Chapter 59: Silver Cage

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Chapter 59: Silver Cage


"Alright... I'll listen to his story." Hope soars through me and I look over to my mother with tear-filled eyes. 'However... I want to hear it from him..." She offers me a small smile, promising me she wouldn't hurt him in return. I nod furiously, showing her my eager agreement. After a few more hugs from Sher and Crystal, I change into my white wolf, not having enough energy to change to my brother's form.

I give the others a toothy grin before running off into the forest. Excited and Happiness pushes me forwards as I reach closer to Ashen, the bond dragging us closer together. I lose all sense of my surroundings and I focus all my thoughts on reaching him. However, I would never have been able to expect what happened next. Suddenly, a sharp pain strikes the back of my head as someone knocks me out. Darkness starts to take over my vision as I manage to catch sight of who it was. That strange man that met with Kyle that one night I ran away... Beta Navier...

The sound of dripping water stirs me awake. The smell of rogue wolves floods my senses causing my body to go on alert. I suddenly remember what had happened, My eyes fly open and I jump up to guard myself. Seeing no-one around, I observe my surroundings quickly, trying to put a plan together.

A Silver cage surrounds me, allowing me barely enough room to walk around in. A small, bare bed sits in the corner of the cell with a lone raggy blanket over the corner. Chains are cuffed around my hands and another chain leads off of them linking me to the bed. There is enough chain to allow me to venture around the whole cells, but its probably there so I don't attack anyone entering, or when the door opens to allow someone in, I can't escape. An unexpected wind flies in from somewhere, sending chills down my spine. I don't remember it being this cold. I look down to notice my clothes had changed. I am currently wearing a ragged stained oversized shirt, which thankfully reaches to just above my knees. It seems as though they confiscated everything of mine that I was carrying, including my shoes... Which I really wanted right now as my feet were freezing against the cold stone floor.

The one thing that catches my attention is the bars of the cell. The bars emit a small glow causing my curiosity to flare up. I start to reach out my hand, knowing that silver doesn't affect me.

'STOP!' Celestial screams weakly, preventing me from touching the bars. 'Those bars are made from Moon Silver, which is why it's slightly glowing. That silver DOES affect you... It's affecting you even now... Our bond... It's getting more... Distant..." Her voice beings to fade and starts to feel further away. Suddenly our connection snaps and I could no longer feel her in my consciousness. The amount of Moon silver around starts to make me feel groggy as my eyes being to go blurry and my legs become weak. I stumble before collapsing to the ground, my legs no longer able to hold my weight. So this is what silver does to a werewolf. Silver normally just makes a werewolf feel weak, however, people coat wolfsbane as further protection around the silver which seems to have more of an effect on the werewolf than silver does. So it's really the wolfsbane that does damage when you touch it, however, I don't know if they have coated them in this case.

I hear a rattling of keys as I notice a guard peek his head around the corner, probably to check the noise I was making. The chains had rattled around considering I had fallen over earlier. He runs off shortly after realizing I'm conscious, most likely fetching the boss. Whoever that is... I glance around trying to get any hint of where I am. However, I don't recognize my surroundings at all, but there isn't much to go off of anyway. There are no windows, no doors, only a numerous amount of cells surrounding mine with a pathway through the middle of them.

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