Chapter 10: You have No Proof

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Chapter 10: You have No Proof

I couldn't sleep at all last night as I was too excited to see what would happen at school. So now I'm walking around looking like I just strolled out of a scene from the walking dead, in other words, I was a zombie...

Aside from that, Sher and I are just about to walk into our maths class with Mr. Selic, the teacher that we did the coca cola prank on. We walk in and I notice that he is pretty pissed off. Guess he didn't like the present we left him. I sit in between Harry and Sher as the rest of the class take their seats. Once the whole class is seated, Mr. Selic decides to stand up and says, "I have two things too say, first off who... Owns this camera?" He holds up my blue camera that I had placed on an opposite teachers desk so it would record the scene of the prank. I discreetly raise my hand, I also notice that the recording light on the camera is still on telling me that it's still recording. Thank goodness Mr. Selic is totally clueless when it comes to technology.

"Would you like to tell me, Miss Silvesta what your camera was doing on Ms. Callahan's desk," he says as he realizes I put my hand up.

"Urrr... I lost it the other day and Ms. Callahan must have picked it up, I must thank her later because I was looking for it for ages yesterday," I lie through my teeth, but not literally cause that would look really weird.

"Next time don't lose it," He comments shortly after he hands it back. I point the recording camera towards Sher who winks very secretively at it. I chuckle a bit before stopping the recording and going back to what the teacher had to say.

"And the second point has to do with you Mr. Carvido (Harry btw). I know you set up that prank in my office so would you kindly get out of my classroom and go to the principles office." All the students casually look over towards Harry as he sits there not caring a bit.

He smirks a bit before saying, "you have no proof I did it." Funny thing is he didn't do it.

"Actually I do have proof," he states as he holds up a CD. "This is the recording from the security camera at the entry of the teacher's office. I thought we could watch it in class today."

A few students muffle their cheers and 'yes no maths', stuff like that, whilst Sher looks over at me with a face full of horror. Crap if that camera caught us we'll be in big trouble and most likely I'll be sent away from the school as I only have one chance. Mr. Selic places the disc into his computer and with help off of some students he opened up the recording.

On the screen was the entry to the teacher's office. Everyone watches quietly whilst Harry keeps casting discrete glances towards us and Mr. Selic's smug face. My heart rate increases as I see my grey converses in the top corner but it was thankfully blurry and no one noticed it. Soon a noticeable blur flashes across the screen and the students jump slightly. That's when I remember that I had used my speed to get both Sher and I inside fast and used my freezing time power to get us out. I visibly relax allowing Sher to know that it's alright. When the taping had finished Harry casually pipes in "as you can see there is no proof just some technical difficulties with your camera."

Mr. Selic just stands there looking shocked. Then throws a hissy fit and storms out of the room. He has always wanted to catch and prove that Harry is the prankster. All the guys high five Harry and the classroom burst into chatter as everyone starts their own conversations with the teacher out of the room. Harry turns to me and says, "let's see that video."

We spend the rest of class time laughing our butts off at Mr. Selic going absolutely crazy when he opens the coke bottle. I link the camera up to my computer and transfer the video over and then I send it to Harry and Sher via email.

Sadly we set the other prank up in many different places so we didn't have enough cameras, but we heard lots of commotion in the corridor of people gossiping about it. One of Harry's friends were actually in the classroom at the time and he said that it scared the living daylights out of the students and especially the teacher as she thought they were gun fires. It would've been absolutely hilarious if I had got to see the surprised faces as the pops exploded. 

I also heard that Harry's pranks were successful and some students had got to record them happening and were gonna put them up on Facebook later on today, so we get to watch them.

Today was one of the best days I have ever had at school. High springs Ww academy had never been a place where I could enjoy myself. Hopefully, this will change for the better...

I'm sorry if no one knows what the pop pops thingys are but here in Australia, we have these small, like very small, like smaller than your pinky fingers fingertip, packages where, when you throw them at the ground they create a loud bang and sometimes even a tiny flame. We call them pop pops. But yea I love them, I put up a picture if you don't understand what I mean.

Thanks for reading again and if you decide to follow me I'll follow you guys back cause I love you guys.


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