Chapter 27: The Council

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Chapter 27: The Council

"Well, it's as though her wolf's not there. However, Skull can still feel her presence so she isn't dead," with that I let out sigh of relief before listening back in. "But it's as though she is just absent. So she will most likely come back, however, I not sure how long it will take though."

I go to respond, however a loud obnoxious voice echoes through my head. "Avery! You need to get home now. Something's going on. The council of wolves are here!" Kyle's voice demands in my head. Sher looks over to me indicating she got one similar from her parents.

And somehow, this feels like déjà vu...
Avery's POV

I remove my clothes once I'm outside and shift into Sher's wolf using my power, just to mock her and start to run towards my house. Even though this situation seemed serious, it doesn't mean my brain will take it seriously... yet. The council of Wolves are here so that means that anything could happen. The Council consists of six elders, 4 men and 2 women, who enforce the laws and guide the werewolf race along with the King Alpha and Queen Luna. They could be doing anything on our boundary, from just checking on the packs to looking for the white wolf like the neighbouring pack. Hopefully not the latter.

As we near my house, Sher and I split off as she heads for the pack house. I see my house coming into view so I decide to shift behind a tree and place my clothes back on that I was carrying. I rush up the front steps, however before I could reach the door, it slams open. Kyle bursts out of the door, and quickly grabs me.

"Where the hell where you?!" He asks whilst rapidly shaking me. "AND WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE ROGUES?!" I slightly whimper at the sudden loud noise and block my ears.

"Quiet down! Remember that I have heightened senses now, ESPECIALLY HEARING!" I yell back with the same loudness as Kyle used, causing him to block his ears and death glare me back. "I was just with Crystal and my mate, which is why I smell like rogues," I purposely leave out the part where Ashen hugged me as I'm sure Kyle would faint or yell again and we don't need that right now. Kyle growls at the word mate, still not comfortable with me having a mate. I roll my eyes at him, he seriously needs to find his mate so he can get over mine. He seems more obsessed over him then I do, and that's weird. "Anyways, what's this about the Council of wolves?"

"I was coming back from Ryder's when their entourage arrive and I mind linked you and ran back here. I have no idea why they are here and the Alpha didn't know anything about it because he would've mind linked us all the welcome them. It's probably just a surprise inspection on the Alpha's leadership and I would prefer to not have to explain to them why you aren't inside the pack borders." Kyle gives me stern look before continuing. "Just go take a quick shower to cover their scent. Make sure you cover up with a lot of perfume or spray because since they are in the council they will be able to sense Celestial is the white wolf from your smell. We still have to keep that a secret even from them."

Nervously I race upstairs  to take a quick shower. I quickly strip and jump into the shower allowing the hot water to wash away the remaining scent and memory of Ashen. I try to use as many different, strong scented shampoos and body washes as possible. Would they be able to sense Celestial, even if she is gone? Where could she have gone to? Has it got to do with why the Council is here? All these questions create a massive jumbled mess inside my mind and distracts me from the time.

Soon enough I hear Kyle knocking on the bathroom door telling me to hurry up. I quickly use my green apple body wash one more time before hopping out. I race around my room pulling out clothing from different draws from my dresser and my closet. In no time I have an outfit on which consists of loose khaki pants, a long black shirt that just reached over my butt and a red plaid, button up, long sleeve that I tied around my waist. I spritz on some of my perfume to cover up my scent, as I can't conceal celestials presence without her help but I can limit it. Before Kyle could yell at me again, I bolt out of my room and rush downstairs to catch him waiting for me.

"We're taking the car because it's faster and it'll also cause you not to gain your wolf scent back." When we shift, we smell more of our wolf afterwards, so therefore it'll help concealing my scent.

We make our way outside and jump into the car, Kyle in the drivers seat, which might I just add, I still don't entirely trust him driving me around yet. He jerks out onto the road that leads towards the pack house and revs the car loudly before taking off leading the house behind in the dust. Next up... Meeting the Council...

I can't believe it's already Christmas! What are you guys getting for Christmas? 🌲🎄

I'm not really getting much, but I love giving and this chapter is my present to you! ❤️ I really do appreciate you all reading and I really do mean that. At first I thought my book wouldn't make it as far as it has, but you guys encouraged me to update. I just did it for fun but now I love writing.

Anyways, I'm camping at the moment which means if I get bored I could probably update again (hopefully)!

Thanks for reading
~Willow xx

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