Chapter 43: Friendship Fight

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Chapter 43: Friendship Fight


"Not to offend you or anything... But how did you manage to win against Neal in a fist fight? It seemed as though to me you knew all his moves already." I ask curiously, hoping he would pass on some wisdom to me and Ashen for our fight.

"Well, Ive fought with him for years," Ryder shrugs nonchalantly, as if it was no big deal. "I know all of his habits from watching him. If you can pick up the smallest thing, you can sometimes either find a weakness or manage to figure out what move they will throw. Anyways good luck with your fight."

With that reminder, I was doomed...

"After a short break, we will have Beta Michael and his mate Winfrey and Omega Ashen and his mate Avery, come up to begin their match..."

Whilst chatting to Katie, before we have to fight, I hear a loud gasp coming from behind me. Katie's face quickly turns into a confused one. I turn around, to find Sher standing there with a shocked expression, dragging Blake behind her.

"Now you've BETRAYED our friendship TWICE?!!" She exclaims as if shocked and hurt. Katie looks flustered and is looking between the two of us. "First it was Crystal, now you've become best friends with another?! I must not be that important..." She pretends to wipe a few non-existent tears away.

Katie becomes more more flustered and nervous as she looks between the two of us, waiting for a fight to occur. Several other pack members watch curiously, probably wondering what the loud shouts were. I roll my eyes at Sher, also noticing Blake copying the similar action. He must have gotten use to her small outbursts about things that don't matter.

"Katie... This is my best friend Sher... Sher this is Katie, Ryder's mate." I quickly introduce them before, Sher can cause anymore unnecessary drama and make Katie more uncomfortable. But it seems that Sher still wants to keep acting. I think she has this idea of pretending to act crazy in front of people, so only people with similar personalities would stick around or join in with her crazy antics.

"Ohhhhh?!! So now you call me your best friend!" She exclaims loudly with a shocked tone towards me, before quickly turning towards Katie and saying politely: "Nice to meet you... But you can probably just call me crazy.."

Katie finally understanding it wasn't a serious fight, chuckles slightly before answering Sher. "Nice to meet you Crazy, I go by Insane." Katie holds out her hand towards Sher.

Suddenly, Sher's whole face lights up with excitement. She gives Katie a small shake before rushing towards me. She grabs my two hands and starts to jump up and down. "Ohhh! I like her, Ave! Can we keep her?! Pretty please." This makes all of us crack up laughing before Sher gives us a look as if she did nothing wrong.

"Sher, she's not an animal we can... Well technically she is an animal... But what I mean is that she's not a pet that we can keep and it's up to her if she wants to stay around to deal with your crazy antics." Sher throws me another look, pretending to be offended whilst she places a hand over her heart.

"Can I get the next two pairs to step into the fighting area." Kyle calls out, reminding me of where I am and what's going on, making my heart race faster. Thanks to Sher and Katie my nerves seemed to have had disappeared earlier, making this a little easier. Sher and Katie urge me forwards into the area along with Ashen. As we walk towards the middle, I hear Katie's and Sher's loud screams and cheers. Those two really do match each other.

As we finally arrive in the middle, we are greeted with Michael and Winfrey's stern faces. Ive never liked Winfrey much. She came here from another pack... Another pack that was much richer and when Michael was Beta, she made sure everyone knew. She acted like she was better in every sense. Most of our pack hated her, however, since she was friends with the old Alpha and mates with the Beta we couldn't do one thing wrong or speak against her. She's had many families kicked out of the pack because someone didn't bow down to her. When I was younger, I use to have two other friends, other than Sher, that were twins... Their family was one of the first ones that had gotten kicked out. However, since the girls were so young, he sold them off to another pack as slaves. I just hope it was a good pack, and one day I'll see them again or be able to help them. That's how rotten she is.

Seeing her standing here confidently, makes me wonder if she even knows how to fight.

"We all know you guys aren't going to win, but to save the struggle how about you just forfeit now." Confirming my thoughts, Winfrey decides to start bargaining with us with a sneer on her face. Noticing neither Ashen or I were taking her up on her offer to give up she decides to raise the price. "I'll give you both $1000 just so you don't have to get beaten up."

The fact that she was offering us money to back down, immediately signals to me that she wasn't actually that confident in winning. This thought causes the side of my lips to smirk upwards. Maybe we did have a chance afterall. I glare at Winfrey causing her to look shocked towards my attitude. Since the Alpha is no longer here and Michael isn't Beta yet, she has no authority over me. I probably have more over her, being the Alpha's sister. I'll take my revenge for the twins.

Kyle makes his way towards us, probably seeing the evil spark in my eyes as I watch Winfrey like a hawk. This is my opportunity to beat her posh rich ass. 

"Now, no more talking. Please start on either side and when I say go, you're allowed to start." Both Ashen and I oblige to Kyle's orders and start to make our way towards our side, however, Winfrey had other plans.

"Just be ready to lose and get beaten," she responds nastily before walking away with Michael.

Ashen guides me towards the edge of the fighting space before I could snap at Winfrey. We had come up with a similar plan to Ryder and Katie's, one on one until I can defeat Winfrey. Then outnumber Michael and hopefully take him down.

"READY... SET..."


Hey guys!!! I had another day off today so I decided to continue writing for you guys cause I know the fight scenes can always be suspenseful.

Hopefully you enjoyed this new chapter as well as Sher's craziness. Avery also mentioned an old memory she had. Should I continue with the twins story and have them reappear later on.

Anyways love you all, so happy you're reading my book

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