenly, the bond between us and the alpha breaks. A small black mark appears on the alpha's arm as proof of the banishment. "For rejecting the Future Luna of the pack, therefore rejecting the will of the moon goddess. This is a serious crime for which you will be punished. The leadership of the pack will be given over to her."

Oh my goodness! So much stuff is happening!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Hope you all liked this chapter. I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve to give you an update as a Christmas present!

Hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas. I honestly wanted a puppy but I can't get one at the moment cause I'm going to go off to college soon. 😕 But I got mainly money to save up for one later on 😆

Hope you had a great year, and hopefully I'll update again soon

Love you guys so much

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